How to compile it


To compile the software, you need the following programs and libraries.

On a Debian-based system, it is sufficient to run

apt-get install build-essential python pkg-config libidl-dev libpopt-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev libfftw3-dev qt4-dev-tools libusb-dev


Before first compilation, you should execute build/prepare_infrastructure script.

cd build

It downloads repository for h8s processors and configures sources. Then, it should be sufficient to go to the build/<target> directory and call

cd host

Custom compilation flags

To compile the project with debugging flags, put them to config.omk file in build/* directory. Don't modify, because this will influence all other developers.

cat <<EOF >> config.omk
CFLAGS = -O0 -g -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing
CXXFLAGS = -O0 -g -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing

make clean

Using multiple software configurations

OMK build system allows to configure compilation process so that we can have multiple configurations of software (e.g.: with odometry feedback or without). On the OMK side, the configuration is done by setting make variables, from which headers files can be automatically generated. In sources #ifdef can be used to compile differently under different configuration.


make default-config

produces list of all possible configuration variables in config.omk-default (note, that this is also run by prepare_infrastructure).

To use different value than the default one, put the variable assignment to config.omk or (preferably) to config.omk.local.

echo CONFIG_OPEN_LOOP = y >> config.omk.local

If you want to compile other configuration only temporarily you can you the following:

touch config.omk  # make OMK notice a change

or a more permanent way:

touch config.omk
make -e  # the -e option is important!