Coding style ============ This document sets the coding style for Jailhouse code contributions. In general, Jailhouse coding style for C is the same as for Linux kernel (checkable with scripts/ and detailed in Documentation/CodingStyle), but with some notable variations and clarifications described here (in random order): * Align function arguments vertically when wrapping over line breaks: void rather_long_function_name(struct another_rather_long_name *argument1, struct yet_another_long_name *argument2); * Avoid conditional compilation (#ifdefs) where possible (and it's almost always possible). Variations should be resolved during link time, or (if absolutely necessary) in the runtime (but think about performance). * Do not explicitly initialize static variables you want zeroed. C standard ensures this by default. * Do not insert blank lines in #include list, except to separate include blocks where the second depends on the first one, e.g. #include #include * Always include generic headers ("jailhouse/*.h") before architecture headers ("asm/*.h"). * Header files must be self-standing, i.e. must not rely on other headers being included prior to them. Use scripts/header_check to validate. * Spaces in brackets are permitted for designated initializers in order to improve readability via vertical alignment: [ 0/8 ... 0x1f/8] = 0, /* floppy DMA controller */ [ 0x20/8 ... 0x3f/8] = -1, [ 0x40/8 ... 0x47/8] = 0xf0, /* PIT */ For Python code, stick to PEP-8.