(****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *) (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *) (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *) (* Caml source tree. *) (* *) (****************************************************************************) (* Authors: * - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version *) open YaM open Format let getenv var default = try Sys.getenv var with Not_found -> default let libdir_camlp4 = (getenv "LIBDIR" Camlp4_config.libdir) ^ "/camlp4/." let bindir = (getenv "BINDIR" Camlp4_config.bindir) ^ "/." (** let unixlib = match Sys.os_type with | "Win32" -> "../otherlibs/win32unix" | _ -> "../otherlibs/unix" **) let ocamlrun = "../boot/ocamlrun" (* " -I " ^ unixlib *) let ocamlrun_os = Filename.concat Filename.parent_dir_name (Filename.concat "boot" "ocamlrun") (* ^ " -I " ^ unixlib *) let ocaml = ocamlrun ^ " ../ocaml -I ../stdlib" (* "-I " ^ unixlib *) let debug_mode = (* true *) false let camlp4_modules = [ ocamlrun_os; "./boot/camlp4boot"; ] let camlp4_modules = if debug_mode then "env STATIC_CAMLP4_DEBUG=\\*" :: camlp4_modules else camlp4_modules let debug_opt x = if debug_mode && Sys.file_exists x then [x] else [] let filter_opt x = if Sys.file_exists x then [x] else [] let camlp4boot = "'" ^ String.concat " " camlp4_modules ^ "'" let camlp4boot_may_debug mods = let camlp4_modules = camlp4_modules @ debug_opt "./boot/ExceptionTracer.cmo" @ filter_opt "./boot/Profiler.cmo" @ mods in "'" ^ String.concat " " camlp4_modules ^ "'" let ocamlc = best ["../ocamlc.opt", "../ocamlc.opt"; "../ocamlc", ocamlrun ^^ "../ocamlc"; "", "echo no byte compiler available && false"] let ocamlopt = best ["../ocamlopt.opt", "../ocamlopt.opt"; "../ocamlopt", ocamlrun ^^ "../ocamlopt"; "", "echo no native compiler available && false"] let () = !options.ocamlc := ocamlc ^^ " -nostdlib -I ../stdlib"; !options.ocamlopt := ocamlopt ^^ " -nostdlib -I ../stdlib"; !options.ocamldoc := ocamlrun ^^ "../ocamldoc/ocamldoc"; !options.ocamlyacc := ocamlrun ^^ "../boot/ocamlyacc"; !options.ocamllex := ocamlrun ^^ "../boot/ocamllex"; !options.ocamldep := ocamlrun ^^ "../tools/ocamldep"; () let options_without_camlp4 = new_scope (lazy !options) let windows = Sys.os_type = "Win32" let may_define_unix = if windows then [] else ["-D UNIX"] let () = !options.ocaml_Flags ^= "-w Ale -warn-error Ale"^^ (if getenv "DTYPES" "" <> "" then "-annot" else ""); !options.ocaml_P4 := camlp4boot_may_debug may_define_unix; !options.ocaml_P4_opt := camlp4boot_may_debug ("-D OPT" :: may_define_unix); () let options_without_debug () = { (!options) with ocaml_P4 = ref camlp4boot ; ocaml_P4_opt = ref camlp4boot } let parsing = "../parsing" and typing = "../typing" and toplevel = "../toplevel" and utils = "../utils" and dynlink = "../otherlibs/dynlink" and unix = match Sys.os_type with | "Win32" -> "../otherlibs/win32unix" | _ -> "../otherlibs/unix" and build = "build" let ocaml_Module_with_genmap = generic_ocaml_Module_extension ".genmap.ml" (fun _ i o -> "if test ! -e"^^o^^ "|| ( test -e ./camlp4boot.run"^^ "&& test -e Camlp4Filters/GenerateMap.cmo"^^ "&& test -e Camlp4Filters/GenerateFold.cmo"^^ "&& test -e Camlp4Filters/MetaGenerator.cmo"^^ "&& test -e Camlp4Filters/RemoveTrashModule.cmo ) ;"^^ "then ( echo 'module Camlp4FiltersTrash = struct' ;"^^ "cat Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Ast.ml ; echo 'end;' ) > Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.tmp.ml ;"^^ "( echo '(* Generated file! Do not edit by hand *)' ;"^^ "../boot/ocamlrun ./camlp4boot.run"^^ "./Camlp4Filters/GenerateMap.cmo"^^ "./Camlp4Filters/GenerateFold.cmo"^^ "./Camlp4Filters/MetaGenerator.cmo"^^ "./Camlp4Filters/RemoveTrashModule.cmo -printer OCamlr"^^ i^^" -no_comments ) >"^^o^^"; else : ; fi") let camlp4_package_as_one_dir = ocaml_PackageDir "Camlp4" (lazy [ ocaml_IModule ~includes:[build] "Config"; ocaml_IModule ~o:(options_without_debug ()) "Debug"; ocaml_IModule "Options"; ocaml_PackageDir "Sig" (lazy [ ocaml_Interface "Id"; ocaml_Interface ~ext_includes:[parsing] "Loc"; ocaml_Interface "Error"; ocaml_Interface "Warning"; ocaml_Interface "Type"; ocaml_Interface "Token"; ocaml_Interface "Lexer"; ocaml_PackageDir "Grammar" (lazy [ ocaml_Interface "Action"; ocaml_Interface "Structure"; ocaml_Interface "Dynamic"; ocaml_Interface "Static" ]); ocaml_IModule "Mapper"; ocaml_Interface "Ast"; ocaml_Module "Camlp4Ast"; ocaml_Interface "Quotation"; ocaml_Interface "Camlp4Token"; ocaml_Interface "DynLoader"; ocaml_Interface "AntiquotSyntax"; ocaml_Interface "Parser"; ocaml_Interface "Printer"; ocaml_Interface "Syntax"; ocaml_Interface "Camlp4Syntax"; ocaml_Interface "AstFilters"; ocaml_Interface "SyntaxExtension"; ]); ocaml_IModule "ErrorHandler"; ocaml_PackageDir "Struct" (lazy [ ocaml_IModule ~ext_includes:[parsing] "Loc"; ocaml_Module "Warning"; ocaml_IModule "EmptyError"; ocaml_IModule "EmptyPrinter"; ocaml_IModule "Token"; ocaml_Lexer ~includes:[utils] ~ext_includes:[parsing] ~pp:"" "Lexer"; ocaml_PackageDir "Grammar" (lazy [ ocaml_Module "Context"; ocaml_Module "Structure"; ocaml_Module "Search"; ocaml_Module "Tools"; ocaml_IModule "Print"; ocaml_Module "Failed"; ocaml_Module "Parser"; ocaml_IModule "Fold"; ocaml_Module "Insert"; ocaml_Module "Delete"; ocaml_Module "Entry"; ocaml_Module "Find"; ocaml_Module "Dynamic"; ocaml_Module "Static" ]); ocaml_Module "Quotation"; ocaml_IModule ~ext_includes:[dynlink] "DynLoader"; ocaml_Module_with_genmap ~flags:"-w z -warn-error z" "Camlp4Ast"; ocaml_IModule "FreeVars"; ocaml_Module "AstFilters"; ocaml_IModule ~ext_includes:[parsing] "Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst"; ocaml_Module "CleanAst"; ocaml_IModule "CommentFilter"; ]); ocaml_Module "OCamlInitSyntax"; ocaml_PackageDir "Printers" (lazy [ ocaml_IModule "Null"; ocaml_IModule "DumpOCamlAst"; ocaml_IModule "DumpCamlp4Ast"; ocaml_IModule "OCaml"; ocaml_IModule "OCamlr" ~flags:"-w v -warn-error v"; (* ocaml_IModule "OCamlrr"; *) ]); ocaml_IModule "PreCast"; ocaml_IModule "Register" ]) let camlp4_parsers = ocaml_PackageDir "Camlp4Parsers" (lazy [ ocaml_Module "OCamlr"; ocaml_Module "OCaml"; (* ocaml_Module "OCamlrr"; *) ocaml_Module "OCamlQuotationBase"; ocaml_Module "OCamlQuotation"; ocaml_Module "OCamlRevisedQuotation"; ocaml_Module "OCamlOriginalQuotation"; ocaml_Module "OCamlRevisedParser"; ocaml_Module "OCamlParser"; ocaml_Module "Grammar"; ocaml_Module "Macro"; ocaml_Module ~o:(options_without_debug ()) "Debug"; ocaml_Module "LoadCamlp4Ast"; ]) let camlp4_printers = ocaml_PackageDir "Camlp4Printers" (lazy [ ocaml_Module "DumpOCamlAst"; ocaml_Module "DumpCamlp4Ast"; ocaml_Module "OCaml"; ocaml_Module "OCamlr"; (* ocaml_Module "OCamlrr"; *) ocaml_Module "Null"; ocaml_Module ~ext_includes:[unix] "Auto"; ]) let camlp4_filters = ocaml_PackageDir "Camlp4Filters" (lazy [ ocaml_Module "ExceptionTracer"; ocaml_Module "Tracer"; ocaml_Module "StripLocations"; ocaml_Module "LiftCamlp4Ast"; ocaml_Module "GenerateMap"; ocaml_Module "GenerateFold"; ocaml_Module "MetaGenerator"; ocaml_Module "RemoveTrashModule"; ocaml_Module "Profiler"; ]) let camlp4_top = ocaml_PackageDir "Camlp4Top" (lazy [ ocaml_Module ~ext_includes:[toplevel; typing; parsing] "Rprint"; ocaml_Module ~ext_includes:[toplevel; parsing; utils] "Camlp4Top"; ]) let split c s = let rec self acc s = try let pos = String.rindex s c in let x = String.sub s 0 pos and y = String.sub s (pos + 1) (String.length s - pos - 1) in self (y :: acc) x with Not_found -> s :: acc in self [] s let chop_end c s = let pos = String.rindex s c in String.sub s (pos + 1) (String.length s - pos - 1) let file ppf f = let cin = open_in f in let rec loop () = pp_print_string ppf (input_line cin); fprintf ppf "@\n"; loop () in try loop () with End_of_file -> () let ext_split f = split '.' f let print_packed_sources ppf ?(skip = fun _ -> false) package_dir = let _ = fold_units_sources [package_dir] (fun name sources k (skip, inside) -> eprintf "%s: [%s] (%b)@." name (String.concat "; " sources) inside; let name = try chop_end '/' name with Not_found -> name in let k () = ignore (k (skip, true)) in if not inside then k () else ( if skip name then fprintf ppf "(**/**)@\n" else fprintf ppf "(** *)@\n"; fprintf ppf "@[<2>module %s " name; let (mli, ml, mll, k) = List.fold_right (fun x (mli, ml, mll, k) -> match ext_split x with | [_; "mli"] -> (Some x, ml, mll, k) | [_; "ml"] -> (mli, Some x, mll, k) | [_; "mll"] -> (mli, ml, Some x, k) | [x; "meta"; "ml"] -> (mli, Some (x^".ml"), mll, fun () -> ()) | [x; "genmap"; "ml"] -> (mli, Some (x^".ml"), mll, fun () -> ()) | [_; ext] -> failwith ("unknown extension " ^ ext) | _ -> failwith ("bad file "^x)) sources (None, None, None, k) in (match (ml, mll, mli) with | (None, None, Some mli) -> fprintf ppf "=@ @[<2>struct@\n" | (_, _, Some mli) -> fprintf ppf ":@,@[<2>sig@\n%a@]@\nend@\n" file mli; fprintf ppf "=@ @[<2>struct@\n" | _ -> fprintf ppf "=@ @[<2>struct@\n"); (match (ml, mll, mli) with | (_, Some mll, _) -> fprintf ppf "(*___CAMLP4_LEXER___ %a ___CAMLP4_LEXER___*)@\n();" file (String.sub mll 0 (String.length mll - 1)) | (Some ml, _, _) -> k (); fprintf ppf "%a" file ml | (None, _, Some mli) -> k (); fprintf ppf "%a" file mli | _ -> if sources <> [] then () else k ()); fprintf ppf "@]@\nend;@]@\n"; if skip name then fprintf ppf "(**/**)@\n"; ); (skip, inside) ) (skip, false) in fprintf ppf "@." let run l = let cmd = String.concat " " l in let () = Format.printf "%s@." cmd in let st = YaM.call cmd in if st <> 0 then failwith ("Exit: " ^ string_of_int st) let sed re str file = run ["sed"; "-i"; "-e"; "'s/"^re^"/"^str^"/'"; file] let pack () = let revised_to_ocaml f = run ["./boot/camlp4boot -printer OCaml -o "^f^".ml -impl "^f^".ml4"] in let ppf_of_file f = formatter_of_out_channel (open_out f) in let skip_struct = function "Struct" -> true | _ -> false in print_packed_sources (ppf_of_file "Camlp4.ml4") ~skip:skip_struct camlp4_package_as_one_dir; print_packed_sources (ppf_of_file "Camlp4Parsers.ml4") camlp4_parsers; print_packed_sources (ppf_of_file "Camlp4Printers.ml4") camlp4_printers; print_packed_sources (ppf_of_file "Camlp4Filters.ml4") camlp4_filters; print_packed_sources (ppf_of_file "Camlp4Top.ml4") camlp4_top; revised_to_ocaml "Camlp4"; sed "(\\*___CAMLP4_LEXER___" "" "Camlp4.ml"; sed "___CAMLP4_LEXER___\\*)" "" "Camlp4.ml"; sed "^ *# [0-9]\\+.*$" "" "Camlp4.ml"; revised_to_ocaml "Camlp4Parsers"; revised_to_ocaml "Camlp4Printers"; revised_to_ocaml "Camlp4Filters"; revised_to_ocaml "Camlp4Top" let just_doc () = run ["cd doc && ../../ocamldoc/ocamldoc"; "-v -short-functors -html"; "-I ../../parsing -I ../build -I ../../utils -I .."; "-dump ocamldoc.out"; "-t 'Camlp4 a Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml'"; "../Camlp4.ml"; "../Camlp4Parsers.ml"; "../Camlp4Printers.ml"; "../Camlp4Filters.ml"; "../Camlp4Top.ml"] let doc () = pack (); just_doc ()