-- -- * Quadrature Signal Decoder * -- Used for IRC sensor interfacing -- -- (c) 2010 Marek Peca -- -- license: GNU LGPL and GPLv3+ -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity qcounter is port ( clock: in std_logic; reset: in std_logic; a0, b0: in std_logic; qcount: out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); a_rise, a_fall, b_rise, b_fall, ab_event: out std_logic; ab_error: out std_logic ); end qcounter; architecture behavioral of qcounter is component dff port ( clock: in std_logic; d: in std_logic; q: out std_logic ); end component; subtype std_logic4 is std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal a, b, a_prev, b_prev: std_logic; signal count_prev: std_logic_vector (29 downto 0) := "000000000000000000000000000000"; signal count: std_logic_vector (29 downto 0); begin --ustaleni signalu a mezi tiky hodin --reaguje na nabeznou hranu dff_a: dff port map ( clock => clock, d => a0, q => a ); --ustaleni signalu b mezi tiky hodin --reaguje na nabeznou hranu dff_b: dff port map ( clock => clock, d => b0, q => b ); --prvni dva rady kombinacne qcount(0) <= a xor b; qcount(1) <= b; qcount(31 downto 2) <= count; --k cemu tento prosess? jen pro prenos udalosti na piny? comb_event: process (a_prev, b_prev, a, b) --proc je v sensitivity listu i stary stav?? jen kvuli nulovani? begin a_rise <= '0'; a_fall <= '0'; b_rise <= '0'; b_fall <= '0'; ab_event <= '0'; ab_error <= '0'; if ((a xor a_prev) and (b xor b_prev)) = '1' then -- a i b se zmenily zaroven -- forbidden double transition ab_error <= '1'; else a_rise <= (a xor a_prev) and a; --a nabezna a_fall <= (a xor a_prev) and not a; --a sestupna b_rise <= (b xor b_prev) and b; --b nabezna b_fall <= (b xor b_prev) and not b; --b sestupna ab_event <= (a xor a_prev) or (b xor b_prev); --a nebo b se zmenily end if; end process; --prechod do 3. radu (binarne) comb_count: process (a_prev, b_prev, a, b, count,count_prev) --proc jsou v sensitivity prev stavy? begin if (a_prev = '0') and (b_prev = '1') and (a = '0') and (b = '0') then --posun dopredu count <= count_prev + 1; elsif (a_prev = '0') and (b_prev = '0') and (a = '0') and (b = '1') then --posun dozadu count <= count_prev - 1; else count <= count_prev; end if; end process; --s nabeznou hranou hodin ulozime stare (prev) hodnoty, pripadne synchronni reset --proc resuteje count_prev misto count?? neprojevi se tato zmena az pri pruchodu comb_count?? seq: process begin wait until clock'event and clock = '1'; if reset = '1' then count_prev <= "000000000000000000000000000000"; else count_prev <= count; end if; a_prev <= a; b_prev <= b; end process; end behavioral; --Poznamky --proc pouzivan count_prev a neprirazuji rovnou do count?