Shape for Android ================= Shape for Android is a demonstration application delivered with ORTE source code. How to create shape_android.apk ----------------------------- 1] Update Android SDK to include last Android 5.0.1 (API 21) /tools/android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter android-21 2] Clone ORTE project from git git clone git:// cd orte/orte 3] Update libaorte and shape_android projects /tools/android update project -p libaorte /tools/android update project -p contrib/shape_android -n orte_shape 4] Build libaorte cd libaorte /ndk-build 5] Build shape_android cd ../contrib/shape_android ant debug 6] Install shape_android /platform-tools/adb install -r bin/orte_shape-debug.apk --- !! Note that there is kind of problem with aapt for some architectures, when running "ant debug" command. On my pc - 32bit, Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy), the problem was solved in directory /build-tools/21.1.2 like this: $mv aapt _aapt $cat < aapt >#!/bin/bash >qemu-i386 -cpu n270 -L / /build-tools/21.1.2/_aapt $@ >EOF It means that aapt is run in qemu. Build then was sucessful.