// vi:ft=cpp /** * \file * \brief Common factory related definitions. * \ingroup l4_api */ /* * (c) 2008-2009 Adam Lackorzynski , * Alexander Warg * economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) * * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License 2. * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details. * * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software * library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by * the GNU General Public License. */ #pragma once #include #include namespace L4 { /** * \brief C++ L4 Factory, to create all kinds of kernel objects. * \ingroup l4_factory_api * * \#include * * \see \ref l4_factory_api for an overview and C bindings. */ class Factory : public Kobject_t { L4_KOBJECT(Factory) public: typedef l4_mword_t Proto; /** * \brief Special type to add a void argument into the factory create * stream. */ struct Nil {}; /** * \brief Special type to add a pascal string into the factory create * stream. * * This encapsulates a string that has an explicit length. */ struct Lstr { /** * \brief The character buffer. */ char const *s; /** * \brief The number of characters in the buffer. */ int len; Lstr(char const *s, int len) : s(s), len(len) {} }; /** * \brief Stream class for the create() argument stream. * * This stream allows a variable number of arguments to be * added to a create() call. */ class S { private: l4_utcb_t *u; l4_msgtag_t t; l4_cap_idx_t f; public: /** * \brief create a copy. */ S(S const &o) : u(o.u), t(o.t), f(o.f) { const_cast(o).t.raw = 0; } /** * \brief create a stream for a specific create() call. * \param f is the capability for the factory object (L4::Factory). * \param obj is the protocol ID to describe the type of the object that * shall be created. * \param target is the capabilit selector for the new object. * \param utcb is the UTCB that shall be used for the operation. */ S(l4_cap_idx_t f, long obj, L4::Cap target, l4_utcb_t *utcb) throw() : u(utcb), t(l4_factory_create_start_u(obj, target.cap(), u)), f(f) {} /** * \brief Commit the operation in the destructor to have a cool syntax * for create(). */ ~S() { if (t.raw) l4_factory_create_commit_u(f, t, u); } /** * \brief Explicitely commits the operation and returns the result. * \return The result of the create() operation. */ operator l4_msgtag_t () { l4_msgtag_t r = l4_factory_create_commit_u(f, t, u); t.raw = 0; return r; } /** * \brief Put a single l4_mword_t as next argument. * \param i is the value to add as next argument. */ S &operator << (l4_mword_t i) { l4_factory_create_add_int_u(i, &t, u); return *this; } /** * \brief Put a single l4_umword_t as next argument. * \param i is the value to add as next argument. */ S &operator << (l4_umword_t i) { l4_factory_create_add_uint_u(i, &t, u); return *this; } /** * \brief Add a zero-terminated string as next argument. * \param s is the string to add as next argument. */ S &operator << (char const *s) { l4_factory_create_add_str_u(s, &t, u); return *this; } /** * \brief Add a pascal string as next argument. * \param s is the string to add as next argument. */ S &operator << (Lstr const &s) { l4_factory_create_add_lstr_u(s.s, s.len, &t, u); return *this; } /** * \brief Add an empty argument. */ S &operator << (Nil) { l4_factory_create_add_nil_u(&t, u); return *this; } /** * \brief Add a flex page as next argument. * \param d is the flex page to add (there will be no map operation). */ S &operator << (l4_fpage_t d) { l4_factory_create_add_fpage_u(d, &t, u); return *this; } }; public: /** * \brief Generic create call to the factory. * \param target is the target capability selector where the new * object shall be received. * \param obj is the protocol ID that specifies which kind of object * shall be created. * \param utcb is the UTCB to use for the operation. * \return a create stream that allows adding additional arguments to the * create() call. * * This method does currently not directly invoke the factory. It returns a * stream that shall invoke the factory after adding all additional arguments. * * Usage: * \code * L4::Cap ns = L4Re::Util::cap_alloc.alloc(); * factory->create(ns, L4Re::Namespace::Protocol) << "Argument text"; * \endcode */ S create(Cap target, long obj, l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) throw() { return S(cap(), obj, target, utcb); } /** * \copydoc l4_factory_create_task() * \note \a factory is the implicit \a this pointer. */ l4_msgtag_t create_task(Cap const & target_cap, l4_fpage_t const &utcb_area, l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) throw() { return l4_factory_create_task_u(cap(), target_cap.cap(), utcb_area, utcb); } /** * \copydoc l4_factory_create_thread() * \note \a factory is the implicit \a this pointer. */ l4_msgtag_t create_thread(Cap const &target_cap, l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) throw() { return l4_factory_create_thread_u(cap(), target_cap.cap(), utcb); } /** * \copydoc l4_factory_create_factory() * \note \a factory is the implicit \a this pointer. */ l4_msgtag_t create_factory(Cap const &target_cap, unsigned long limit, l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) throw() { return l4_factory_create_factory_u(cap(), target_cap.cap(), limit, utcb); } /** * \copydoc l4_factory_create_gate() * \note \a factory is the implicit \a this pointer. */ l4_msgtag_t create_gate(Cap const &target_cap, Cap const &thread_cap, l4_umword_t label, l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) throw() { return l4_factory_create_gate_u(cap(), target_cap.cap(), thread_cap.cap(), label, utcb); } /** * \copydoc l4_factory_create_irq() * \note \a factory is the implicit \a this pointer. */ l4_msgtag_t create_irq(Capconst &target_cap, l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) throw() { return l4_factory_create_irq_u(cap(), target_cap.cap(), utcb); } /** * \copydoc l4_factory_create_vm() * \note \a factory is the implicit \a this pointer. */ l4_msgtag_t create_vm(Capconst &target_cap, l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) throw() { return l4_factory_create_vm_u(cap(), target_cap.cap(), utcb); } }; }