default: cvs cvs: autoreconf -i all: aclocal -I admin autoheader automake autoconf dist: VER=$(shell git describe --match='v*' | sed -e 's/^v\(.*\)/\1/') dist: # Export clean sources and run autoreconf test ! -d orte-$(VER) git archive --format=tar --prefix=orte-$(VER)/ HEAD | tar x make -C orte-$(VER) -f Makefile.cvs rm -rf orte-$(VER)/autom4te.cache # Export sources again for building of documentation and copy generated orte manual to release dir test ! -d orte-$(VER)-doc git archive --format=tar --prefix=orte-$(VER)-doc/ HEAD | tar x make -C orte-$(VER)-doc/doc cp orte-$(VER)-doc/doc/orteman.pdf orte-$(VER)/doc rm -rf orte-$(VER)-doc # Create tarball tar czf orte-$(VER).tar.gz orte-$(VER) # Check that we can compile the content of the tarball cd orte-$(VER) && ./configure && make # Done rm -rf orte-$(VER) @echo "Tarball stored as orte-$(VER).tar.gz"