]> rtime.felk.cvut.cz Git - eurobot/public.git/commitdiff
Transform to C++: Remove old c files
authorPetr Silhavik <silhavik.p@gmail.com>
Wed, 5 Dec 2012 18:05:03 +0000 (19:05 +0100)
committerPetr Silhavik <silhavik.p@gmail.com>
Wed, 5 Dec 2012 18:05:03 +0000 (19:05 +0100)
src/robofsm/actuators.c [deleted file]
src/robofsm/robot.c [deleted file]
src/robofsm/robot_orte.c [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/robofsm/actuators.c b/src/robofsm/actuators.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 33ac0b1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- * @file actuators.c
- * @author Martin Zidek
- * @author Michal Sojka
- * @author Filip Jares (?)
- * @date 2009-2010
- *
- * @brief Robot's actuators control library
- */
- * actuators.c                 09/02/25
- *
- * Robot's actuators control.
- *
- * Copyright: (c) 2008-2010 CTU Dragons
- *            CTU FEE - Department of Control Engineering
- * License: GNU GPL v.2
- */
-#include <robot.h>
-#include <actuators.h>
-static struct robottype_orte_data *orte = NULL;
-static uint16_t jaw_left_last_request;
-static uint16_t jaw_right_last_request;
-static uint16_t lift_last_request;
-void act_init(struct robottype_orte_data *ortedata)
-       orte = ortedata;
-       act_jaws(OPEN);
-       act_lift(0, 0, 1);
-void act_camera_on(void)
-       orte->camera_control.on = 1;
-       ORTEPublicationSend(orte->publication_camera_control);
-void act_camera_off(void)
-       orte->camera_control.on = 0;
-       ORTEPublicationSend(orte->publication_camera_control);
-void act_lift(uint16_t req_pos, char speed, char homing)
-       orte->lift_cmd.req_pos = req_pos;
-       orte->lift_cmd.speed = speed;
-       orte->lift_cmd.homing = homing;
-       /* Remember the request so that we change check for matching
-        * response in rcv_vidle_status_cb() */
-       lift_last_request = req_pos;
-       ORTEPublicationSend(orte->publication_lift_cmd);
-void act_jaws(jaws_cmds cmd)
-        switch (cmd) {
-        case OPEN:
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.right = JAW_RIGHT_OPEN;
-                usleep(300000);
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.left = JAW_LEFT_OPEN;
-                break;
-        case CLOSE:
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.left = JAW_LEFT_CLOSE;
-                usleep(300000);
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.right = JAW_RIGHT_CLOSE;
-                break;
-        case CATCH:
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.left = JAW_LEFT_CATCH;
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.right = JAW_RIGHT_CATCH;
-                break;
-        default:
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.left = JAW_LEFT_OPEN;
-                orte->jaws_cmd.req_pos.right = JAW_RIGHT_OPEN;
-        }
-uint16_t act_jaw_left_get_last_reqest(void)
-        return jaw_left_last_request;
-uint16_t act_jaw_right_get_last_reqest(void)
-        return jaw_right_last_request;
-uint16_t act_lift_get_last_reqest(void)
-       return lift_last_request;
diff --git a/src/robofsm/robot.c b/src/robofsm/robot.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ad7cbb7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
- * robot_demo2011.c
- *
- * Robot's generic initialization and clean up functions.
- *
- * Copyright: (c) 2008 CTU Dragons
- *            CTU FEE - Department of Control Engineering
- * License: GNU GPL v.2
- */
-#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500      /* For PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT etc. */
-#include <map.h>
-#include <movehelper.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <robomath.h>
-#include <robot.h>
-#include <robot_orte.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "map_handling.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include "actuators.h"
-#include <robodim.h>
-#include <ul_log.h>
-UL_LOG_CUST(ulogd_robot); /* Log domain name = ulogd + name of the file */
-#include "motion-control.h"
-#include "robot.h"
-/* Global definition of robot structure */
-struct robot robot;
-struct lock_log robot_lock_log;
-static void block_signals()
-       sigset_t sigset;
-       int i;
-       sigemptyset(&sigset);
-       for (i=SIGRTMIN; i<=SIGRTMAX; i++)
-               sigaddset(&sigset, i);
-       pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, (sigset_t*)NULL);
-static void int_handler(int sig)
-       robot_exit();
-void fill_in_known_areas_in_map()
-       /* No known obstacles */
-static void trans_callback(struct robo_fsm *fsm)
-       if (fsm == &robot.fsm.main) {
-               strncpy(robot.orte.fsm_main.state_name, fsm->state_name, sizeof(robot.orte.fsm_main.state_name));
-               ORTEPublicationSend(robot.orte.publication_fsm_main);
-       } else if (fsm == &robot.fsm.motion) {
-               strncpy(robot.orte.fsm_motion.state_name, fsm->state_name, sizeof(robot.orte.fsm_motion.state_name));
-               ORTEPublicationSend(robot.orte.publication_fsm_motion);
-       } else if (fsm == &robot.fsm.act) {
-               strncpy(robot.orte.fsm_act.state_name, fsm->state_name, sizeof(robot.orte.fsm_act.state_name));
-               ORTEPublicationSend(robot.orte.publication_fsm_act);
-       }
- * Initializes the robot.
- * Setup fields in robot structure, initializes FSMs and ORTE.
- *
- * @return 0
- */
-int robot_init()
-       int rv;
-       pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
-       rv = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mattr);
-       rv = pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(&mattr, PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT);
-       pthread_mutex_init(&robot.lock, &mattr);
-       pthread_mutex_init(&robot.lock_ref_pos, &mattr);
-       pthread_mutex_init(&robot.lock_est_pos_odo, &mattr);
-       pthread_mutex_init(&robot.lock_est_pos_indep_odo, &mattr);
-       pthread_mutex_init(&robot.lock_meas_angles, &mattr);
-       pthread_mutex_init(&robot.lock_joy_data, &mattr);
-       pthread_mutex_init(&robot.lock_disp, &mattr);
-       fsm_main_loop_init(&robot.main_loop);
-       /* FSM initialization */
-       fsm_init(&robot.fsm.main, "MAIN", &robot.main_loop);
-       fsm_init(&robot.fsm.motion, "\tmot", &robot.main_loop);
-       fsm_init(&robot.fsm.act, "\tACT", &robot.main_loop);
-       robot.fsm.main.transition_callback = trans_callback;
-       robot.fsm.act.transition_callback = trans_callback;
-       robot.fsm.motion.transition_callback = trans_callback;
-       robot.team_color = VIOLET;
-       if (robot.team_color == VIOLET) {
-               ul_loginf("We are VIOLET!\n");
-       } else {
-               ul_loginf("We are RED!\n");
-       }
-       robot_set_est_pos_trans(ROBOT_START_X_M, ROBOT_START_Y_M, DEG2RAD(ROBOT_START_ANGLE_DEG));
-       robot.ignore_hokuyo = false;
-       robot.map = ShmapInit(1);
-       fill_in_known_areas_in_map();
-       signal(SIGINT, int_handler);
-       signal(SIGTERM, int_handler);
-       block_signals();
-       /* initial values */
-       robot.orte.motion_speed.left = 0;
-       robot.orte.motion_speed.right = 0;
-       robot.orte.pwr_ctrl.voltage33 = 1;
-       robot.orte.pwr_ctrl.voltage50 = 1;
-       robot.orte.pwr_ctrl.voltage80 = 1;
-       robot.orte.camera_control.on = true;
-       robot.fsm.motion.state = &fsm_state_motion_init;
-       /* Only activate display if it is configured */
-       /* FIXME: display
-       robot.sercom = uoled_init(serial_comm);
-       if (strcmp(robot.sercom->devname, "/dev/null") != 0)
-               robot.fsm.display.state = &fsm_state_disp_init;
-       */
-       robot.obstacle_avoidance_enabled = true;
-       robot.use_back_bumpers = true;
-       robot.use_left_bumper = true;
-       robot.use_right_bumper = true;
-       robot.start_state = POWER_ON;
-       robot.check_turn_safety = true;
-       /* init ORTE domain, create publishers, subscribers, .. */
-       rv = robot_init_orte();
-       act_init(&robot.orte);
-       return rv;
- * Starts the robot FSMs and threads.
- *
- * @return 0
- */
-int robot_start()
-       int rv = 0;
-       pthread_attr_t tattr;
-       struct sched_param param;
-       pthread_t thr_obstacle_forgeting;
-       int ret;
-       ret = motion_control_init();
-       if(ret) {
-               perror("motion_control_init");
-               robot_exit();
-       }
-       /* Obstacle forgeting thread */
-       pthread_attr_init (&tattr);
-       pthread_attr_getschedparam (&tattr, &param);
-       pthread_attr_getschedparam (&tattr, &param);
-       pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&tattr, SCHED_FIFO);
-       param.sched_priority = OBST_FORGETING_PRIO;
-       rv = pthread_attr_setschedparam (&tattr, &param);
-       if (rv) {
-               perror("robot_start: pthread_attr_setschedparam()");
-               goto err;
-       }
-       rv = pthread_create(&thr_obstacle_forgeting,
-                           &tattr, thread_obstacle_forgeting, NULL);
-       if (rv) {
-               perror("robot_start: pthread_create");
-               goto err;
-       }
-       sem_init(&robot.start, 0, 0);
-       fsm_main_loop(&robot.main_loop);
-       return rv;
- * Signals all the robot threads to finish.
- */
-void robot_exit()
-       /* stop FSMs */
-       fsm_exit(&robot.fsm.main);
-       fsm_exit(&robot.fsm.motion);
-       fsm_exit(&robot.fsm.act);
- * Stops the robot. All resources alocated by robot_init() or
- * robot_start() are dealocated here.
- */
-void robot_destroy()
-       motion_control_done();
-       // FIXME: set actuators to well defined position (FJ)
-       robottype_roboorte_destroy(&robot.orte);
-       fsm_destroy(&robot.fsm.main);
-       fsm_destroy(&robot.fsm.motion);
-       fsm_destroy(&robot.fsm.act);
-       ShmapFree();
-       ul_logdeb("robofsm: stop.\n");
-void robot_get_est_pos_trans(double *x, double *y, double *phi)
-       robot_get_est_pos(x, y, phi);
-       *x = __trans_x(*x);
-       *y = __trans_y(*y);
-       *phi = __trans_ang(*phi);
-void robot_get_est_pos(double *x, double *y, double *phi)
-       if (robot.indep_odometry_works) {
-               ROBOT_LOCK(est_pos_indep_odo);
-               *x = robot.est_pos_indep_odo.x;
-               *y = robot.est_pos_indep_odo.y;
-               *phi = robot.est_pos_indep_odo.phi;
-               ROBOT_UNLOCK(est_pos_indep_odo);
-       } else if (robot.odometry_works) {
-               ROBOT_LOCK(est_pos_odo);
-               *x = robot.est_pos_odo.x;
-               *y = robot.est_pos_odo.y;
-               *phi = robot.est_pos_odo.phi;
-               ROBOT_UNLOCK(est_pos_odo);
-       } else {
-               ROBOT_LOCK(ref_pos);
-               *x = robot.ref_pos.x;
-               *y = robot.ref_pos.y;
-               *phi = robot.ref_pos.phi;
-               ROBOT_UNLOCK(ref_pos);
-       }
diff --git a/src/robofsm/robot_orte.c b/src/robofsm/robot_orte.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9d5a231..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
- * @file robot_orte.c
- * @date 2008-2010
- *
- * @brief Module providing communication through ORTE
- */
- * robot_orte.c                        08/04/21
- *
- * Robot's orte stuffs.
- *
- * Copyright: (c) 2008-2010 CTU Dragons
- *            CTU FEE - Department of Control Engineering
- * License: GNU GPL v.2
- */
-#include <orte.h>
-#include <roboorte_robottype.h>
-#include "robodata.h"
-#include <robot.h>
-#include <movehelper.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <robomath.h>
-#include "map_handling.h"
-#include "match-timing.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <can_msg_def.h>
-#include <actuators.h>
-#include <ul_log.h>
-UL_LOG_CUST(ulogd_robot_orte); /* Log domain name = ulogd + name of the file */
-#ifdef ORTE_DEBUG
-   #define DBG(format, ...) ul_logdeb(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-   #define DBG(format, ...)
-extern sem_t measurement_received;
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void send_ref_pos_cb(const ORTESendInfo *info, void *vinstance, 
-                       void *sendCallBackParam)
-       struct robot_pos_type *instance = (struct robot_pos_type *)vinstance;
-       ROBOT_LOCK(ref_pos);
-       *instance = robot.ref_pos;
-       ROBOT_UNLOCK(ref_pos);
-void send_est_pos_odo_cb(const ORTESendInfo *info, void *vinstance, 
-                       void *sendCallBackParam)
-       struct robot_pos_type *instance = (struct robot_pos_type *)vinstance;
-       ROBOT_LOCK(est_pos_odo);
-       *instance = robot.est_pos_odo;
-       ROBOT_UNLOCK(est_pos_odo);
-void send_est_pos_indep_odo_cb(const ORTESendInfo *info, void *vinstance, 
-                       void *sendCallBackParam)
-       struct robot_pos_type *instance = (struct robot_pos_type *)vinstance;
-       ROBOT_LOCK(est_pos_indep_odo);
-       *instance = robot.est_pos_indep_odo;
-       ROBOT_UNLOCK(est_pos_indep_odo);
-static void send_est_pos_best_cb(const ORTESendInfo *info, void *vinstance, 
-                       void *sendCallBackParam)
-       struct robot_pos_type *instance = (struct robot_pos_type *)vinstance;
-       robot_get_est_pos(&instance->x, &instance->y, &instance->phi);
-void send_dummy_cb(const ORTESendInfo *info, void *vinstance, 
-                       void *sendCallBackParam)
-void send_match_time_cb(const ORTESendInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *sendCallBackParam)
-       struct match_time_type *instance = (struct match_time_type *)vinstance;
-        if (robot.start_state == POWER_ON || robot.start_state == START_PLUGGED_IN) {
-                instance->time = 90;
-        } else {
-                instance->time = 90 - robot_current_time();
-        }
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void rcv_odo_data_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct odo_data_type *instance = (struct odo_data_type *)vinstance;
-       double dleft, dright, dtang, dphi;
-       static bool first_run = true;
-       /* spocitat prevodovy pomer */
-       const double n = (double)(1.0 / 1.0); 
-       /* vzdalenost na pulz IRC */
-       const double c = (M_PI*2*ODOMETRY_WHEEL_RADIUS_M) / (n * 4*4096.0);
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       if (first_run) {
-                               ROBOT_LOCK(odo_data);
-                               robot.odo_data = *instance;
-                               ROBOT_UNLOCK(odo_data);
-                               first_run = false;
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       dleft = ((robot.odo_data.left - instance->left) >> 8) * c * robot.odo_cal_a;    // TODO >> 8 ?
-                       dright = ((instance->right - robot.odo_data.right) >> 8) * c * robot.odo_cal_b;
-                       dtang = (dleft + dright) / 2.0;
-                       dphi = (dright - dleft) / (2.0*ODOMETRY_ROTATION_RADIUS_M);
-                       ROBOT_LOCK(est_pos_indep_odo);
-                       robot.odo_distance_a +=dleft;
-                       robot.odo_distance_b +=dright;
-                       double a = robot.est_pos_indep_odo.phi;
-                       robot.est_pos_indep_odo.x += dtang*cos(a);
-                       robot.est_pos_indep_odo.y += dtang*sin(a);
-                       robot.est_pos_indep_odo.phi += dphi;
-                       ROBOT_UNLOCK(est_pos_indep_odo);
-                       ROBOT_LOCK(odo_data);
-                       robot.odo_data = *instance;
-                       ROBOT_UNLOCK(odo_data);
-                       robot.indep_odometry_works = true;
-                       /* wake up motion-control/thread_trajectory_follower */
-                       sem_post(&measurement_received);
-                       //robot.hw_status[COMPONENT_ODO] = STATUS_OK;
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       robot.indep_odometry_works = false;
-                       //robot.hw_status[COMPONENT_ODO] = STATUS_FAILED;
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - odo_data receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_motion_irc_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct motion_irc_type *instance = (struct motion_irc_type *)vinstance;
-       double dleft, dright, dtang, dphi;
-       static bool first_run = true;
-       /* spocitat prevodovy pomer */
-       const double n = (double)(ROBOT_MOTOR_GEARBOX_RATIO / 1.0);
-       /* vzdalenost na pulz IRC */
-       const double c = (M_PI*2*ROBOT_WHEEL_RADIUS_M) / (n * 4*ROBOT_MOTOR_IRC_RESOLUTION);
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       if (first_run) {
-                               ROBOT_LOCK(motion_irc);
-                               robot.motion_irc = *instance;
-                               ROBOT_UNLOCK(motion_irc);
-                               first_run = false;
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       /* FIXME maybe it is not correct to do this nasty hack here (switch dleft and dright),
-                       what is the right solution?
-                       This was neccessary to view motor odometry correctly in robomon. */
-                       dright = ((robot.motion_irc.left - instance->left) >> 8) * c;
-                       dleft = ((instance->right - robot.motion_irc.right) >> 8) * c;
-                       dtang = (dleft + dright) / 2.0;
-                       dphi = (dright - dleft) / (2.0*ROBOT_ROTATION_RADIUS_M);
-                       ROBOT_LOCK(est_pos_odo);
-                       double a = robot.est_pos_odo.phi;
-                       robot.est_pos_odo.x += dtang*cos(a);
-                       robot.est_pos_odo.y += dtang*sin(a);
-                       robot.est_pos_odo.phi += dphi;
-                       ROBOT_UNLOCK(est_pos_odo);
-                       /* locking should not be needed, but... */
-                       ROBOT_LOCK(motion_irc);
-                       robot.motion_irc = *instance;
-                       robot.motion_irc_received = 1;
-                       ROBOT_UNLOCK(motion_irc);
-                       robot.odometry_works = true;
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_MOTOR] = STATUS_OK;
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       robot.odometry_works = false;
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_MOTOR] = STATUS_FAILED;
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - motion_irc receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_motion_speed_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - motion_speed receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_motion_status_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - motion_status receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_pwr_voltage_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_POWER]=STATUS_OK;
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_POWER]=STATUS_FAILED;
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - pwr_voltage receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_pwr_ctrl_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - pwr_ctrl receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_robot_cmd_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct robot_cmd_type *instance = (struct robot_cmd_type *)vinstance;
-       static struct robot_cmd_type last_instance;
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       /* Stupid way of controlling the robot by
-                        * pluggin in and out start connector. */
-                       switch (robot.start_state) {
-                               case POWER_ON:
-                                       if (!instance->start_condition) {
-                                               robot.status[COMPONENT_START] = STATUS_WARNING;
-                                               robot.start_state = START_PLUGGED_IN;
-                                               ul_logmsg("START_PLUGGED_IN\n");
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               case START_PLUGGED_IN:
-                                       robot.status[COMPONENT_START] = STATUS_OK;
-                                       /* Competition starts when plugged out */
-                                       if (instance->start_condition) {
-                                               FSM_SIGNAL(MAIN, EV_START, NULL);
-                                               robot.start_state = COMPETITION_STARTED;
-                                               ul_logmsg("STARTED\n");
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               case COMPETITION_STARTED: {
-                                       /* Subsequent plug-in stops the robot */
-                                       static int num = 0;
-                                       if (!instance->start_condition) {
-                                               robot.status[COMPONENT_START] = STATUS_WARNING;
-                                               if (++num == 10)
-                                                       robot_exit();
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       last_instance = *instance;
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_START] = STATUS_FAILED;
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - robot_cmd receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_hokuyo_scan_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct hokuyo_scan_type *instance = (struct hokuyo_scan_type *)vinstance;
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA: {
-                       ROBOT_LOCK(hokuyo);
-                       robot.hokuyo = *instance;
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_HOKUYO] = STATUS_OK;
-                       ROBOT_UNLOCK(hokuyo);
-                       if(!robot.ignore_hokuyo)
-                       {
-                               update_map_hokuyo(instance);
-                       }
-                       break;
-               }
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_HOKUYO] = STATUS_FAILED;
-                       //system("killall -9 hokuyo");
-                       DBG("%s: ORTE deadline occurred\n", __FUNCTION__);
-                       break;
-       }
-// FIXME: this is not up to date (Filip, 2010)
-void rcv_camera_result_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                       void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct camera_result_type *instance = (struct camera_result_type *)vinstance;
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA: {
-                       ROBOT_LOCK(camera_result);
-                       robot.corns_conf_side = instance->side;
-                       robot.corns_conf_center = instance->center;
-                       ROBOT_UNLOCK(camera_result);
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_CAMERA] = STATUS_OK;
-                       break;
-               }
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       if (robot.orte.camera_control.on) {
-                               robot.status[COMPONENT_CAMERA] = STATUS_FAILED;
-                               //system("killall -9 rozpuk");
-                       }
-                       DBG("%s: ORTE deadline occurred\n", __FUNCTION__);
-                       break;
-       }
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void rcv_jaws_status_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                           void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct jaws_status_type *instance = (struct jaws_status_type *)vinstance;
-       static int last_response_left = 0;
-       static int last_response_right = 0;
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       // new data arrived and requested position equals actual position
-                       if (instance->flags.left == 0 &&
-                            instance->flags.right == 0)
-                               robot.status[COMPONENT_JAWS] = STATUS_OK;
-                       else
-                               robot.status[COMPONENT_JAWS] = STATUS_WARNING;
-                       if (instance->response.left != last_response_left &&
-                            instance->response.right != last_response_right &&
-                           instance->response.left == act_jaw_left_get_last_reqest() &&
-                           instance->response.left == act_jaw_right_get_last_reqest())
-                               FSM_SIGNAL(MAIN, EV_JAWS_DONE, NULL);
-                       last_response_left = instance->response.left;
-                       last_response_right = instance->response.right;
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       robot.status[COMPONENT_JAWS] = STATUS_FAILED;
-                       DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - actuator_status receive\n");
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_lift_status_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                            void *recvCallBackParam)
-        struct lift_status_type *instance = (struct lift_status_type *)vinstance;
-        static int last_response = 0;
-        switch (info->status) {
-                case NEW_DATA:
-                        // new data arrived and requested position equals actual position
-                        if (instance->flags == 0)
-                                robot.status[COMPONENT_LIFT] = STATUS_OK;
-                        else
-                                robot.status[COMPONENT_LIFT] = STATUS_WARNING;
-                        if (instance->response != last_response &&
-                            instance->response == act_lift_get_last_reqest())
-                                FSM_SIGNAL(MAIN, EV_LIFT_DONE, NULL);
-                        last_response = instance->response;
-                        break;
-                case DEADLINE:
-                        robot.status[COMPONENT_LIFT] = STATUS_FAILED;
-                        DBG("ORTE deadline occurred - actuator_status receive\n");
-                        break;
-        }
-void rcv_robot_switches_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                          void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct robot_switches_type *instance = (struct robot_switches_type *)vinstance;
-       static bool last_strategy;
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       robot.team_color = instance->team_color;
-                       if (!last_strategy && instance->strategy) {
-                                       /* strategy switching */
-                                       FSM_SIGNAL(MAIN, EV_SWITCH_STRATEGY, NULL);
-                       }
-                       last_strategy = instance->strategy;
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       break;
-       }
-void rcv_robot_bumpers_cb(const ORTERecvInfo *info, void *vinstance,
-                          void *recvCallBackParam)
-       struct robot_bumpers_type *instance = (struct robot_bumpers_type *)vinstance;
-       static bool last_left, last_right;
-       switch (info->status) {
-               case NEW_DATA:
-                       if (instance->bumper_right_across || instance->bumper_left_across || instance->bumper_rear_left || instance->bumper_rear_right)
-                               FSM_SIGNAL(MOTION, EV_OBSTACLE_BEHIND, NULL);
-                       if (instance->bumper_left || instance->bumper_right) {
-                               FSM_SIGNAL(MOTION, EV_OBSTACLE_SIDE, NULL);
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case DEADLINE:
-                       break;
-       }
-#define HIST_CNT 5
-#if 0
-static int cmp_double(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-       const double *d1 = v1, *const d2 = v2;
-       if (d1 < d2)
-               return -1;
-       else if (d1 > d2)
-               return +1;
-       else
-               return 0;
-int robot_init_orte()
-       int rv = 0;
-       robot.orte.strength = 20;
-       rv = robottype_roboorte_init(&robot.orte);
-       if (rv)
-               return rv;
-       /* creating publishers */
-       robottype_publisher_motion_speed_create(&robot.orte, NULL, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_ref_pos_create(&robot.orte, send_ref_pos_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_est_pos_odo_create(&robot.orte, send_est_pos_odo_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_est_pos_indep_odo_create(&robot.orte, send_est_pos_indep_odo_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_est_pos_best_create(&robot.orte, send_est_pos_best_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_match_time_create(&robot.orte, send_match_time_cb, &robot.orte);
-       //???robottype_publisher_pwr_ctrl_create(&robot.orte, NULL, &robot.orte);
-       // I didn't know what was the difference between the callback function pointer
-       // being NULL and being set to pointer to empty send_dummy_cb function. The DIFFERENCE
-       // IS CRUCIAL!
-       //   - NULL: message is published only when OrtePublicationSend called
-       //   - pointer to empty function: message is published periodically
-       robottype_publisher_fsm_main_create(&robot.orte, send_dummy_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_fsm_act_create(&robot.orte, send_dummy_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_fsm_motion_create(&robot.orte, send_dummy_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_camera_control_create(&robot.orte, send_dummy_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_publisher_jaws_cmd_create(&robot.orte, send_dummy_cb, &robot.orte);
-        robottype_publisher_lift_cmd_create(&robot.orte, send_dummy_cb, &robot.orte);
-       /* create generic subscribers */
-       robottype_subscriber_odo_data_create(&robot.orte, rcv_odo_data_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_motion_irc_create(&robot.orte, rcv_motion_irc_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_motion_speed_create(&robot.orte, rcv_motion_speed_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_motion_status_create(&robot.orte, rcv_motion_status_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_pwr_voltage_create(&robot.orte, rcv_pwr_voltage_cb, &robot.orte);
-       //robottype_subscriber_pwr_ctrl_create(&robot.orte, rcv_pwr_ctrl_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_robot_cmd_create(&robot.orte, rcv_robot_cmd_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_hokuyo_scan_create(&robot.orte, rcv_hokuyo_scan_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_jaws_status_create(&robot.orte, rcv_jaws_status_cb, &robot.orte);
-        robottype_subscriber_lift_status_create(&robot.orte, rcv_lift_status_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_robot_switches_create(&robot.orte, rcv_robot_switches_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_robot_bumpers_create(&robot.orte, rcv_robot_bumpers_cb, &robot.orte);
-       robottype_subscriber_camera_result_create(&robot.orte, rcv_camera_result_cb, &robot.orte);
-       return rv;