
This section describes genericity over different mapping-semantics. It is organized as follows.

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Types as a Policy
  3. The Basic Problem
  4. Mapping Levels
  5. Tags and Traits
  6. Drawbacks


Motivation::Mapping Semantics discussed scalability issues with the STL's non-unique-mapping associative containers; non-unique association inherently embeds linked-lists in associative containers resulting in scalability problems and other problems.

In pb_assoc, all containers have unique-key semantics. Each key is uniquely mapped to "something".

Data Types as a Policy

All associative-containers in pb_assoc are parameterized by a data type. E.g., cc_hash_assoc_cntnr is parameterized as

	typename Key,
	typename Data,
class cc_hash_assoc_cntnr;

There are no separate classes for maps, sets, multimaps, and multisets (as the STL has). Rather, the mapping-semantic is set by specifying the Key parameter.

  1. If Data is any type (e.g., int or std::string), then the container is a "map" - it maps each Key object to a Data object.
  2. If Data is null_data_type, then the container is a "set" - it stores each Key object. In this case, each Key object is not really mapped to anything (except, implicitly, to the fact that it is stored in the container object).
  3. If Data is compound_data_type<Cntnr>, then the container is a "multimap" - it maps each Key object into a Cntnr object. This structure is recursive - Cntnr itself can be a "map", "set", "multimap", and so forth.

Each container derives from one of the three containers in the oval of Figure Data-types as a policy .

  1. basic_assoc_cntnr is the base for most instantiations of a container's Data paramter. This base includes the definition of data_type, and supports operator[].
  2. basic_assoc_cntnr is the base for a null_data_type instantiation of a container's Data paramter. This base lacks the definition of data_type, and does not support operator[].
  3. basic_assoc_cntnr is the base for a compound_data_type<Cntnr> instantiation of a container's Data paramter. This base includes the definition of data_type, and supports operator[]. It further supports some advanced functionality described in the remainder of this section.
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Data-types as a policy.

The Basic Problem

Consider a pb_assoc "multimap" mapping integers to characters. Since a pb_assoc "multimap" is a "map" of "sets", if m is an object of this type, it is not possible to directly use m.insert(std::make_pair(2, 'b') (however, it is possible to directly use m[2].insert('b')). In would be nice if this method whould be supported.

Put differently, while the pb_assoc "multimap" can be viewed logically as the collection

{ int → {char} },

It would be nice if it could simultaneously be viewed as the collection

{ (int, char) },

i.e., a "set" of pairs.

In more general terms, it would be nice to be able to simultaneously view a collection

{ key_type_0 → { key_type_1 → { key_type_2 → { key_type_3 → { ... }}}}}

as each of the following:

{ (key_type_0, key_type_1) → { key_type_2 &rarr { key_type_e → { ... }}}},

{ (key_type_0, key_type_1, key_type_2) &rarr { key_type_3 → { ... }}}

{ (key_type_0, key_type_1, key_type_2, key_type_3 ) &rarr { }}


Mapping_Levels discusses the mechanism for these multiple views in pb_assoc

Mapping Levels

Each associative container in pb_assoc has a mapping level. The mapping level is defined by the instantiation of a container's Data parameter:

  1. If the Data parameter is instantiated by null_data_type (i.e., the container is a "set"), then the mapping level is 1.
  2. If the Data parameter is instantiated by compound_data_type<Cntnr> (i.e., the container is a "multimap"), then the mapping level is 1 + the mapping level of Cntnr.
  3. If the Data parameter is instantiated by any other type, e.g., char (i.e., the container is a "map"), then the mapping level is 1.

Containers can be rebound, at compile time, to different mapping levels. The compound data-type specialization basic_assoc_cntnr defines internally

	int Mapping_Level>
struct rebind

(which is similar to the STL's allocator rebind mechanism). the type other is the view of the container with mapping level Mapping_Level. The container can be safely cast to other.

As an example, consider the type

				null_data_type> > >

which is a "map" mapping each int to a "set" of chars. In this case, cntnr_t has mapping level 2.

An object of type cntnr_t cannot support insert(std::make_pair(2, 'b'));. On the other hand, the following code snippet shows how to do so:

cntnr_t c;


((t_ &)c).insert(std::make_pair(2, 'b'));

mapping_level_example.cpp shows a more detailed example.

Tags and Traits

It is, of course, beneficial to query types for their mapping semantics.

Each container defines internally the type ms_category as its mapping-semantics tag (hopefully this name is not copyrighted by some major corporation). The possible tags, shown in Figure are the following:

  1. basic_ms_tag is a basic mapping-semantics tag. It is the type defined by "set"s.
  2. data_enabled_ms_tag is a mapping-semantics tag of types that have data. It is the type defined by "map"s.
  3. compound_data_enabled_ms_tag is a mapping-semantics tag of types that have compound data. It is the type defined by "multimap"s.

Additionally, a container's mapping semantics can be queried by traits. For any container Cntnr,


indicates the mapping level of the container, for example.


pb_assoc's mapping-semantics design has some drawbacks compared to that of the STL.

Equivalent, Non-Identical Keys

The STL's multimaps and multisets allow storing equivalent, non-identical keys [kleft00sets]. For example, assume a bank maintains a data structure monitoring the accounts opened by each person. This could be modeled as the following:

// Name type.

// Account-id type.
	unsigned long

// Association between a name and an account id.
class opened_info

	// Comparison operator.
	 	(const opened_info &r_other)
		Comparison is defined as the comparison of the names.
	 	return m_name < r_other.m_name;

	name m_name;

	account_id m_acc_id;

// A multiset of opened accounts.

std::multiset can accomodate multiple equivalent, non-identical opened_info - those with the same name but different account id.

In pb_assoc, however, non-unique mapping is unsupported. The equivalent to the above could be

				account_id> > >

The drawback lies in the fact that the data stored in all_opened_info is less encapsulated - an opened_info object needs to be constructed when a specific name and account are found, and an opened_info object needs to be decomposed into name and account_id objects when it is inserted into a all_opened_info object.

It should be noticed however, that the above drawbacks - construction and decomposition are constant-time additive drawbacks. The drawbacks of the STL's associative containers are in terms of orders of growth.

Definition of value_type

The STL's associative containers contain a pleasingly uniform definition of the value_type of a container. If a container is parameterized by key as its Key, and data as its Data, then its value_type is std::pair<const key, data>; for example, the value_type of std::map<int, char> is std::pair<const int, char>. Futhermore, the value_type of a container and the value_type of the container's iterators are identical.

In pb_assoc, conversely, the rules are more complex.

For one, a container's value_type is, in general std::pair<const Key, Data>, but if Data is null_data_type, then the value_type is Key, and if Data is compound_data_type<Cntnr>, then the value_type is std::pair<const Key, Cntnr>.

Futhermore, assume that Cntnr is an associative container with more than a single mapping level, and let Cntnr_ be defined as

	typename Cntnr::template rebind<i>::other

i.e., the container rebound to a different mapping level. In this case, the value_type of the rebound container is not the value_type of the rebound container's iterators. I.e., it is not true that typename Cntnr_::value_type is the same as typename Cntnr_::iterator::value_type. This complication never exists for the STL's container.

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Iterator of a rebound type.


pb_assoc does not contain a "multiset" type. The closest equivalent is mapping keys to non-negative integral types, e.g., size_t.