# Macros CV_RGB CvScalar double red double grn double blu CV_MAT_CN int int i CV_MAT_DEPTH int int i Scalar CvScalar double val0 double val1 0 double val2 0 double val3 0 ScalarAll CvScalar double val0123 RealScalar CvScalar double val0 CV_IABS int int a CV_CMP int int a int b CV_SIGN int int a CV_FOURCC int char c1 char c2 char c3 char c4 CV_MAKETYPE int int depth int cn # Initialization CloneImage IplImage* IplImage image SetImageCOI IplImage image int coi GetImageCOI int IplImage image SetImageROI IplImage image CvRect rect ResetImageROI IplImage image GetImageROI CvRect IplImage image CloneMat CvMat* CvMat mat CloneMatND CvMatND* CvMatND mat # Accessing Elements and sub-Arrays Get1D CvScalar CvArr arr int idx0 Get2D CvScalar CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 Get3D CvScalar CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 int idx2 GetND CvScalar CvArr arr ints idx GetReal1D double CvArr arr int idx0 GetReal2D double CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 GetReal3D double CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 int idx2 GetRealND double CvArr arr ints idx mGet double CvMat mat int row int col Set1D CvArr arr int idx0 CvScalar value Set2D CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 CvScalar value Set3D CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 int idx2 CvScalar value SetND CvArr arr ints idx CvScalar value SetReal1D CvArr arr int idx0 double value SetReal2D CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 double value SetReal3D CvArr arr int idx0 int idx1 int idx2 double value SetRealND CvArr arr ints idx double value mSet CvMat mat int row int col double value ClearND CvArr arr ints idx # Sequences CV_IS_SEQ_INDEX int CvSeq s CV_IS_SEQ_CURVE int CvSeq s CV_IS_SEQ_CLOSED int CvSeq s CV_IS_SEQ_CONVEX int CvSeq s CV_IS_SEQ_HOLE int CvSeq s CV_IS_SEQ_SIMPLE int CvSeq s # Curves and Shapes Line CvArr img CvPoint pt1 CvPoint pt2 CvScalar color int thickness 1 int line_type 8 int shift 0 Rectangle CvArr img CvPoint pt1 CvPoint pt2 CvScalar color int thickness 1 int line_type 8 int shift 0 Circle CvArr img CvPoint pt1 int radius CvScalar color int thickness 1 int line_type 8 int shift 0 Ellipse CvArr img CvPoint pt1 CvSize axes double angle double start_angle double end_angle CvScalar color int thickness 1 int line_type 8 int shift 0 EllipseBox CvArr img CvBox2D box CvScalar color int thickness 1 int line_type 8 int shift 0 FillPoly CvArr img pts_npts_contours pts CvScalar color int line_type 8 int shift 0 FillConvexPoly CvArr img CvPoints pn CvScalar color int line_type 8 int shift 0 PolyLine CvArr img pts_npts_contours pts int is_closed CvScalar color int thickness 1 int line_type 8 int shift 0 #Text InitFont font CvFont font /O int font_face double hscale double vscale double shear 0 int thickness 1 int line_type 8 PutText CvArr img char* text CvPoint org CvFont* font CvScalar color GetTextSize text_size,baseline char* text_string CvFont* font CvSize text_size /O int baseline /O # Point Sets and Contours DrawContours CvArr img CvSeq contour CvScalar external_color CvScalar hole_color int max_level int thickness 1 int line_type 8 CvPoint offset cvPoint(0,0) # RTTI and Generic Functions Save char* filename generic struct_ptr char* name NULL char* comment NULL Load generic char* filename CvMemStorage storage NULL char* name NULL # Accessing Elements and sub-Arrays GetRow submat CvArr arr CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A int row GetRows submat CvArr arr CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A int start_row int end_row int delta_row 1 GetCol submat CvArr arr CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A int col GetCols submat CvArr arr CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A int start_col int end_col GetDiag submat CvArr arr CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A int diag 0 GetSubRect submat CvArr arr CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A CvRect rect GetSize CvSize CvArr arr GetElemType int CvArr arr # Copying and Filling Copy CvArr src CvArr dst CvArr msk NULL Set CvArr arr CvScalar value CvArr msk NULL SetZero CvArr arr Zero CvArr arr SetIdentity CvArr mat CvScalar value cvRealScalar(1) Range CvArr mat double start double end # Transforms and Permutations # Reshape, ReshapeND - requires special data refcount code Repeat CvArr src CvArr dst Flip CvArr src CvArr dst NULL int flip_mode 0 Split CvArr src CvArr dst0 CvArr dst1 CvArr dst2 CvArr dst3 CvtPixToPlane CvArr src CvArr dst0 CvArr dst1 CvArr dst2 CvArr dst3 Merge CvArr src0 CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr src3 CvArr dst MixChannels cvarr_count src /K cvarr_count dst intpair from_to RandShuffle CvArr mat CvRNG* rng double iter_factor 1.0 Sort CvArr src CvArr dst CvArr idxmat int flags 0 # Arithmetic, Logic and Comparison LUT CvArr src CvArr dst CvArr lut ConvertScale CvArr src CvArr dst double scale 1.0 double shift 0.0 CvtScale CvArr src CvArr dst double scale 1.0 double shift 0.0 Scale CvArr src CvArr dst double scale 1.0 double shift 0.0 Convert CvArr src CvArr dst ConvertScaleAbs CvArr src CvArr dst double scale 1.0 double shift 0.0 Add CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL AddS CvArr src1 CvScalar value CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL AddWeighted CvArr src1 double alpha CvArr src2 double beta double gamma CvArr dst Sub CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL SubS CvArr src1 CvScalar value CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL SubRS CvArr src1 CvScalar value CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL Mul CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst double scale 1.0 Div CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst double scale 1.0 And CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL AndS CvArr src1 CvScalar value CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL Or CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL OrS CvArr src1 CvScalar value CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL Xor CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL XorS CvArr src1 CvScalar value CvArr dst CvArr mask NULL Not CvArr src CvArr dst Cmp CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst int cmp_op CmpS CvArr src double value CvArr dst int cmp_op InRange CvArr src CvArr lower CvArr upper CvArr dst InRangeS CvArr src CvScalar lower CvScalar upper CvArr dst Max CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst MaxS CvArr src double value CvArr dst Min CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst MinS CvArr src double value CvArr dst AbsDiff CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst AbsDiffS CvArr src CvArr dst CvScalar value Abs CvArr src CvArr dst # Statistics CountNonZero int CvArr arr Sum CvScalar CvArr arr Avg CvScalar CvArr arr CvArr mask NULL AvgSdv mean,std_dev CvArr arr CvScalar mean /O CvScalar std_dev /O CvArr mask NULL MinMaxLoc min_val,max_val,min_loc,max_loc CvArr arr double min_val /O double max_val /O CvPoint min_loc /O CvPoint max_loc /O CvArr mask NULL Norm double CvArr arr1 CvArr arr2 int norm_type CV_L2 CvArr mask NULL Reduce CvArr src CvArr dst int dim -1 int op CV_REDUCE_SUM # Linear Algebra DotProduct double CvArr src1 CvArr src2 Normalize CvArr src CvArr dst double a 1.0 double b 0.0 int norm_type CV_L2 CvArr mask NULL CrossProduct CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst ScaleAdd CvArr src1 CvScalar scale CvArr src2 CvArr dst GEMM CvArr src1 CvArr src2 double alpha CvArr src3 double beta CvArr dst int tABC 0 MatMulAdd CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr src3 CvArr dst MatMul CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst Transform CvArr src CvArr dst CvMat transmat CvMat shiftvec NULL PerspectiveTransform CvArr src CvArr dst CvMat mat MulTransposed CvArr src CvArr dst int order CvArr delta NULL Trace CvScalar CvArr mat Transpose CvArr src CvArr dst Det double CvArr mat Invert double CvArr src CvArr dst int method CV_LU Solve CvArr A CvArr B CvArr X int method CV_LU SVD CvArr A CvArr W /O CvArr U /O CvArr V /O int flags 0 SVBkSb CvArr W CvArr U CvArr V CvArr B CvArr X int flags EigenVV CvArr mat CvArr evects CvArr evals double eps CalcCovarMatrix cvarr_count vects /K CvArr cov_mat CvArr avg int flags Mahalonobis CvArr vec1 CvArr vec2 CvArr mat CalcPCA CvArr data CvArr avg CvArr eigenvalues CvArr eigenvectors int flags ProjectPCA CvArr data CvArr avg CvArr eigenvectors CvArr result BackProjectPCA CvArr proj CvArr avg CvArr eigenvects CvArr result # Math Functions Round int double value Floor int double value Ceil int double value Sqrt float float value InvSqrt float float value Cbrt float float value FastArctan float float y float x IsNaN int double value IsInf int double value CartToPolar CvArr x CvArr y CvArr magnitude CvArr angle NULL int angle_in_degrees PolarToCart CvArr magnitude CvArr angle NULL CvArr x CvArr y int angle_in_degrees Pow CvArr src CvArr dst double power Exp CvArr src CvArr dst Log CvArr src CvArr dst SolveCubic CvMat coeffs CvMat roots SolvePoly CvMat coeffs CvMat roots int maxiter 10 int fig 10 # Random Number Generation RNG CvRNG int64 seed -1LL RandArr CvRNG* rng CvArr arr int dist_type CvScalar param1 CvScalar param2 RandInt unsigned CvRNG* rng RandReal double CvRNG* rng # Discrete Transforms DFT CvArr src CvArr dst int flags int nonzero_rows 0 GetOptimalDFTSize int int size0 MulSpectrums CvArr src1 CvArr src2 CvArr dst int flags DCT CvArr src CvArr dst int flags # Sequences SeqRemove CvSeq seq int index ClearSeq CvSeq seq CloneSeq CvSeq seq CvMemStorage storage SeqRemoveSlice CvSeq seq CvSlice slice SeqInvert CvSeq seq # Miscellaneous Functions CheckArr int CvArr arr int flags 0 double min_val 0 double max_val 0 KMeans2 CvArr samples int cluster_count CvArr labels CvTermCriteria termcrit # Gradients, Edges, Corners and Features Sobel CvArr src CvArr dst int xorder int yorder int aperture_size 3 Laplace CvArr src CvArr dst int aperture_size 3 Canny CvArr image CvArr edges double threshold1 double threshold2 int aperture_size 3 PreCornerDetect CvArr image CvArr corners int aperture_size 3 CornerEigenValsAndVecs CvArr image CvArr eigenvv int block_size int aperture_size 3 CornerMinEigenVal CvArr image CvArr eigenval int block_size int aperture_size 3 CornerHarris CvArr image CvArr harris_dst int block_size int aperture_size 3 double k 0.04 FindCornerSubPix corners CvArr image CvPoint2D32fs corners CvSize win CvSize zero_zone CvTermCriteria criteria GoodFeaturesToTrack corners CvArr image CvArr eig_image CvArr temp_image cvpoint2d32f_count corners double quality_level double min_distance CvArr mask NULL int block_size 3 int use_harris 0 double k 0.04 ExtractSURF keypoints,descriptors CvArr image CvArr mask CvSeqOfCvSURFPoint* keypoints /O CvSeqOfCvSURFDescriptor* descriptors /O CvMemStorage storage CvSURFParams params GetStarKeypoints CvSeqOfCvStarKeypoint* CvArr image CvMemStorage storage CvStarDetectorParams params cvStarDetectorParams() # Sampling, Interpolation and Geometrical Transforms GetRectSubPix CvArr src CvArr dst CvPoint2D32f center GetQuadrangleSubPix CvArr src CvArr dst CvMat map_matrix Resize CvArr src CvArr dst int interpolation CV_INTER_LINEAR WarpAffine CvArr src CvArr dst CvMat map_matrix int flags CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS CvScalar fillval cvScalarAll(0) GetAffineTransform CvPoint2D32f* src CvPoint2D32f* dst CvMat map_matrix 2DRotationMatrix CvPoint2D32f center double angle double scale CvMat map_matrix WarpPerspective CvArr src CvArr dst CvMat map_matrix int flags CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS CvScalar fillval cvScalarAll(0) GetPerspectiveTransform CvPoint2D32f* src CvPoint2D32f* dst CvMat map_matrix Remap CvArr src CvArr dst CvArr mapx CvArr mapy int flags CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS CvScalar fillval cvScalarAll(0) ConvertMaps CvArr mapx CvArr mapy CvArr mapxy CvArr mapalpha LogPolar CvArr src CvArr dst CvPoint2D32f center double M int flags CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS # Morphological Operations CreateStructuringElementEx IplConvKernel* int cols int rows int anchor_x int anchor_y int shape ints values {NULL,0} Erode CvArr src CvArr dst IplConvKernel* element NULL int iterations 1 Dilate CvArr src CvArr dst IplConvKernel* element NULL int iterations 1 MorphologyEx CvArr src CvArr dst CvArr temp IplConvKernel* element int operation int iterations 1 # Filters and Color Conversion Smooth CvArr src CvArr dst int smoothtype CV_GAUSSIAN int param1 3 int param2 0 double param3 0 double param4 0 Filter2D CvArr src CvArr dst CvMat kernel CvPoint anchor cvPoint(-1,-1) CopyMakeBorder CvArr src CvArr dst CvPoint offset int bordertype CvScalar value cvScalarAll(0) Integral CvArr image CvArr sum CvArr sqsum NULL CvArr tilted_sum NULL CvtColor CvArr src CvArr dst int code Threshold CvArr src CvArr dst double threshold double max_value int threshold_type AdaptiveThreshold CvArr src CvArr dst double max_value int adaptive_method CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C /ch_adaptive_method int threshold_type CV_THRESH_BINARY /ch_threshold_type int block_size 3 double param1 5 # Pyramids and the Applications PyrDown CvArr src CvArr dst int filter CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5 PyrUp CvArr src CvArr dst int filter CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5 PyrSegmentation comp IplImage src IplImage dst CvMemStorage storage CvSeq* comp /O int level double threshold1 double threshold2 PyrMeanShiftFiltering CvArr src CvArr dst double sp double sr int max_level 1 CvTermCriteria termcrit cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,5,1) # Image Segmentation, Connected Components and Contour Retrieval FloodFill comp CvArr image CvPoint seed_point CvScalar new_val CvScalar lo_diff cvScalarAll(0) CvScalar up_diff cvScalarAll(0) CvConnectedComp comp /O int flags 4 CvArr mask NULL Watershed CvArr image CvArr markers # Image and Contour Moments Moments moments cvarrseq arr CvMoments moments /O int binary 0 GetSpatialMoment double CvMoments* moments int x_order int y_order GetCentralMoment double CvMoments* moments int x_order int y_order GetNormalizedCentralMoment double CvMoments* moments int x_order int y_order # Special Image Transforms HoughLines2 CvSeq* CvArr image CvMemStorage storage int method double rho double theta int threshold double param1 0 double param2 0 HoughCircles CvArr image CvMat circle_storage int method double dp double min_dist double param1 100 double param2 100 int min_radius 0 int max_radius 0 DistTransform CvArr src CvArr dst int distance_type CV_DIST_L2 int mask_size 3 floats mask {NULL,0} CvArr labels NULL Inpaint CvArr src CvArr mask CvArr dst double inpaintRadius int flags # Histograms ClearHist CvHistogram hist CalcArrHist CvArrs image CvHistogram hist int accumulate 0 CvArr mask NULL CalcHist IplImages image CvHistogram hist int accumulate 0 CvArr mask NULL NormalizeHist CvHistogram hist double factor ThreshHist CvHistogram hist double threshold CompareHist double CvHistogram hist1 CvHistogram hist2 int method # CopyHist CalcBackProject IplImages image CvArr back_project CvHistogram hist CalcArrBackProject CvArrs image CvArr back_project CvHistogram hist CalcBackProjectPatch IplImages images CvArr dst CvSize patch_size CvHistogram hist int method float factor CalcProbDensity CvHistogram hist1 CvHistogram hist2 CvHistogram dst_hist double scale 255 EqualizeHist CvArr src CvArr dst QueryHistValue_1D double CvHistogram hist int idx0 QueryHistValue_2D double CvHistogram hist int idx0 int idx1 QueryHistValue_3D double CvHistogram hist int idx0 int idx1 int idx2 QueryHistValue_nD double CvHistogram hist ints idx # Matching MatchTemplate CvArr image CvArr templ CvArr result int method MatchShapes CvSeq object1 CvSeq object2 int method double parameter 0 # Contour Processing Functions ApproxChains CvSeq* CvSeq src_seq CvMemStorage storage int method CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE double parameter 0 int minimal_perimeter 0 int recursive 0 BoundingRect CvRect cvarrseq points int update 0 ContourArea double cvarrseq contour CvSlice slice CV_WHOLE_SEQ ArcLength double cvarrseq curve CvSlice slice CV_WHOLE_SEQ int is_closed -1 CreateContourTree CvContourTree* CvSeq contour CvMemStorage storage double threshold ContourFromContourTree CvSeq* CvContourTree* tree CvMemStorage storage CvTermCriteria criteria MatchContourTrees double CvContourTree* tree1 CvContourTree* tree2 int method double threshold # Computational Geometry MaxRect CvRect CvRect* rect1 CvRect* rect2 # TODO PointSeqFromMat BoxPoints pt CvBox2D box CvPoint2D32f_4 pt /O,A FitEllipse2 CvBox2D CvArr points ConvexHull2 CvSeq* cvarrseq points CvMemStorage storage int orientation CV_CLOCKWISE int return_points 0 CheckContourConvexity int cvarrseq contour ConvexityDefects CvSeqOfCvConvexityDefect* cvarrseq contour CvSeq convexhull CvMemStorage storage PointPolygonTest double cvarrseq contour CvPoint2D32f pt int measure_dist MinAreaRect2 CvBox2D cvarrseq points CvMemStorage storage MinEnclosingCircle int,center,radius cvarrseq points CvPoint2D32f center /O float radius /O CalcPGH CvSeq contour CvHistogram hist # Planar Subdivisions Subdiv2DGetEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge edge CvNextEdgeType type Subdiv2DNextEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge edge Subdiv2DRotateEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge edge int rotate Subdiv2DEdgeOrg CvSubdiv2DPoint* CvSubdiv2DEdge edge Subdiv2DEdgeDst CvSubdiv2DPoint* CvSubdiv2DEdge edge CreateSubdivDelaunay2D CvSubdiv2D* CvRect rect CvMemStorage storage SubdivDelaunay2DInsert CvSubdiv2DPoint* CvSubdiv2D* subdiv CvPoint2D32f pt CalcSubdivVoronoi2D CvSubdiv2D* subdiv ClearSubdivVoronoi2D CvSubdiv2D* subdiv FindNearestPoint2D CvSubdiv2DPoint* CvSubdiv2D* subdiv CvPoint2D32f pt # Object Detection HaarDetectObjects CvSeqOfCvAvgComp* CvArr image CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade CvMemStorage storage double scale_factor 1.1 /ch_doubleAbove1 int min_neighbors 3 int flags 0 # CvSize min_size cvSize(0,0) ProjectPoints2 CvMat object_points CvMat rotation_vector CvMat translation_vector CvMat intrinsic_matrix CvMat distortion_coeffs CvMat image_points CvMat dpdrot NULL CvMat dpdt NULL CvMat dpdf NULL CvMat dpdc NULL CvMat dpddist NULL FindHomography homography CvMat src_points CvMat dst_points CvMat homography int method 0 double ransacReprojThreshold 0.0 CvMat mask NULL CalibrateCamera2 CvMat object_points CvMat image_points CvMat point_counts CvSize image_size CvMat intrinsic_matrix CvMat distortion_coeffs CvMat rotation_vectors CvMat translation_vectors int flags 0 CalibrationMatrixValues fovx,fovy,focalLength,principalPoint,pixelAspectRatio CvMat calibMatr CvSize image_size double apertureWidth 0 double apertureHeight 0 double fovx /O double fovy /O double focalLength /O CvPoint2D64f principalPoint /O double pixelAspectRatio /O FindExtrinsicCameraParams2 CvMat object_points CvMat image_points CvMat intrinsic_matrix CvMat distortion_coeffs CvMat rotation_vector CvMat translation_vector StereoCalibrate CvMat object_points CvMat image_points1 CvMat image_points2 CvMat point_counts CvMat camera_matrix1 CvMat dist_coeffs1 CvMat camera_matrix2 CvMat dist_coeffs2 CvSize image_size CvMat R CvMat T CvMat E NULL CvMat F NULL CvTermCriteria term_crit cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,30,1e-6) int flags CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC StereoRectify CvMat camera_matrix1 CvMat camera_matrix2 CvMat dist_coeffs1 CvMat dist_coeffs2 CvSize image_size CvMat R CvMat T CvMat R1 CvMat R2 CvMat P1 CvMat P2 CvMat Q NULL int flags CV_CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY StereoRectifyUncalibrated CvMat points1 CvMat points2 CvMat F CvSize image_size CvMat H1 CvMat H2 double threshold 5 Rodrigues2 CvMat src CvMat dst CvMat jacobian 0 Undistort2 CvArr src CvArr dst CvMat intrinsic_matrix CvMat distortion_coeffs InitUndistortMap CvMat camera_matrix CvMat distortion_coeffs CvArr mapx CvArr mapy InitUndistortRectifyMap CvMat camera_matrix CvMat dist_coeffs CvMat R CvMat new_camera_matrix CvArr mapx CvArr mapy UndistortPoints CvMat src CvMat dst CvMat camera_matrix CvMat dist_coeffs CvMat R NULL CvMat P NULL DrawChessboardCorners CvArr image CvSize pattern_size CvPoint2D32fs corners int pattern_was_found CreatePOSITObject CvPOSITObject* CvPoint3D32fs points POSIT rotation_matrix,translation_vector CvPOSITObject* posit_object CvPoint2D32f* image_points double focal_length CvTermCriteria criteria CvMatr32f_i rotation_matrix /O,A CvVect32f_i translation_vector /O,A CalcImageHomography intrinsic,homography floats line CvPoint3D32f* points CvMatr32f_i intrinsic /O,A,/ch_Mat33 CvMatr32f_i homography /O,A EstimateRigidTransform CvArr A CvArr B CvMat M int full_affine # Accumulation of Background Statistics Acc CvArr image CvArr sum CvArr mask NULL SquareAcc CvArr image CvArr sqsum CvArr mask NULL MultiplyAcc CvArr image1 CvArr image2 CvArr acc CvArr mask NULL RunningAvg CvArr image CvArr acc double alpha CvArr mask NULL # Motion Templates UpdateMotionHistory CvArr silhouette CvArr mhi double timestamp double duration CalcMotionGradient CvArr mhi /ch_matF CvArr mask CvArr orientation /ch_matF double delta1 double delta2 int aperture_size 3 /ch_aperture CalcGlobalOrientation CvArr orientation CvArr mask CvArr mhi double timestamp double duration SegmentMotion CvArr mhi CvArr seg_mask CvMemStorage storage double timestamp double seg_thresh # Object Tracking MeanShift comp CvArr prob_image CvRect window CvTermCriteria criteria CvConnectedComp comp /O CamShift int,comp,box CvArr prob_image CvRect window CvTermCriteria criteria CvConnectedComp comp /O CvBox2D box /O SnakeImage IplImage image CvPoints points floats alpha floats beta floats gamma int coeff_usage CvSize win CvTermCriteria criteria int calc_gradient 1 # Optical Flow CalcOpticalFlowLK CvArr prev CvArr curr CvSize win_size CvArr velx CvArr vely CalcOpticalFlowBM CvArr prev /ch_image8 CvArr curr /ch_image8 CvSize block_size CvSize shift_size CvSize max_range int use_previous CvArr velx /ch_vel CvArr vely /ch_vel CalcOpticalFlowHS CvArr prev /ch_image8 CvArr curr /ch_image8 int use_previous CvArr velx /ch_vel_64 CvArr vely /ch_vel_64 double lambda CvTermCriteria criteria CalcOpticalFlowFarneback CvArr prev /ch_image8 CvArr curr /ch_image8 CvArr flow double pyr_scale 0.5 int levels 3 int winsize 15 int iterations 3 int poly_n 7 double poly_sigma 1.5 int flags 0 # Highgui NamedWindow char* name int flags CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE DestroyWindow char* name DestroyAllWindows ResizeWindow char* name int width int height MoveWindow char* name int x int y ShowImage char* name CvArr image GetTrackbarPos char* trackbar_name char* window_name SetTrackbarPos char* trackbar_name char* window_name int pos #WaitKey int # int delay 0 SaveImage char* filename CvArr image CaptureFromFile CvCapture* char* filename CaptureFromCAM CvCapture* int index CreateCameraCapture CvCapture* int index GrabFrame int CvCapture* capture RetrieveFrame ROIplImage* CvCapture* capture QueryFrame ROIplImage* CvCapture* capture GetCaptureProperty double CvCapture* capture int property_id SetCaptureProperty int CvCapture* capture int property_id double value CreateVideoWriter CvVideoWriter* char* filename int fourcc double fps CvSize frame_size int is_color 1 WriteFrame int CvVideoWriter* writer IplImage image EncodeImage CvMat* char* ext CvArr image ints0 params {&zero,1} DecodeImage IplImage* CvMat buf int iscolor CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR DecodeImageM CvMat* CvMat buf int iscolor CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR StartWindowThread # cvaux stuff HOGDetectMultiScale CvSeq* CvArr image CvMemStorage storage CvArr svm_classifier NULL CvSize win_stride cvSize(0,0) double hit_threshold 0 double scale 1.05 int group_threshold 2 CvSize padding cvSize(0,0) CvSize win_size cvSize(64,128) CvSize block_size cvSize(16,16) CvSize block_stride cvSize(8,8) CvSize cell_size cvSize(8,8) int nbins 9 int gammaCorrection 1