Instructions how to compile ORTE for RTEMS ========================================== Build process of ORTE for RTEMS differs from build for Linux and Windows even that all required changes to actual source files are included in the common source base. The build for RTEMS requires access to the RTEMS BSP and executive include files and libraries in addition to selection cross-compiler and associated C library files. It should be possible through autoconf/configure options but we have not tested that approach because we use OMK system for many of our Linux, RTEMS, etc. projects and OMK provides rules suitable for RTEMS projects. See OMK homepage for more details about OMK Example/template application (rtems-omk-template) for RTEMS OMK project is provided in repository The RTEMS specific OMK rules are used for ORTE build cp Makefile.rules.rtems Makefile.rules Then RTEMS target BSP is selected by specifying RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH definition written into "" file echo RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=/opt/rtems4.10/powerpc-rtems4.10/icecube > This declaration selects directory where RTEMS file for given BSP is located. The ORTE components can be configured in "config.omk" file echo "# ORTE for RTEMS configuration" >config.omk The RTEMS cannot run multiple processes. It is not problem for RTEMS because it allows to specify and maintain multiple domains and applications in single address space. Even ORTE manager can be started directly from user application. But standalone applications are used for testing and standalone manager is easiest way to start development too. The problem of independent starting of multiple services in RTEMS environment had been solved by providing applications as libraries with renamed C main() function. This arrangement is selected for manager by echo CONFIG_OC_ETH_ORTE_MANAGER_AS_LIBRARY=y >>config.omk The same way examples and their build as libraries can be selected echo CONFIG_OC_ETH_ORTE_EXAMPLES=y >>config.omk echo CONFIG_OC_ETH_ORTE_EXAMPLES_AS_LIBRARY=y >>config.omk Option to start the ORTE examples and manager interactively is usesfull for testing. That is why commands for services invocations from RTEMS shell are provided echo CONFIG_OC_ETH_ORTE_RTEMS_SHELL=y >>config.omk The commands set includes even "spawn" command implementation to run services in background/parallel. User application can include commands provided by "orte_rtems_shell" and other ORTE services libraries ("ortemanager", "orteping", "ortespy", ...) by registerring corersponding commands rtems_shell_add_cmd("ortemanager", "orte", "start orte manager", ortemanager_main); rtems_shell_add_cmd("orteping", "orte", "start orteping", orte_ping_main); ... rtems_shell_add_cmd("spawn", "orte", "spawn task or command in background", orte_spawn_main); The example application (orte/examples/rtems-shell) for RTEMS testing is provided. Default provided network configuration for this example uses DHCP failsafe option. orte/examples/rtems-shell/networkconfig.h The application binary image linked with RTEMS system is available in "_compiled//bin" directory. I.e. _compiled/lpc17xx_ea_ram/bin/orte_rtems_shell_example The build is tarted by simple "make" command after above configuration make V=1 provides invoked full commands printing. make clean or make distclean can be used to clean the project. Project can be build for multiple BSPs when "RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH" is used directly as argument of "make" command. Each BSP specific build uses its separate build "_build/" and output "_compiled/" directory. Example ORTE ping run under RTEMS ================================= The ORTE applications require to start "ortemanager" on each node. Manager "help" is shown when manager command is invoked in RTEMS shell ortemanager -h It can be started in background by spawn ortemanager -e If more networked nodes are used then they need to be specified when manager is started spawn ortemanager -e -p -k ORTE ping publisher can be started now spawn orteping -p same as subscriber spawn orteping -s Both can be started specifying both -p and -s option. Log level can be elevated as well spawn orteping -p -s -v ALL.6 Limitations when ORTE is build and used with RTEMS ================================================== The ORTE IDL compiler cannot be build to run on RTEMS (CONFIG_OC_ETH_ORTE_IDL=n). But it can be build as part of Linux build and used for RTEMS sources generation. ORTE/DDS RTPS standard is based on building whole network model on each participating node. That requires considerable amount of memory. ORTE has little use for devices equipped with less than 2 or 4 MB of RAM. The situation is even worse for above describe examples because each is run as separate application and each builds its own copy of model/database (This is not a problem for real application which registers all publishers and subscribers to single domain at given node). ORTE has full support for big and little endian interoperability provided by IDL and types registration. The XDR serialization and deserialization is used for all management/control communications. But orteping uses delivery of 4 byte raw content in the test without IDL or application local endianess resolution. This results in byte-reversed numbers print when test is run between nodes with different endiannes.