# TiffIO.pro : Compile the release plugin version of TiffIO. # # $Id: TiffIO.pro,v 1.7 2006/01/12 01:57:40 gascuel Exp $ # CONFIG += plugin dynlib release dll CONFIG -= debug TEMPLATE= lib TARGET = pcxio !include( rules.pri ) : error( Unable to find rules.pri ) !include( pcxio.pri ) : error( Unable to find pcxio.pri ) # NOTE: Install features have been removed from Qt 4.0 (and 4.1) doc, # *but* they are still working... # linux { target.path = $$(RPM_BUILD_ROOT)$$(QTDIR)/plugins/imageformats/ INSTALLS += target } macx { target.path = $$(QTDIR)/plugins/imageformats/ INSTALLS += target } win32: DESTDIR = $$(QTDIR)/plugins/imageformats/