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TORSCHE Scheduling
Toolbox for Matlab

TORSCHE – Case Studies

This chapter presents some case studies fully solvable in the toolbox. Case studies describes the develop process step by step.

1. Theoretical Case Studies

This section shows mostly theoretical examples and their solution in the toolbox.

1.1. Watchmaker's

Imagine that you are a man, who repairs watches. Your boss gave you a list of repairs, which have to be done tomorrow. Our goal is to decide, how to organize the work to meet all desired finish times if possible.

List of repairs:

  • Watch number 1 needs a battery replacement, which has to be finisched at 14:00.

  • Watch number 2 is missing hand and has to be ready at 12:00.

  • Watch number 3 has broken clockwork and has to be fixed till 16:00.

  • The seal ring has to be replaced on watch number 4. It is necessary to reseal it before 15:00.

  • Watch number 5 has bad battery and broken light. It has to be returned to the customer before 13:00.

Batteries will be delivered to you at 9:00, seal ring at 11:00 and the hand for watch number 2 at 10:00.

Time of repairs:

  • Battery replacement: 1 hour

  • Replace missing hand: 2 hours

  • Fix the clockwork: 2 hours

  • Seal the case: 1 hour

  • Repair of light: 1 hour

Let’s look at the list more closely and try to extract and store the information we need to organize the work (see Table 11.1, “Information we need to organize the work”). We consider working day starts at 8:00.


Table 11.1. Information we need to organize the work

Solution of the case study is shown in five steps:

  1. With formalized information about the work, we can define the tasks.

    >> t1=task('Watch1',1,9,inf,14);
    >> t2=task('Watch2',2,10,inf,12);
    >> t3=task('Watch3',2,8,inf,16);
    >> t4=task('Watch4',1,11,inf,15);
    >> t5=task('Watch5',2,9,inf,13);
  2. To handle our tasks together, we put them into one object, taskset.

    >> T=taskset([t1 t2 t3 t4 t5]);
  3. Our goal is to assign the tasks on one processor, in order, which meets the required duedates of all tasks if possible. The work on each task can be paused at any time, and we can finish it later. In other words, preemption of tasks is allowed. In Graham-Blaziewicz notation the problem can be described like this.

    >> prob=problem('1|pmtn,rj|Lmax');
  4. The algorithm is used as a function with 2 parameters. The first one is the taskset we have defined above, the second one is the type of problem written in Graham-Blaziewitz notation.

    >> TS=horn(T,prob)
    Set of 5 tasks
     There is schedule: Horn's algorithm
       Solving time: 0.046875s
  5. Visualize the final schedule by standard plot function, see Figure 11.1, “Result of case study as Gantt chart”.

    >> plot(TS,'proc',0);
Result of case study as Gantt chart

Figure 11.1. Result of case study as Gantt chart

1.2. Conveyor Belts

Transportation of goods by two conveyor belts is a simple example of using List Scheduling in practice. Construction material must be carried out from place to place with minimal time effort. Transported articles represent five kinds of construction material and two conveyor belts as processors are available. Table 11.2, “Material transport processing time.” shows the assignment of this problem.

nameprocessing time

Table 11.2. Material transport processing time.

Solution of the case study is shown in five steps:

  1. Create a taskset directly through the vector of processing time.

    >> T = taskset([40 50 30 50 20]);
  2. Since the taskset has been created, it is possible to change parameters of all tasks in it.

    >> T.Name = {'sand','grit','wood','bricks','cement'};
  3. Define the problem, which will be solved.

    >> p = problem('P|prec|Cmax');
  4. Call List Scheduling algorithm with taskset and the problem created recently and define the number of processors (conveyor belts).

    >> TS = listsch(T,p,2)
    Set of 5 tasks
     There is schedule: List Scheduling
  5. Visualize the final schedule by standard plot function, see Figure 11.2, “Result of case study as Gantt chart”.

    >> plot(TS)
Result of case study as Gantt chart

Figure 11.2. Result of case study as Gantt chart

1.3. Chair manufacturing

This example is slightly more difficult and demonstrates some of advanced possibilities of the toolbox. It solves a problem of chair manufacturing by two workers (cabinetmakers). Their goal is to make four legs, seat and backrest of the chair and assembly all of these parts with minimal time effort. Material, which is needed to create backrest, will be available after 20 time units of start and assemblage is divided out into two stages. Figure 11.3, “Graph representation of Chair manufacturing” shows the mentioned problem by graph representation.

Graph representation of Chair manufacturing

Figure 11.3. Graph representation of Chair manufacturing

Solution of the case study is shown in six steps:

  1. Create desired tasks.

    >> t1 = task('leg1',6)
     Task "leg1"
      Processing time: 6
      Release time: 0
    >> t2 = task('leg2',6);
    >> t3 = task('leg3',6);
    >> t4 = task('leg4',6); 
    >> t5 = task('seat',6); 
    >> t6 = task('backrest',25,20); 
    >> t7 = task('assembly1/2',15); 
    >> t8 = task('assembly2/2',15); 
  2. Define precedence constraints by precedence matrix prec. Matrix has size n x n where n is a number of tasks.

    >> prec = [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0;... 
               0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0;... 
               0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0;... 
               0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0;... 
               0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0;... 
               0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1;... 
               0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1;... 
               0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
  3. Create an object of taskset from recently defined objects.

    >> T = taskset([t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8],prec)
     Set of 8 tasks
      There are precedence constraints
  4. Define solved problem.

    >> p = problem('P|prec|Cmax');
  5. Call List Scheduling algorithm with taskset and problem created recently and define number of processors and desired heuristic.

    >> S = listsch(T,p,2,'SPT')
     Set of 8 tasks
      There are precedence constraints 
      There is schedule: List Scheduling 
        Solving time: 1.1316s
  6. Visualize the final schedule by standard plot function, see Figure 11.4, “Result of case study as Gantt chart”.

    >> plot(S) 
Result of case study as Gantt chart

Figure 11.4. Result of case study as Gantt chart

2. Real Word Case Studies

An real word example demonstrating applicability of the toolbox is shown in the following section.

2.1. Scheduling of RLS Algorithm for HW architectures with Pipelined Arithmetic Units

As an illustration, an example application of RLS (Recursive Least Squares) filter for active noise cancellation is shown in Figure 11.5, “An application of Recursive Least Squares filter for active noise cancellation.” [RLS03]. The filter uses HSLA [HSLA02], a library of logarithmic arithmetic floating point modules. The logarithmic arithmetic is an alternative approach to floating-point arithmetic. A real number is represented as the fixed point value of logarithm to base 2 of its absolute value. An additional bit indicates the sign. Multiplication, division and square root are implemented as fixed-point addition, subtraction and right shift. Therefore, they are executed very fast on a few gates. On the contrary addition and subtraction require more complicated evaluation using look-up table with second order interpolation. Addition and subtraction require more hardware elements on the target chip, hence only one pipelined addition/subtraction unit is usually available for a given application. On the other hand the number of multiplication, division and square roots units can be nearly by arbitrary.

An application of Recursive Least Squares filter for active noise cancellation.

Figure 11.5. An application of Recursive Least Squares filter for active noise cancellation.

RLS filter algorithm is a set of equations (see the inner loop in Figure Figure 11.6, “The RLS filter algorithm.”) solved in an inner and an outer loop. The outer loop is repeated for each input data sample each 1/44100 seconds. The inner loop iteratively processes the sample up to the N-th iteration (N is the filter order). The quality of filtering increases with increasing number of filter iterations. N iterations of the inner loop need to be finished before the end of the sampling period when output data sample is generated and new input data sample starts to be processed.

The time optimal synthesis of RLS filter design on a HW architecture with HSLA can be formulated as cyclic scheduling on one dedicated processor (add unit) [Sucha04]. The tasks are constrained by precedence relations corresponding to the algorithm data dependencies. The optimization criterion is related to the minimization of the cyclic scheduling period w (like in an RLS filter application the execution of the maximum number of the inner loop periods w within a given sampling period increases the filter quality).

for (k=1;k<HL;k=k+1)
   E(k)  = E(k-1) - Gfold(k) * Pold(k-1)
   f(k)  = Gold(k-1) * E(k-1)
   P(k)  = Pold(k-1) - Gbold(k) * E(k-1)
   b(k)  = G(k-1) * P(k-1)
   A(k)  = A(k-1) - Kold(k) * P(k-1)
   Gf(k) = Gfold(k) + bnold(k) * E(k)
   F(k)  = L * Fold(k) + f(k) * E(k-1) + T
   B(k)  = L * Bold(k) + b(k) * P(k-1) + T
   fn(k) = f(k) / F(k)
   bn(k) = b(k) / B(k)
   Gb(k) = Gbold(k) + fn(k) * P(k)
   K(k)  = Kold(k) + bn(k) * A(k)
   G(k)  = G(k-1) - bn(k) * b(k)

Figure 11.6. The RLS filter algorithm.

unitprocessing timeinput-output latency

Table 11.3. Parameters of HSLA library.

Figure 11.6, “The RLS filter algorithm.” shows the inner loop of RLS algorithm. Data dependencies of this problem can be modeled by graph rls_hsla in Figure 11.7, “Graph G modeling the scheduling problem on one add unit of HSLA.”, where nodes represent particular operations of the RLS filter algorithm on add unit, i.e. a task on the dedicated processor. First user parameter on node represents processing time of task (time to `feed' the add unit ). The second one is a number of dedicated processor (unit). User parameters on edges are lengths and heights, explained in Section Cyclic scheduling (General).


In this case we consider two stages of the filter, i.e. one half of iterations is processed in one stage and second one on the second stage. After processing of the first half of iterations, partial results are passed to the second stage. When the second stage starts to process the input partial results, the first stage starts to process a new sample. Both stages have to share one dedicated processor (add unit), therefore we consider each operation on add unit to be represented by a task with processing time equal to 2 clock cycles. In the first clock cycle an operation of the first stage uses the add unit and in the second clock cycle the add unit is used by the second stage. For more detail see [Sucha04][RLS03] .

Graph G modeling the scheduling problem on one add unit of HSLA.

Figure 11.7. Graph G modeling the scheduling problem on one add unit of HSLA.

Solution of this scheduling problem is shown in following steps:

  1. Load graph of the RLS filter into the workspace (graph rls_hsla).

    >> load scheduling\stdemos\benchmarks\dsp\rls_hsla
  2. Transform graph of the RLS filter to graph g weighted by lengths and heights.

    >> T = taskset(rls_hsla,'n2t',@node2task,'ProcTime', ...
    Set of 11 tasks
     There are precedence constraints
  3. Define the problem, which will be solved.

    >> prob=problem('CSCH')
  4. Define optimization parameters.

    >> schoptions=schoptionsset('verbose',0,'ilpSolver','glpk');
  5. Call List Scheduling algorithm with taskset and problem created recently and define number of processors (conveyor belts).

    >> TS = cycsch(T, prob, [1], schoptions)
     There are precedence constraints
     There is schedule: General cyclic scheduling algorithm
       Tasks period: 26
       Solving time: 1.297s
       Number of iterations: 1
  6. Visualize the final schedule by standard plot function, see Figure 11.8, “Resulting schedule of RLS filter.”.

    >> plot(TS,'prec',0);
Resulting schedule of RLS filter.

Figure 11.8. Resulting schedule of RLS filter.

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