(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id: bytelibrarian.ml 7422 2006-05-11 15:50:53Z xleroy $ *) (* Build libraries of .cmo files *) open Misc open Config open Cmo_format type error = File_not_found of string | Not_an_object_file of string exception Error of error (* Copy a compilation unit from a .cmo or .cma into the archive *) let copy_compunit ic oc compunit = seek_in ic compunit.cu_pos; compunit.cu_pos <- pos_out oc; compunit.cu_force_link <- !Clflags.link_everything; copy_file_chunk ic oc compunit.cu_codesize; if compunit.cu_debug > 0 then begin seek_in ic compunit.cu_debug; compunit.cu_debug <- pos_out oc; copy_file_chunk ic oc compunit.cu_debugsize end (* Add C objects and options and "custom" info from a library descriptor *) let lib_sharedobjs = ref [] let lib_ccobjs = ref [] let lib_ccopts = ref [] let lib_dllibs = ref [] (* See Bytelink.add_ccobjs for explanations on how options are ordered. Notice that here we scan .cma files given on the command line from left to right, hence options must be added after. *) let add_ccobjs l = if not !Clflags.no_auto_link then begin if l.lib_custom then Clflags.custom_runtime := true; lib_ccobjs := !lib_ccobjs @ l.lib_ccobjs; lib_ccopts := !lib_ccopts @ l.lib_ccopts; lib_dllibs := !lib_dllibs @ l.lib_dllibs end let copy_object_file oc name = let file_name = try find_in_path !load_path name with Not_found -> raise(Error(File_not_found name)) in let ic = open_in_bin file_name in try let buffer = String.create (String.length cmo_magic_number) in really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length cmo_magic_number); if buffer = cmo_magic_number then begin let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in seek_in ic compunit_pos; let compunit = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in Bytelink.check_consistency file_name compunit; copy_compunit ic oc compunit; close_in ic; [compunit] end else if buffer = cma_magic_number then begin let toc_pos = input_binary_int ic in seek_in ic toc_pos; let toc = (input_value ic : library) in List.iter (Bytelink.check_consistency file_name) toc.lib_units; add_ccobjs toc; List.iter (copy_compunit ic oc) toc.lib_units; close_in ic; toc.lib_units end else raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name)) with End_of_file -> close_in ic; raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name)) | x -> close_in ic; raise x let create_archive file_list lib_name = let outchan = open_out_bin lib_name in try output_string outchan cma_magic_number; let ofs_pos_toc = pos_out outchan in output_binary_int outchan 0; let units = List.flatten(List.map (copy_object_file outchan) file_list) in let toc = { lib_units = units; lib_custom = !Clflags.custom_runtime; lib_ccobjs = !Clflags.ccobjs @ !lib_ccobjs; lib_ccopts = !Clflags.ccopts @ !lib_ccopts; lib_dllibs = !Clflags.dllibs @ !lib_dllibs } in let pos_toc = pos_out outchan in output_value outchan toc; seek_out outchan ofs_pos_toc; output_binary_int outchan pos_toc; close_out outchan with x -> close_out outchan; remove_file lib_name; raise x open Format let report_error ppf = function | File_not_found name -> fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s" name | Not_an_object_file name -> fprintf ppf "The file %s is not a bytecode object file" name