From: Martin Prudek Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2015 16:47:22 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Unused lines removed. X-Git-Url: Unused lines removed. --- diff --git a/pmsm-control/rpi_mc_simple_dc.vhdl b/pmsm-control/rpi_mc_simple_dc.vhdl index 7d6cc92..c447118 100644 --- a/pmsm-control/rpi_mc_simple_dc.vhdl +++ b/pmsm-control/rpi_mc_simple_dc.vhdl @@ -118,10 +118,7 @@ architecture behavioral of rpi_mc_simple_dc is signal spi_clk: std_logic; signal gpio_clk: std_logic; signal dat_reg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (95 downto 0); --shift register for spi - signal spi_ctrl : std_logic_vector (96 downto 0); --ctrl reg for spi, in use when thers no falling edge of CS signal position: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --pozice z qcounteru - --signal spi_clk_rise: std_logic; --synchronni detekce nabezne hrany spi hodin - --signal spi_clk_fall: std_logic; --synchronni detekce sestupne hrany spi hodin signal ce0_old: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- attribute syn_noprune of gpio2 : signal is true; @@ -204,17 +201,6 @@ begin pwm(3) <= '0'; --- process(gpio_clk) --- begin --- if gpio_clk= '1' and gpio_clk'event then --- spiclk_old_lvl<=spi_clk; --- end if; --- end process; --- spi_clk_rise <= (not spiclk_old_lvl) and spi_clk; --- spi_clk_fall <= (not spi_clk) and spiclk_old_lvl; - - --- process(spi_clk_fall,spi_clk_rise) process begin --position is obtained on rising edge -> we should write it on falling edge @@ -231,7 +217,6 @@ begin -- shift serial data into dat_reg on each rising edge -- of SCK, MSB first dat_reg(95 downto 0) <= dat_reg(94 downto 0) & gpio10; - --spi_ctrl(96 downto 0) <= spi_ctrl(95 downto 0) & spi_ctrl(96); --shift ctrl reg end if; elsif (spiclk_old="10" ) then --falling edge, faze zapisu if (gpio7 = '0') then @@ -244,10 +229,7 @@ begin if ((ce0_old = "10") ) then dat_reg(95 downto 64) <= position(31 downto 0); --pozice dat_reg(63 downto 0) <= (others => '1'); --zbytek zatim nuly - --spiclk_old <= "00"; --bez tohoto prirazeni chodila v ~12% chybna data - --no falling edge conroll - --spi_ctrl(96 downto 1) <=(others=>'0'); - --spi_ctrl(0)<='1'; + end if; end process;