cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) set(KCF_LIB_SRC kcf.cpp kcf.h fft.cpp) SET(FFT "OpenCV" CACHE STRING "Select FFT implementation") SET_PROPERTY(CACHE FFT PROPERTY STRINGS OpenCV OpenCV_cuFFT fftw cuFFTW cuFFT) MESSAGE(STATUS "FFT implementation: ${FFT}") option(OPENMP "Use OpenMP library. Works with FFTW and OpenCV implementation." OFF) option(ASYNC "Works only if OPENCV_CUFFT is not ON. Will enable C++ async directive." OFF) option(CUDA_DEBUG "Enables error cheking for cuda and cufft. " OFF) option(BIG_BATCH "Enable transforming all features from all scales together." OFF) IF(PROFILING) add_definitions(-DPROFILING ) MESSAGE(STATUS "Profiling mode") ENDIF() IF(BIG_BATCH) add_definitions(-DBIG_BATCH ) MESSAGE(STATUS "Big_batch mode") ENDIF() SET(use_cuda OFF) IF(FFT STREQUAL "OpenCV") list(APPEND KCF_LIB_SRC fft_opencv.cpp complexmat.hpp) ELSEIF(FFT STREQUAL "OpenCV_cuFFT") list(APPEND KCF_LIB_SRC fft_opencv_cuda.cpp complexmat.hpp) add_definitions(-DOPENCV_CUFFT) set(use_cuda ON) ELSEIF(FFT STREQUAL "fftw") list(APPEND KCF_LIB_SRC fft_fftw.cpp complexmat.hpp) add_definitions(-DFFTW) ELSEIF(FFT STREQUAL "cuFFTW") list(APPEND KCF_LIB_SRC fft_fftw.cpp complexmat.hpp) add_definitions(-DFFTW -DCUFFTW) set(use_cuda ON) ELSEIF(FFT STREQUAL "cuFFT") list(APPEND KCF_LIB_SRC fft_cufft.cpp complexmat.cuh cuda_functions.cuh) add_definitions(-DCUFFT) set(use_cuda ON) iF(CUDA_DEBUG) add_definitions(-DCUDA_DEBUG) MESSAGE(STATUS "CUDA debug mode") ENDIF() ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid FFT implementation selected") ENDIF() IF((FFT STREQUAL "OpenCV") AND BIG_BATCH) message(SEND_ERROR "OpenCV version does not support big batch mode.") ENDIF() IF((FFT STREQUAL "cuFFT") AND (ASYNC OR (OPENMP AND NOT BIG_BATCH))) message(SEND_ERROR "cuFFT version does not support ASYNC and OpenMP only if used with big batch mode.") ENDIF() IF(ASYNC AND NOT OPENMP) add_definitions(-DASYNC) MESSAGE(STATUS "ASYNC") ENDIF() #ASYNC FIND_PACKAGE( OpenCV REQUIRED ) IF(use_cuda) find_package(CUDA REQUIRED) if (NOT ${OpenCV_USE_CUFFT}) message(SEND_ERROR "OpenCV was not built with cuFFT") endif() include_directories ( ${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) set(CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON) set(CUDA_PROPAGATE_HOST_FLAGS OFF) set(CUDA_HOST_COMPILER /usr/bin/g++) list( APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS -O3 --gpu-architecture sm_62 -std=c++11 -default-stream per-thread) find_cuda_helper_libs(cufftw) IF(FFT STREQUAL "cuFFT") add_subdirectory(cuda) cuda_add_library(complexmat cuda_add_library(cuda_func ENDIF() ENDIF() add_subdirectory(piotr_fhog) add_subdirectory(cn) add_library(kcf STATIC ${KCF_LIB_SRC}) target_link_libraries(kcf fhog cndata ${OpenCV_LIBS}) set_target_properties(kcf PROPERTIES VERSION 1.0.0 SOVERSION 1) IF(FFT STREQUAL "fftw") target_link_libraries(kcf fftw3f) IF(OPENMP) target_link_libraries(kcf fftw3_omp) ELSEIF(NOT ASYNC) target_link_libraries(kcf fftw3_threads) ENDIF() ENDIF() #FFTW IF(FFT STREQUAL "cuFFTW") target_link_libraries(kcf ${CUDA_cufft_LIBRARY} ${CUDA_cufftw_LIBRARY}) ENDIF() #cuFFTW IF(FFT STREQUAL "cuFFT") target_link_libraries(kcf ${CUDA_cufft_LIBRARY} ${CUDA_LIBRARIES} complexmat cuda_func) ENDIF() IF(PROFILING) target_link_libraries(kcf pfm) ENDIF()