ORTE - OCERA Real-Time Ethernet The ORTE is open source implementation of RTPS communication protocol defined by Real Time Innovations (http://www.rti.com). RTPS is new application layer protocol targeted to real-time communication area, which is build on top of standard UDP stack. Supported targets: Linux Windows - MinGW, MSVC RTLinux - need to fix UDP (Miquele or Ismael Ripoll), call function bind with port 0, doesn't give any free port. To build: simply untar instalation package into desired directory, enter this directory and issue following commands. ./configure make make install after this procedure ORTEManager and ORTEPing are placed in /usr/local/bin. To start: run :ORTEManager & see :ORTEManager -h for usaged note:ORTEManager have to run during all communication. For future work can be added into /etc/init.d/... script for starting ORTEManager during boot of machine. This script (redhat and mandrake) is placed in "orte/manager/rc/ORTEManagerd" For developping a RT application, ORTEManager can be running in userspace. Start it with parameter "-k". This address is IP address of RT application. To test communication: in a shell try to type "ORTEPing -p -s". So, now will be created one publisher and one subscriber with same topic and type. If you see messages like [root@localhost ORTEPing]# ./ORTEPing -p -s sent issue 1 received fresh issue 1 sent issue 2 received fresh issue 2 sent issue 3 received fresh issue 3 communication works. If you see only sending messsages, it's sign that ORTEManager is not probably running. See "ORTEPing -h" for usaged. Now, you can develop self applications (see documentation). Feedback is welcome - send bug reports, enhancements, checks, money orders, etc. to the address below. Petr Smolik petr.smolik@wo.cz