set term postscript monochrome eps enhanced size 20 cm, 8 cm font "Times-Roman" set output "casestudy.eps" set key top left reverse Left set multiplot layout 2, 5 set xlabel ' ' set xtics 1 set xrange [0.5:3.5] set yrange [10:40] set xlabel "Number of video streams" set ylabel "Frames per second" set title "a) No load" plot \ 'frsh.dat' using ($1+0.8):2:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh.dat' using ($1+1.2):2:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set xlabel ' ' unset ylabel set title "b) Wi-Fi loaded" plot \ 'frsh-ping.dat' using ($1+0.8):2:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH" , \ 'no-frsh-ping.dat' using ($1+1.2):2:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set title "c) CPU loaded" plot \ 'frsh-hackbench.dat' using ($1+0.8):2:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh-hackbench.dat' using ($1+1.2):2:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set title "d) Wi-Fi \\& CPU loaded" plot \ 'frsh-hackbench-ping.dat' using ($1+0.8):2:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh-ping-hackbench.dat' using ($1+1.2):2:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set title "x) Disk loaded" plot \ 'frsh-dd.dat' using ($1+0.8):2:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh-dd.dat' using ($1+1.2):2:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set yrange [0:0.03] set xlabel "Number of video streams" set ylabel "Standard deviation of\ninter-frame time [s]" set title "e) No load" plot \ 'frsh.dat' using ($1+0.8):3:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh.dat' using ($1+1.2):3:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set xlabel ' ' unset ylabel set title "f) Wi-Fi loaded" plot \ 'frsh-ping.dat' using ($1+0.8):3:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH" , \ 'no-frsh-ping.dat' using ($1+1.2):3:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set yrange [0:0.3] set title "g) CPU loaded" plot \ 'frsh-hackbench.dat' using ($1+0.8):3:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh-hackbench.dat' using ($1+1.2):3:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set title "h) Wi-Fi \\& CPU loaded" plot \ 'frsh-hackbench-ping.dat' using ($1+0.8):3:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh-ping-hackbench.dat' using ($1+1.2):3:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH" set title "y) Disk loaded" plot \ 'frsh-dd.dat' using ($1+0.8):3:(0.3) with boxes fs solid 0.5 title "With FRSH", \ 'no-frsh-dd.dat' using ($1+1.2):3:(0.3) with boxes fs pattern 1 title "Without FRSH"