]> rtime.felk.cvut.cz Git - l4.git/blob - l4/pkg/valgrind/src/valgrind-3.6.0-svn/darwin9-drd.supp
[l4.git] / l4 / pkg / valgrind / src / valgrind-3.6.0-svn / darwin9-drd.supp
1 #
2 # Suppression patterns for dyld, the dynamic loader.
3 #
5 {
6    drd-darwin-dyld-register-func-for-add-image
7    drd:MutexErr
8    fun:pthread_mutex_unlock
9    fun:_dyld_register_func_for_add_image
10    fun:__keymgr_initializer
11    fun:libSystem_initializer
12 }
13 {
14    drd-darwin-dyld-register-func-for-remove-image
15    drd:MutexErr
16    fun:pthread_mutex_unlock
17    fun:_dyld_register_func_for_remove_image
18    fun:__keymgr_initializer
19    fun:libSystem_initializer
20 }
21 {
22    drd-darwin-dyld-GlobalLockInitialize
23    drd:MutexErr
24    fun:pthread_mutex_init
25    fun:_Z24dyldGlobalLockInitializev
26    fun:_dyld_initializer
27 }
28 {
29    drd-darwin-dyld-bindLazySymbol
30    drd:ConflictingAccess
31    ...
32    fun:_ZN4dyld14bindLazySymbolEPK11mach_headerPm
33    fun:stub_binding_helper_interface2
34 }
35 {
36    drd-darwin-dyld-addImage
37    drd:ConflictingAccess
38    fun:_ZN4dyld8addImageEP11ImageLoader
39 }
40 {
41    dyld-ImageLoader::link
42    drd:ConflictingAccess
43    ...
44    fun:_ZN4dyld18notifyBatchPartialE17dyld_image_statesbPFPKcS0_jPK15dyld_image_infoE
45    fun:_ZN11ImageLoader4linkERKNS_11LinkContextEbbRKNS_10RPathChainE
46    fun:_ZN4dyld4linkEP11ImageLoaderbRKNS0_10RPathChainE
47 }
48 {
49    drd-darwin-dyld-ImageLoaderMachO::resolveUndefined
50    drd:ConflictingAccess
51    ...
52    fun:_ZN16ImageLoaderMachO16resolveUndefinedERKN11ImageLoader11LinkContextEPK11macho_nlistbPPKS0_
53 }
54 {
55    drd-darwin-dyld-ImageLoaderMachO::findExportedSymbol
56    drd:ConflictingAccess
57    fun:_ZNK16ImageLoaderMachO18findExportedSymbolEPKcPKvbPPK11ImageLoader
58    fun:_ZNK11ImageLoader41findExportedSymbolInDependentImagesExceptEPKcPPKS_RS4_S4_S4_
59    fun:_ZNK11ImageLoader42findExportedSymbolInImageOrDependentImagesEPKcRKNS_11LinkContextEPPKS_
60    fun:dlsym
61 }
64 #
65 # Suppression patterns for libc, Darwin's C library.
66 #
68 {
69    drd-darwin-libc-cerror
70    drd:ConflictingAccess
71    ...
72    fun:cerror
73 }
74 {
75    drd-darwin-libc-rand
76    drd:ConflictingAccess
77    fun:do_rand
78 }
79 {
80    drd-darwin-libc-vfprintf-1
81    drd:ConflictingAccess
82    fun:vfprintf_l
83 }
84 {
85    drd-darwin-libc-vfprintf-2
86    drd:ConflictingAccess
87    fun:__vfprintf
88 }
89 {
90    drd-darwin-libc-localeconv
91    drd:ConflictingAccess
92    fun:localeconv_l
93 }
94 {
95    drd-darwin-libc-fwrite
96    drd:ConflictingAccess
97    ...
98    fun:fwrite$UNIX2003
99 }
100 {
101    drd-darwin-cxa-guard-acquire
102    drd:ConflictingAccess
103    obj:*
104    fun:__cxa_current_exception_type
105    fun:__cxa_guard_acquire
106 }
107 {
108    drd-darwin-cxa-guard-release
109    drd:ConflictingAccess
110    fun:__cxa_guard_release
111 }
112 {
113    drd-darwin-cxa-finalize
114    drd:MutexErr
115    fun:pthread_mutex_destroy
116    fun:__tcf_115
117    fun:__cxa_finalize
118    fun:exit
119 }
120 {
121    drd-darwin-atexit-register
122    drd:ConflictingAccess
123    fun:atexit_register
124 }
125 {
126    drd-darwin-opendir
127    drd:ConflictingAccess
128    fun:telldir$UNIX2003
129    fun:__opendir2$UNIX2003
130    fun:opendir$UNIX2003
131 }
132 {
133    drd-darwin-readdir
134    drd:ConflictingAccess
135    fun:readdir
136 }
137 {
138    drd-darwin-closedir
139    drd:ConflictingAccess
140    fun:closedir$UNIX2003
141 }
142 {
143    drd:darwin-ptrace
144    drd:ConflictingAccess
145    fun:ptrace
146 }
149 #
150 # Suppression patterns for libpthread, Darwin's POSIX threads implementation.
151 #
153 {
154    drd-darwin-pthread-create-1
155    drd:ConflictingAccess
156    obj:*
157    fun:thread_start
158 }
159 {
160    drd-darwin-pthread-create-2
161    drd:ConflictingAccess
162    ...
163    fun:pthread_create*
164 }
165 {
166    drd-darwin-pthread-join-1
167    drd:ConflictingAccess
168    ...
169    fun:pthread_join$UNIX2003
170 }
171 {
172    drd-darwin-pthread-exit
173    drd:ConflictingAccess
174    ...
175    fun:_pthread_exit
176 }
177 {
178    drd-darwin-pthread-find-thread
179    drd:ConflictingAccess
180    fun:_pthread_find_thread
181 }
182 {
183    drd-darwin-pthread-spin-unlock
184    drd:ConflictingAccess
185    fun:spin_unlock
186 }
187 {
188    drd-darwin-pthread-testcancel
189    drd:ConflictingAccess
190    fun:_pthread_testcancel
191 }
192 {
193    drd-darwin-pthread-detach
194    drd:ConflictingAccess
195    ...
196    fun:pthread_detach
197 }
198 {
199    drd-darwin-pthread-detach
200    drd:CondRaceErr
201    ...
202    fun:pthread_detach
203 }
204 {
205    drd-darwin-pthread-kill
206    drd:ConflictingAccess
207    ...
208    fun:pthread_kill
209 }
210 {
211    drd-darwin-pthread-free-pthread-onstack
212    drd:ConflictingAccess
213    fun:mig_dealloc_reply_port
214    fun:_pthread_free_pthread_onstack
215 }
216 {
217    drd-darwin-pthread-mach-thread-np
218    drd:ConflictingAccess
219    ...
220    fun:pthread_mach_thread_np
221 }
222 {
223    drd-darwin-pthread-key-create
224    drd:ConflictingAccess
225    fun:pthread_key_create
226 }
229 #
230 # Suppression patterns for libobjc.
231 #
233 # It looks like the implementation of objc_msgSend uses another means than the
234 # POSIX threads library for locking. More information about messaging and
235 # objc_msgSend can be found here: 
236 # http://devworld.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCRuntimeGuide/Articles/ocrtHowMessagingWorks.html
237 #
239 {
240    drd-darwin-objc-msgSend
241    drd:ConflictingAccess
242    ...
243    fun:objc_msgSend
244 }
245 {
246    drd-darwin-objc-msgSend
247    drd:ConflictingAccess
248    ...
249    fun:objc_sync_enter
250 }
253 #
254 # Suppression patterns for CoreFoundation.framework.
255 #
257 # Suppressions for NSObject methods. For more information about the NSObject
258 # class, see also
259 # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSObject_Class/Reference/Reference.html
260 {
261    drd-darwin-NSObject-release
262    drd:ConflictingAccess
263    ...
264    fun:-[NSObject release]
265 }
266 {
267    drd-darwin-NSObject-autorelease-1
268    drd:ConflictingAccess
269    ...
270    fun:-[NSObject(NSObject) autorelease]
271 }
272 {
273    drd-darwin-NSObject-autorelease-2
274    drd:ConflictingAccess
275    fun:__NSAutoreleaseObject
276 }
277 {
278    drd-darwin-NSObject-NSDeallocateObject
279    drd:ConflictingAccess
280    fun:_internal_object_dispose
281    fun:NSDeallocateObject
282 }
283 {
284    drd-darwin-NSObject-retain
285    drd:ConflictingAccess
286    ...
287    fun:-[NSObject retain]
288 }
289 {
290    drd-darwin-NSObject-retainCount
291    drd:ConflictingAccess
292    ...
293    fun:-[NSObject retainCount]
294 }
295 {
296    drd-darwin-NSObject-NSDelayedPerforming-1
297    drd:ConflictingAccess
298    ...
299    fun:+[NSObject(NSDelayedPerforming) cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:]
300 }
301 {
302    drd-darwin-NSObject-NSDelayedPerforming-2
303    drd:ConflictingAccess
304    ...
305    fun:-[NSObject(NSDelayedPerforming) performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:]
306 }
307 {
308    drd-darwin-NSObject-NSDelayedPerforming-3
309    drd:ConflictingAccess
310    ...
311    fun:-[NSObject(NSDelayedPerforming) performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:]
312 }
313 {
314    drd-darwin-NSObject-NSDelayedPerforming-4
315    drd:ConflictingAccess
316    ...
317    fun:-[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:]
318 }
319 {
320    drd-darwin-NSObject-NSDelayedPerforming-5
321    drd:ConflictingAccess
322    ...
323    fun:-[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:]
324 }
326 # Suppressions for methods of the NSThread class.
327 {
328    drd-NSThread-nq
329    drd:ConflictingAccess
330    ...
331    fun:-[NSThread _nq:]
332 }
334 # Suppressions for methods of the NSLock class. See also
335 # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSLock_Class/Reference/Reference.html
336 {
337    drd-darwin-NSLock-lock
338    drd:ConflictingAccess
339    fun:-[NSLock lock]
340 }
341 {
342    drd-darwin-NSLock-unlock
343    drd:ConflictingAccess
344    fun:-[NSLock unlock]
345 }
346 # Suppressions for NSCondition methods.
347 {
348    drd-darwin-NSConditionLock-lock
349    drd:ConflictingAccess
350    fun:-[NSCondition lock]
351 }
352 # Suppressions for NSConditionLock methods.
353 {
354    drd-darwin-NSConditionLock-lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:
355    drd:ConflictingAccess
356    fun:-[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:]
357 }
360 # NSExtraRefCount returns the specified object's reference count, and
361 # NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero decrements the specified object's reference
362 # count.
363 # See also http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Miscellaneous/Foundation_Functions/Reference/reference.html
364 {
365    drd-darwin-NSExtraRefCount
366    drd:ConflictingAccess
367    ...
368    fun:NSExtraRefCount
369 }
370 {
371    drd-darwin-NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero
372    drd:ConflictingAccess
373    ...
374    fun:NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero
375 }
376 # For more information about key-value observing, see also the NSKeyValueObserving Protocol Reference:
377 # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Protocols/NSKeyValueObserving_Protocol/Reference/Reference.html
378 {
379    drd-darwin-NSKVONotify
380    drd:ConflictingAccess
381    ...
382    fun:NSKVONotify
383 }
384 {
385    drd-darwin-NSKVONotifyingEnableForInfoAndKey
386    drd:ConflictingAccess
387    ...
388    fun:_NSKVONotifyingEnableForInfoAndKey
389 }
390 # From the NSRunLoop class reference:
391 # Warning: The NSRunLoop class is generally not considered to be thread-safe
392 # and its methods should only be called within the context of the current
393 # thread. You should never try to call the methods of an NSRunLoop object
394 # running in a different thread, as doing so might cause unexpected results.
395 # See also the NSRunLoop Class Reference:
396 # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSRunLoop_Class/Reference/Reference.html
397 # {
398 #    drd-darwin-CFRunLoop*
399 #    drd:ConflictingAccess
400 #    ...
401 #    fun:CFRunLoop*
402 # }
403 # See also the CFBag reference:
404 # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/CoreFoundation/Reference/CFBagRef/Reference/reference.html
405 # {
406 #    drd-darwin-CFBag*
407 #    drd:ConflictingAccess
408 #    fun:CFBag*
409 # }
411 # Suppression patterns for the memory allocation functions in WTF.
412 {
413    drd-WTF::fastCalloc
414    drd:ConflictingAccess
415    ...
416    fun:_ZN3WTF10fastCallocEmm
417 }
418 {
419    drd-WTF::fastMalloc
420    drd:ConflictingAccess
421    ...
422    fun:_ZN3WTF10fastMallocEm
423 }
424 {
425    drd-WTF::fastFree
426    drd:ConflictingAccess
427    ...
428    fun:_ZN3WTF8fastFreeEPv
429 }
431 # Suppression patterns for the string manipulation functions in WebCore.
432 {
433    drd-WebCore::StringImpl::init
434    drd:ConflictingAccess
435    ...
436    fun:_ZN7WebCore10StringImpl4initEPKcj
437 }
438 {
439    drd-WebCore::StringImpl::append
440    drd:ConflictingAccess
441    ...
442    fun:_ZN7WebCore10StringImpl6appendEPKtj
443 }
444 {
445    drd-WebCore::CString::init
446    drd:ConflictingAccess
447    ...
448    fun:_ZN7WebCore7CString4initEPKcj
449 }
451 # Suppression patterns for the text encoding functions in WebCore.
452 {
453    drd-WebCore::WebCore::TextCodec::~TextCodec()
454    drd:ConflictingAccess
455    fun:_ZN7WebCore9TextCodecD2Ev
456 }
457 {
458    drd-WebCore::TextCodecICU::TextCodecICU
459    drd:ConflictingAccess
460    fun:_ZN7WebCore12TextCodecICUC2ERKNS_12TextEncodingE
461 }
462 {
463    drd-WebCore::TextCodecICU::~TextCodecICU
464    drd:ConflictingAccess
465    fun:_ZN7WebCore12TextCodecICUD0Ev
466 }