The video encoder (see the instructions at the end of the email for building it) grabs video from a video4linux2 device, encodes it (currently, to mpeg4 video; the video encoder will allow to modify some settings in the future), and streams it over RTP. It can be started as streamer [] where the options allow to change the video capture device, the video size and frame rate, the destination address, etc... The SDP needed for receiving the video stream is saved in the "sdp.txt" file. HOW TO BUILD: The encoder and streamer is based on ffmpeg's libraries. So, first you have to download and compile ffmpeg tar xvzf RTEncoder-v0.1.tgz cd RTEncoder-v0.1 svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg cd ffmpeg ./configure; make OR install deb packages libswscale-dev, libavformat-dev Compile the streamer cd .. make FFDIR=ffmpeg It should create a "streamer" executable.