]> rtime.felk.cvut.cz Git - hubacji1/wrrr.git/blob - src/rrts_wr.cc
Implement rrts planner as service
[hubacji1/wrrr.git] / src / rrts_wr.cc
1 #include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"
2 #include "nav_msgs/srv/get_plan.hpp"
3 #include "rrtsp.hh"
5 void
6 plan_path(const std::shared_ptr<nav_msgs::srv::GetPlan::Request> req,
7                 std::shared_ptr<nav_msgs::srv::GetPlan::Response> res)
8 {
9         rrts::P39 p;
10         double sx = req->start.pose.position.x;
11         double sy = req->start.pose.position.y;
12         double sh = 0.0;  // FIXME
13         p.set_start(sx, sy, sh);
14         double gx = req->goal.pose.position.x;
15         double gy = req->goal.pose.position.y;
16         double gb = 0.0;  // FIXME
17         double ge = 0.0;  // FIXME
18         p.set_goal(gx, gy, gb, ge);
19         // TODO make 1000 settable over ROS (max iters before reset)
20         p.set_imax_reset(1000);
21         p.reset();
22         unsigned icnt = 0;
23         unsigned ncnt = 0;
24         double best_cost = 0.0;
25         auto best_path = p.get_path();
26         // TODO make 1000 settable over ROS (max iters total)
27         while (icnt < 1000) {
28                 p.icnt(icnt);
29                 while (p.next()) {}
30                 icnt = p.icnt();
31                 if (best_cost == 0.0 || p.get_path_cost() < best_cost) {
32                         // TODO make 0.75 settable over ROS
33                         if (p.get_path_cost() < 0.75 * best_cost) {
34                                 ncnt = 0;
35                         }
36                         best_path = p.get_path();
37                         best_cost = p.get_path_cost();
38                 } else {
39                         ncnt++;
40                 }
41                 // TODO make 5 settable over ROS
42                 if (ncnt > 5) {
43                         break;
44                 }
45                 p.reset();
46         }
47         RCLCPP_INFO(rclcpp::get_logger("rclcpp"),
48                         "path planned in %lf s, path cost %lf m",
49                         p.scnt(), best_cost);
50         res->plan.poses.clear();
51         for (auto pp: best_path) {
52                 geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped p;
53                 p.pose.position.x = pp.x();
54                 p.pose.position.y = pp.y();
55                 p.pose.position.z = 0.0;
56                 // TODO use pp.h() to compute orientation
57                 p.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
58                 p.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
59                 p.pose.orientation.z = 0.0;
60                 p.pose.orientation.w = 0.0;
61                 res->plan.poses.push_back(p);
62         }
63 }
65 int
66 main(int argc, char **argv)
67 {
68         rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
69         auto node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("rrts");
70         auto srv = node->create_service<nav_msgs::srv::GetPlan>("rrts/planner",
71                         &plan_path);
72         RCLCPP_INFO(rclcpp::get_logger("rclcpp"), "Ready to plan paths.");
73         rclcpp::spin(node);
74         rclcpp::shutdown();
75         return 0;
76 }