// vim: ft=cpp /* * gdb_stub/connection -- * * Definition of external connectivity for the GDB server stub * * (c) 2011-2013 Björn Döbel , * economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License 2. * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details. */ #pragma once #include EXTERN_C_BEGIN #include #include #include "arch/cc.h" #include "netif/etharp.h" #include "lwip/tcpip.h" #include "lwip/inet.h" #include "lwip/sockets.h" #include "lwip/netdb.h" #include EXTERN_C_END class Uart_x86 { private: unsigned long _base; public: Uart_x86(); bool startup(unsigned long base); void shutdown_uart(); int get_char(bool blocking = true) const; int char_avail() const; void out_char(char c) const; int write_uart(char const* s, unsigned long count) const; }; namespace Romain { class Connection { public: virtual ~Connection() { } virtual void setup_and_wait() = 0; virtual void disconnect() = 0; virtual int wait_for_cmd(char * const buf, unsigned bufsize) = 0; virtual int senddata(char const * const buf, unsigned bufsize) = 0; }; class TCPConnection : public Connection { private: unsigned _port; // local port to listen on struct sockaddr_in _inet, _clnt; // connection info - mine and the client's int _socket; // socket id int _socket_fd; // socket fd public: TCPConnection(unsigned port) : Connection(), _port(port), _inet(), _clnt(), _socket(-1), _socket_fd(-1) { } unsigned port() const { return _port; } /* * remote connection handling */ virtual void setup_and_wait(); virtual void disconnect(); virtual int wait_for_cmd(char * const packetbuf, unsigned bufsize); virtual int senddata(char const * const buf, unsigned size); }; class SerialConnection : public Connection { Uart_x86 _uart; void get_vbus_resources(); public: SerialConnection() : _uart() { get_vbus_resources(); } virtual void setup_and_wait(); virtual void disconnect(); virtual int wait_for_cmd(char * const buf, unsigned bufsize); virtual int senddata(char const * const buf, unsigned bufsize); }; }