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[jenkicar/rpp-simulink.git] / doc / rpp_simulink.bib
1 @MASTERSTHESIS {michalhorn2013,
2     author = "Michal Horn",
3     title  = "Software obsluhující periferie a flexray na automobilové řídící jednotce",
4     school = "Czech Technical University in Prague",
5     year   = "2013",
6     note   = "Unpublished master thesis"
7 }
8 @MISC{modelbasedwiki2013,
9 title = {Model-Based design},
10 label = {MBD},
11 month = mar,
12 year = {2013},
13 howpublished = {\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-based_design}}
14 }
15 @TECHREPORT {armassemblylanguagetools2012,
16     author      = "{Texas Instruments}",
17     title       = "{ARM} {A}ssembly Language Tools",
18     institution = "{Texas Instruments}",
19     year        = "2012"
20 }
21 @TECHREPORT {armoptimizingccppcompiler2012,
22     author      = "{Texas Instruments}",
23     title       = "{ARM} {O}ptimizing {C/C++} Compiler",
24     institution = "{Texas Instruments}",
25     year        = "2012"
26 }
27 @TECHREPORT {embeddedcoderreference2013,
28     author      = "MathWorks",
29     title       = "Embedded Coder 2013b -- {R}eference",
30     institution = "MathWorks",
31     year        = "2013"
32 }
33 @TECHREPORT {ebmeddedcoderusersguide2013,
34     author      = "MathWorks",
35     title       = "Embedded Coder 2013b -- {U}ser's Guide",
36     institution = "MathWorks",
37     year        = "2013"
38 }
39 @TECHREPORT {simulinkcoderreference2013,
40     author      = "MathWorks",
41     title       = "Simulink Coder 2013b -- {R}eference",
42     institution = "MathWorks",
43     year        = "2013"
44 }
45 @TECHREPORT {targetlanguagecompiler2013,
46     author      = "MathWorks",
47     title       = "Simulink 2013b -- {T}arget Language Compiler",
48     institution = "MathWorks",
49     year        = "2013"
50 }
51 @TECHREPORT {simulinkcoderusersguide2013,
52     author      = "MathWorks",
53     title       = "Simulink Coder 2013b -- {U}ser's Guide",
54     institution = "MathWorks",
55     year        = "2013"
56 }
57 @TECHREPORT {simulinkdevelopingsfunctions2013,
58     author      = "MathWorks",
59     title       = "Simulink 2013b -- {D}eveloping {S}-Functions",
60     institution = "MathWorks",
61     year        = "2013"
62 }
63 @TechReport {mathworks13:simul_2013b,
64   author =       "MathWorks",
65   title =        "Simulink 2013b -- {U}ser's Guide",
66   institution =  "MathWorks",
67   year =         2013
68 }
69 @TECHREPORT {rm48xtechnicalreferencemanual2013,
70     author      = "{Texas Instruments}",
71     title       = "{RM48x} 16/32-Bit {RISC} Flash Microcontroller -- {T}echnical Reference Manual",
72     institution = "{Texas Instruments}",
73     year        = "2013"
74 }
75 @TECHREPORT {tms570xtechnicalreferencemanual2012,
76     author      = "{Texas Instruments}",
77     title       = "{TMS570LS31x/21x} 16/32-Bit {RISC} Flash Microcontroller -- {T}echnical Reference Manual",
78     institution = "{Texas Instruments}",
79     year        = "2012"
80 }
81 @TECHREPORT {rm48hdkusersguide2013,
82     author      = "{Texas Instruments}",
83     title       = "{RM48} Hercules Development Kit ({HDK}) -- {U}ser's Guide",
84     institution = "{Texas Instruments}",
85     year        = "2013",
86     url         = "http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/spnu508b/spnu508b.pdf",
87 }
88 @TECHREPORT {tms570hdkusersguide2013,
89     author      = "{Texas Instruments}",
90     title       = "{TMS570} Hercules Development Kit ({HDK}) -- {U}ser's Guide",
91     institution = "{Texas Instruments}",
92     year        = "2013",
93 }
94 @BOOK {usingthefreertos2009,
95     author    = "Richard Barry",
96     title     = "Using the FreeRTOS real time kernel -- A practical guide",
97     publisher = "Richard Barry",
98     year      = "2009"
99 }
101 @Online{freertosapi,
102   author =       {{Real Time Engineers Ltd.}},
103   title =        {{FreeRTOS} {API} reference},
104   year =         2015,
105   url =          {http://www.freertos.org/modules.html#API_reference},
106   urldate =      {2015-01-29},
107   label =        {API}
108 }
110 @Manual{eaton:hydraul_contr_specif,
111   author =       {Ken Balogh},
112   title =        {Hydraulics Controller Specification},
113   date =         {2015-04-27},
114   version =      {Revision 1.6},
115   organization = {Eaton Corporation}
116 }