This File serves as instruction to compile the grab application. REQUIREMENTS driver: ov51x-jpeg-1.5.9 library: - ffmpeg library - avcodec library - avformat library You must download packages : ffmpeg libavcodec libavdevice libavformat and their header files: libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavformat-dev INSTALL 1.change directory to the "grab_ap" 2.make BEFORE RUN APPLICATION Application has two switches: '-d' specify video device e.g "-d /dev/video1". Defualt is "/dev/video0" '-f' specify frame count "-f 5000". Default is 300. RUN Examples: ./grab_mpeg -> then will be captured 300 frames on the device "/dev/video0" ./grab_mpeg -f 5000 -d /dev/video1 -> then will be captured 5000 frames on the device "/dev/video1" DELETE BINARY FILE make clean