.PHONY: config build all all: build config: .configured .configured: petalinux-config --get-hw-description ../system --oldconfig $(MAKE) subsystems/linux/configs/u-boot/platform-auto.h #touch .configured build: .configured subsystems/linux/configs/u-boot/platform-auto.h petalinux-build $(MAKE) bootscript images/linux/BOOT.BIN images/linux/BOOT.BIN: FORCE cd images/linux && petalinux-package --boot --fsbl zynq_fsbl.elf --u-boot u-boot.elf --force bootscript: bootscript.txt mkimage -A arm -O u-boot -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n "t-Boot Script" -d $< $@ subsystems/linux/configs/u-boot/platform-auto.h: FORCE | build/linux/u-boot/Makefile $(MAKE) UBOOT_AUTO_CONFIG=y -C build/linux/u-boot autogen-config sed -r -i '/PSSERIAL0 \\/r uboot-extra-env.h' $@ # HACK: force enable legacy image format; it is needed for everything (script, kernel, device tree) # but something sometimes will go crazy and disable it, sometimes it does not # With this hack it works OK. sed -r -i '/CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND/a #define CONFIG_IMAGE_FORMAT_LEGACY' $@ build/linux/u-boot/Makefile: petalinux-build -c u-boot FORCE: