-- -- * Raspberry Pi BLDC/PMSM motor control design for RPi-MI-1 board * -- SPI connected multichannel current ADC read and averaging -- -- (c) 2015 Martin Prudek -- Czech Technical University in Prague -- -- Project supervision and original project idea -- idea by Pavel Pisa -- -- Related RPi-MI-1 hardware is designed by Petr Porazil, -- PiKRON Ltd -- -- license: GNU LGPL and GPLv3+ -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.util.all; entity adc_reader is port ( clk: in std_logic; --synchronous master clk divided_clk : in std_logic; --divided clk - value suitable to sourcing voltage adc_reset: in std_logic; --synchronous reset on rising edge adc_miso: in std_logic; --spi master in slave out adc_sclk: out std_logic; --spi clk adc_scs: out std_logic; --spi slave select adc_mosi: out std_logic; --spi master out slave in adc_channels: out std_logic_vector (71 downto 0); --consistent data of 3 channels measur_count: out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) --number of accumulated measurments ); end adc_reader; architecture behavioral of adc_reader is type state_type is (f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,r13,r14,f15,r15,reset,rst_wait); signal state : state_type; type channel_type is (ch0, ch1, ch2); signal adc_data: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); signal adc_rst_prev : std_logic; signal adc_address: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal cumul_data: std_logic_vector(71 downto 0); --unconsistent data, containing different amounts of measurments signal prepared_data: std_logic_vector(71 downto 0); --consistent data, waiting for clk sync to propagate to output signal m_count_sig: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); --measurments count waiting for clk to propagate to output signal first_pass: std_logic; begin process variable channel: channel_type; variable reset_re: std_logic:='0'; variable reset_count: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); begin wait until (clk'event and clk='1'); --rising edge detection of reset signal adc_rst_prev<=adc_reset; if (adc_rst_prev='0') and (adc_reset='1') then reset_re:='1'; end if; if (divided_clk='1') then --instead of divide, single puls is now detected case state is when reset=> reset_re:='0'; --clear reset flag adc_scs<='1'; --active-low SS adc_sclk<='0'; --lower clock first_pass<='1'; --mark data as unprepared channel:=ch0; --prepare channel0 adc_data<=(others=>'0'); --null working data cumul_data<=(others=>'0'); --null working data prepared_data<=(others=>'0'); --null the output adc_channels<=(others=>'0'); --null the output measur_count<=(others=>'0'); --null the count m_count_sig<=(others=>'0'); --null the count adc_address<="001"; --set its address reset_count:="0000"; state<=rst_wait; when rst_wait=> if (reset_count/="1111") then reset_count:=std_logic_vector(unsigned(reset_count)+1); --give the adc some time to prepare before transfer adc_scs<=not reset_count(3); else state<=f1; end if; when f1=> --1st 'fallin edge' - its not falling edge in any case-if rst clock is low before adc_sclk<='0'; --clk adc_mosi<='1'; --start bit state<=r1; --next state when r1=> --1st rising edge (adc gets the start bit, we get date..) adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(5)<=adc_miso; state<=f2; when f2=> --2nd falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; adc_mosi<=adc_address(2); --A2 address state<=r2; when r2=> --2nd rising edge (adc gets A2 address) adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(4)<=adc_miso; state<=f3; when f3=> --3rd falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; adc_mosi<=adc_address(1); --A1 address state<=r3; when r3=> --rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(3)<=adc_miso; state<=f4; when f4=> --4th falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; adc_mosi<=adc_address(0); --A0 address state<=r4; when r4=> --rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(2)<=adc_miso; state<=f5; when f5=> --5th falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; adc_mosi<='0'; --MODE (LOW -12bit) state<=r5; when r5=> --rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(1)<=adc_miso; state<=f6; when f6=> --6th falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; adc_mosi<='1'; --SGL/DIF (HIGH - SGL=Single Ended) state<=r6; when r6=> --6th rising edge (we read last bit of conversion, adc gets SGL/DIF) adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(0)<=adc_miso; state<=f7; when f7=> -- 7th falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; adc_mosi<='0'; --PD1 (power down - PD1=PD0=0 -> power down between conversion) state<=r7; when r7=> --7th rising edge, data ready adc_sclk<='1'; if (first_pass='0') then --add the current current to sum and shift the register cumul_data(71 downto 0)<= std_logic_vector(unsigned(cumul_data(47 downto 24)) +unsigned(adc_data(11 downto 0))) & cumul_data(23 downto 0) & cumul_data(71 downto 48); end if; state<=f8; when f8=> --8th falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; adc_mosi<='0'; --PD0 if (first_pass='0') then case channel is when ch0=> adc_address<="101"; --ch1 address channel:=ch1; --next channel code when ch1=> adc_address<="010"; --ch2 address channel:=ch2; --next channel code when ch2=> --data order schould be: ch2 downto ch0 downto ch1 prepared_data(71 downto 0)<=cumul_data(71 downto 0); m_count_sig<=std_logic_vector(unsigned(m_count_sig)+1); adc_address<="001"; --ch0 address channel:=ch0; --next channel code end case; end if; state<=r8; when r8=> --8th rising edge (adc gets PD0), we propagate our results to output adc_sclk<='1'; adc_channels <= prepared_data; --data measur_count <= m_count_sig; --count of measurments first_pass<='0'; --data in next cycle are usable state<=f9; when f9=> --9th falling edge busy state between conversion (we write nothing) adc_sclk<='0'; state<=r9; when r9=> --9th rising edge (we nor ads get nothing) adc_sclk<='1'; state<=f10; when f10=> --10th falling edge adc_sclk<='0'; state<=r10; when r10=> --10th rising edge (we read 1. bit of new conversion) adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(11)<=adc_miso; state<=f11; when f11=> adc_sclk<='0'; state<=r11; when r11=> --11th rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(10)<=adc_miso; state<=f12; when f12=> adc_sclk<='0'; state<=r12; when r12=> --12th rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(9)<=adc_miso; state<=f13; when f13=> adc_sclk<='0'; state<=r13; when r13=> --13th rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(8)<=adc_miso; state<=f14; when f14=> adc_sclk<='0'; state<=r14; when r14=> --14th rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(7)<=adc_miso; state<=f15; when f15=> adc_sclk<='0'; state<=r15; when r15=> --15th rising edge adc_sclk<='1'; adc_data(6)<=adc_miso; if (reset_re='1') then --we check rising edge of reset state<=reset; else state<=f1; end if; end case; end if; end process; end behavioral;