# Rules for NuttX binaries compilation of C, C++ and assembler # sources using GNU toolchain. # Interface to other rules: # kernel_HEADERS .. list of the kernel-space public header files # kernel_MODULES .. list of the kernel side modules/applications # Input variables: # NUTTX_EXPORT - export directory of NuttX build # it should contain subdirectories: # arch build include libs registry startup) # LIB_DIR - directory where compiled libraries are stored # OBJS_DIR - directory where intermediate files (.o, .map, ...) are stored # INCLUDE_DIR - where includes can be found # from config.omk or Makefile.omk # CROSS_COMPILE - target architecture tools prefix # TARGET_ARCH, DEBUG, OPTIMIZE, DEFS - forms CFLAGS # from base: SOURCES_DIR # from Makefile.omk: lib_LOADLIBES # Output variables: # SOURCES - all the source files that needs to be compiled (except for shared library sources) # SOLIB_SOURCES - all the source files that needs to be compiled for a shared library # OBJ_EXT - extension of object files # LIB_EXT - extension of library files # LIB_PREF - prefix for library files # ASM_EXT - extension of assembler sources # Templates: # COMPILER_DEFS_template - definitions that should be defined before # the following templates can be used. The input variables needs to be # defined before evaluating this template # COMPILE_c_o_template, COMPILE_cc_o_template, COMPILE_S_o_template - # templates that create rules for compilation of sources # PROGRAM_template, LIBRARY_template, SOLIB_template - templates that # create rules for compilation of a program, library and shared # library. The rules can use rules produced by COMPILE_xxx_template. define COMPILER_DEFS_template OBJ_EXT = .o LIB_EXT = .a LIB_PREF = lib ASM_EXT = .S CC = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc CXX = $(CROSS_COMPILE)g++ LINK = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ld AR = $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar OBJCOPY = $(CROSS_COMPILE)objcopy NM = $(CROSS_COMPILE)nm CFLAGS += $(TARGET_ARCH) $(DEBUG) $(OPTIMIZE) CFLAGS += -Wall CFLAGS += -I$(SOURCES_DIR) CFLAGS += -I$(INCLUDE_DIR) LOADLIBES += -L$(LIB_DIR) LOADLIBES += $(lib_LOADLIBES:%=-l%) -include $(OBJS_DIR)/*.d SOURCES2OBJS = .o/.c .o/.cc .o/.cxx .o/.S .o/.s .o/.o SOURCES2OBJSLO = .lo/.c .lo/.cc .lo/.cxx .lo/.S .lo/.s .lo/.lo #%.lo: %.c # $(CC) -o $@ $(LCFLAGS) -c $< c_o_COMPILE = $$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(OMK_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(OMK_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) cc_o_COMPILE = $$(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(OMK_CPPFLAGS) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(OMK_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) S_o_COMPILE = $$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) \ $(CPPFLAGS) $(OMK_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) # Check GCC version for user build ifndef CC_MAJOR_VERSION CC_MAJOR_VERSION = $$(shell $$(CC) -dumpversion | $(SED4OMK) -e 's/\([^.]\)\..*/\1/') endif # Prepare suitable define for dependency building ifeq ($$(CC_MAJOR_VERSION),2) CC_DEPFLAGS = -Wp,-MD,"$$@.d.tmp" else CC_DEPFLAGS = -MT $$@ -MD -MP -MF "$$@.d.tmp" endif endef # COMPILER_DEFS_template # Syntax: $(call COMPILE_c_o_template,,,) define COMPILE_c_o_template $(2): $(1) $$(GEN_HEADERS) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " CC $$@" $(Q) if $$(c_o_COMPILE) $$(CC_DEPFLAGS) $(3) -o $$@ -c $$< ; \ then mv -f "$$@.d.tmp" "$$@.d" ; \ else rm -f "$$@.d.tmp" ; exit 1; \ fi endef # Syntax: $(call COMPILE_cc_o_template,,,) define COMPILE_cc_o_template $(2): $(1) $$(GEN_HEADERS) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " CXX $$@" $(Q) if $$(cc_o_COMPILE) $$(CC_DEPFLAGS) $(3) -o $$@ -c $$< ; \ then mv -f "$$@.d.tmp" "$$@.d" ; \ else rm -f "$$@.d.tmp" ; exit 1; \ fi endef # Syntax: $(call COMPILE_S_o_template,,,) define COMPILE_S_o_template $(2): $(1) $$(GEN_HEADERS) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " AS $$@" $(Q) if $$(S_o_COMPILE) -D__ASSEMBLY__ $$(CC_DEPFLAGS) $(3) -o $$@ -c $$< ; \ then if [ -e "$$@.d.tmp" ] ; then mv -f "$$@.d.tmp" "$$@.d" ; fi ; \ else rm -f "$$@.d.tmp" ; exit 1; \ fi endef # Syntax: $(call PROGRAM_template,,,) define PROGRAM_template GEN_SOURCES += $$($(1)_GEN_SOURCES) $(foreach x, $(SOURCES2OBJS), $(1)_OBJS += $$(patsubst %$(notdir $(x)),%$(dir $(x)),$$(filter %$(notdir $(x)),\ $$($(1)_SOURCES) $$($(1)_GEN_SOURCES))) ) $(1)_OBJS := $$(sort $$($(1)_OBJS:%/=%)) SOURCES += $$($(1)_SOURCES) ifneq ($$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN),) ifneq ($$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN),all) $(1)_PROGBUILTIN_LIST = $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN) else $(1)_PROGBUILTIN_TMP = $$(wildcard $$(USER_COMPILED_DIR_NAME)/registry/*.pbi) $(1)_PROGBUILTIN_LIST = $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_TMP:$$(USER_COMPILED_DIR_NAME)/registry/%.pbi=%) endif $(1)_PROGBUILTIN_PBI=$$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_LIST:%=$$(USER_COMPILED_DIR_NAME)/registry/%.pbi) $(1)_PROGBUILTIN_ldat=$$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_LIST:%=$$(USER_COMPILED_DIR_NAME)/registry/%.ldat) $(1)_PROGBUILTIN_PDAT=$$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_LIST:%=$$(USER_COMPILED_DIR_NAME)/registry/%.pdat) \ $$(wildcard $(NUTTXREGISTRY)/*.pdat) $(1)_PROGBUILTIN_BDAT=$$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_LIST:%=$$(USER_COMPILED_DIR_NAME)/registry/%.bdat) \ $$(wildcard $(NUTTXREGISTRY)/*.bdat) ifneq ($$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_PDAT),) $(1)_BUILTINTABLE = $(OBJS_DIR)/$(1)-builtintab.c $$($(1)_BUILTINTABLE): $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_PDAT) $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_BDAT) $(Q) cat $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_PDAT) >$$@ $(Q) echo "#include " >>$$@ $(Q) echo "#include " >>$$@ $(Q) echo "const struct builtin_s g_builtins[] = {" >>$$@ $(Q) cat $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_BDAT) >>$$@ $(Q) echo "{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 }};" >>$$@ $(Q) echo "const int g_builtin_count = sizeof(g_builtins) / sizeof(g_builtins[0]);" >>$$@ GEN_SOURCES += $$($(1)_BUILTINTABLE) endif endif ifneq ($$(LD_SCRIPT$(3:%=-%)),) $(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT_FN = $$(LD_SCRIPT$(3:%=-%)) else $(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT_FN = $$(LD_SCRIPT) endif ifeq ($$(dir $$($(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT_FN)),) $(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT = $$(LIB_DIR)/$$($(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT_FN) else $(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT = $$($(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT_FN) endif $(1)$(3:%=-%)_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-T,$$($(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT) $(2)/$(1)$(3:%=-%): $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_BUILTINTABLE:%.c=%.o) $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_ldat) $$($(1)$(3:%=-%)_LD_SCRIPT) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " LINK $$@" $(Q) if [ -n "$$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_LIST)" ] ; then echo ; fi $(Q) $$(if $$(filter %.cc,$$($(1)_SOURCES)) , \ $$(CXX) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(OMK_CPPFLAGS) $$(OMK_CXXFLAGS) $$(CXXFLAGS) , \ $$(CC) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(OMK_CPPFLAGS) $$(OMK_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) ) \ $$(OMK_LDFLAGS) $$(LDFLAGS) $$($(1)$(3:%=-%)_LDFLAGS) -Wl,-Map,$(1)$(3:%=-%).map \ $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_MOREOBJS) $$($(1)_BUILTINTABLE:%.c=%.o) \ $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_PBI) $$(LOADLIBES) $$($(1)_LIBS:%=-l%) \ $$(shell for i in $$($(1)_PROGBUILTIN_ldat); do cat $$$$i ; done) $$(NUTTXLIBES) \ -o $$@ @echo "$(2)/$(1)$(3:%=-%): \\" >$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1)$(3:%=-%).exe.d @$(SED4OMK) -n -e 's|^LOAD \(.*\)$$$$| \1 \&|p' $(OBJS_DIR)/$(1)$(3:%=-%).map|tr '&' '\134' >>$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1)$(3:%=-%).exe.d @echo >>$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).exe.d endef # Syntax: $(call ELF_template,,) define ELF_template $(2)/$(1).elf: $$($(1)_OBJS) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " ELF $$@" $(Q) $(LINK) \ -r -e main -T $(NUTTX_EXPORT)/build/gnu-elf.ld \ -Map $(1).elf.map \ $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_MOREOBJS) $$(LOADLIBES) $$($(1)_LIBS:%=-l%) \ -o $$@ @echo "$(2)/$(1).elf: \\" >$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).elf.d @echo " $(NUTTX_EXPORT)/build/gnu-elf.ld \\" >>$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).elf.d @$(SED4OMK) -n -e 's|^LOAD \(.*\)$$$$| \1 \&|p' $(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).elf.map|tr '&' '\134' >>$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).elf.d @echo >>$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).elf.d endef # Syntax: $(call PROGBUILTIN_template,,,) define PROGBUILTIN_template $(1)_PRIORITY ?= SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT $(1)_STACKSIZE ?= 2048 $(2)/$(1).pbi: $$($(1)_OBJS) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " PROGMOD $$@" $(Q) $(LINK) \ -r -x --defsym=$(1)_main=main \ -Map $(1).pbi.map \ $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_MOREOBJS) \ -o $(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).pbo $(Q) $(OBJCOPY) --keep-global-symbol=$(1)_main $(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).pbo $$@ @echo "$(2)/$(1).pbi: \\" >$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).pbi.d @$(SED4OMK) -n -e 's|^LOAD \(.*\)$$$$| \1 \&|p' $(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).pbi.map|tr '&' '\134' >>$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).pbi.d @echo >>$(OBJS_DIR)/$(1).pbi.d @echo "{ \"$1\", $$($(1)_PRIORITY), $$($(1)_STACKSIZE), $(1)_main }," >$(3)/$(1).bdat @echo "int $(1)_main(int argc, char *argv[]);" >$(3)/$(1).pdat @echo "$$(LOADLIBES) $$($(1)_LIBS:%=-l%)" >$(3)/$(1).ldat endef # Rules for other output formats (can be specified by OUTPUT_FORMATS) %.bin: % @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " OBJCOPY $@" $(Q) $(OBJCOPY) --output-target=binary -S $< $@ %.hex: % @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " OBJCOPY $@" $(Q) $(OBJCOPY) --output-target=ihex -S $< $@ %.srec: % @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " OBJCOPY $@" $(Q) $(OBJCOPY) --output-target=srec -S $< $@ # Syntax: $(call LIBRARY_template,) define LIBRARY_template GEN_SOURCES += $$($(1)_GEN_SOURCES) $(foreach x, $(SOURCES2OBJS), $(1)_OBJS += $$(patsubst %$(notdir $(x)),%$(dir $(x)),$$(filter %$(notdir $(x)),\ $$($(1)_SOURCES) $$($(1)_GEN_SOURCES))) ) $(1)_OBJS := $$(sort $$($(1)_OBJS:%/=%)) SOURCES += $$($(1)_SOURCES) $(LIB_DIR)/lib$(1).a: $$($(1)_OBJS) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " AR $$@" $(Q) $(AR) rcs $$@ $$^ endef # Syntax: $(call SOLIB_template,) define SOLIB_template SOLIB_GEN_SOURCES += $$($(1)_GEN_SOURCES) $(foreach x, $(SOURCES2OBJSLO), $(1)_OBJSLO += $$(patsubst %$(notdir $(x)),%$(dir $(x)),$$(filter %$(notdir $(x)),\ $$($(1)_SOURCES) $$($(1)_GEN_SOURCES))) ) $(1)_OBJSLO := $$(sort $$($(1)_OBJSLO:%/=%)) SOLIB_OBJS += $$($(1)_OBJSLO) SOLIB_SOURCES += $$($(1)_SOURCES) $(LIB_DIR)/lib$(1).so: $$($(1)_OBJSLO) @$(QUIET_CMD_ECHO) " LINK $$@" $(Q) $(LD) --shared --soname=lib$(1).so -o $$@ $$^ endef ifneq ($(bin_PROGRAMS),) library-pass_HOOKS += force_builtin_library_hook .PHONY: force_builtin_library_hook force_builtin_library_hook: endif