]> rtime.felk.cvut.cz Git - projects in 'fpga/virtex2'
This is a list of public Git repositories of Industrial Informatics Research Center.

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List all projects in 'fpga/virtex2/'
Project Description Owner Last Change
fpga/virtex2/blink.git MSP430 LED blink - test top... buriavl2 13 years ago
fpga/virtex2/msp430-cmdproc.git MSP430 with RS-232 command... buriavl2 13 years ago
fpga/virtex2/msp_motion.git MSP430 BLDC control HW and... buriavl2 12 years ago
fpga/virtex2/plasma.git Plasma - most MIPS I - test... buriavl2 13 years ago
fpga/virtex2/uart.git MSP430 simple UART echo -... buriavl2 13 years ago