-- -- * Raspberry Pi BLDC/PMSM motor control design for RPi-MI-1 board * -- The toplevel component file -- -- (c) 2015 Martin Prudek -- Czech Technical University in Prague -- -- Project supervision and original project idea -- idea by Pavel Pisa -- -- Related RPi-MI-1 hardware is designed by Petr Porazil, -- PiKRON Ltd -- -- VHDL design reuses some components and concepts from -- LXPWR motion power stage board and LX_RoCoN system -- developed at PiKRON Ltd with base code implemented -- by Marek Peca -- -- license: GNU LGPL and GPLv3+ -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.util.all; entity rpi_pmsm_control is generic( pwm_width : natural:=11 ); port ( gpio2: in std_logic; -- SDA gpio3: in std_logic; -- SCL gpio4: in std_logic; -- CLK gpio14: in std_logic; -- Tx gpio15: in std_logic; -- Rx gpio17: in std_logic; -- RTS gpio18: in std_logic; -- PWM0/PCMCLK gpio27: in std_logic; -- SD1DAT3 gpio22: in std_logic; -- SD1CLK gpio23: in std_logic; -- SD1CMD gpio24: in std_logic; -- SD1DAT0 gpio10: in std_logic; -- SPI0MOSI gpio9: out std_logic; -- SPI0MISO gpio25: in std_logic; -- SD1DAT1 gpio11: in std_logic; -- SPI0SCLK gpio8: in std_logic; -- SPI0CE0 gpio7: in std_logic; -- SPI0CE1 gpio5: in std_logic; -- GPCLK1 gpio6: in std_logic; -- GPCLK2 gpio12: in std_logic; -- PWM0 gpio13: in std_logic; -- PWM1 gpio19: in std_logic; -- PWM1/SPI1MISO/PCMFS gpio16: in std_logic; -- SPI1CE2 gpio26: in std_logic; -- SD1DAT2 gpio20: in std_logic; -- SPI1MOSI/PCMDIN/GPCLK0 gpio21: in std_logic; -- SPI1SCLK/PCMDOUT/GPCLK1 -- -- PWM -- Each PWM signal has cooresponding shutdown pwm: out std_logic_vector (1 to 3); shdn: out std_logic_vector (1 to 3); -- Fault/power stage status stat: in std_logic_vector (1 to 3); -- HAL inputs hal_in: in std_logic_vector (1 to 3); -- IRC inputs irc_a: in std_logic; irc_b: in std_logic; irc_i: in std_logic; -- Power status power_stat: in std_logic; -- ADC for current adc_miso: in std_logic; adc_mosi: out std_logic; adc_sclk: out std_logic; adc_scs: out std_logic; -- Extarnal SPI ext_miso: in std_logic; --master in slave out ext_mosi: in std_logic; --master out slave in ext_sclk: in std_logic; ext_scs0: in std_logic; ext_scs1: in std_logic; ext_scs2: in std_logic; -- RS-485 Transceiver rs485_rxd: in std_logic; rs485_txd: out std_logic; rs485_dir: out std_logic; -- CAN Transceiver can_rx: in std_logic; can_tx: in std_logic; -- DIP switch dip_sw: in std_logic_vector (1 to 3); --na desce je prohozene cislovanni -- Unused terminal to keep design tools silent dummy_unused : out std_logic ); end rpi_pmsm_control; architecture behavioral of rpi_pmsm_control is attribute syn_noprune :boolean; attribute syn_preserve :boolean; attribute syn_keep :boolean; attribute syn_hier :boolean; -- Actel lib component pll50to200 port ( powerdown, clka: in std_logic; lock, gla: out std_logic ); end component; component CLKINT port (A: in std_logic; Y: out std_logic); end component; component qcounter port ( clock: in std_logic; reset: in std_logic; a0, b0: in std_logic; qcount: out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); a_rise, a_fall, b_rise, b_fall, ab_event: out std_logic; ab_error: out std_logic ); end component; component mcpwm is generic ( pwm_width: natural ); port ( clock: in std_logic; sync: in std_logic; --flag that counter "restarts-overflows" data_valid:in std_logic; --indicates data is consistent failsafe: in std_logic; --turn off both transistors en_p, en_n: in std_logic; --enable positive & enable shutdown match: in std_logic_vector (pwm_width-1 downto 0); --posion of counter when we swap output logic count: in std_logic_vector (pwm_width-1 downto 0); --we use an external counter out_p, out_n: out std_logic --pwm outputs: positive & shutdown --TODO add the rest of pwm signals, swap match to pwm_word ); end component; --frequency division by 12 component divider is port ( clk_in: in std_logic; div12: out std_logic ); end component; component adc_reader is port ( clk: in std_logic; --input clk divided_clk : in std_logic; --divided clk - value suitable to sourcing voltage adc_reset: in std_logic; adc_miso: in std_logic; --spi master in slave out adc_channels: out std_logic_vector (35 downto 0); --consistent data of 3 channels adc_sclk: out std_logic; --spi clk adc_scs: out std_logic; --spi slave select adc_mosi: out std_logic; --spi master out slave in measur_count: out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) --number of accumulated measurments ); end component; signal adc_reset : std_logic; signal adc_channels: std_logic_vector(71 downto 0); signal adc_m_count: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); --clock signals for logic and master fail monitoring signal gpio_clk: std_logic; signal pll_clkin, pll_clkout, pll_lock: std_logic; signal clkmon_dly1, clkmon_dly2: std_logic; signal clkmon_fail, clkmon_fail_next: std_logic; signal clkmon_wdg: integer range 0 to 6; signal reset_sync, reset_async: std_logic; signal failsafe, next_failsafe: std_logic; --RPi SPI interface signals named aliases signal spi_clk, spi_ce, spi_mosi, spi_miso : std_logic; signal spiclk_old: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --pro detekci hrany SPI hodin --signal pwm_in, pwm_dir_in: std_logic; signal dat_reg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (127 downto 0); --shift register for spi signal position: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --pozice z qcounteru signal index_position: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); --pozice irc_i signal ce0_old: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --pwm signals constant pwm_n: natural := 3; --number of pwm outputs --number of ticks per pwm cycle, 2^11=2048 constant pwm_period : std_logic_vector (pwm_width-1 downto 0) := (others=>'1'); type pwm_res_type is array(1 to 3) of std_logic_vector (pwm_width-1 downto 0); signal pwm_match: pwm_res_type; --point of reversion of pwm output, 0 to 2047 signal pwm_count: std_logic_vector (pwm_width-1 downto 0); --counter, 0 to 2047 signal pwm_sync: std_logic; signal pwm_en_p: std_logic_vector(1 to 3); signal pwm_en_n: std_logic_vector(1 to 3); signal pwm_sig: std_logic_vector(1 to 3); signal income_data_valid: std_logic; signal clk_4M17: std_logic; -- irc signals processing signal irc_i_prev: std_logic; -- attribute syn_noprune of gpio2 : signal is true; -- attribute syn_preserve of gpio2 : signal is true; -- attribute syn_keep of gpio2 : signal is true; -- attribute syn_hier of gpio2 : signal is true; begin -- PLL as a reset generator --zesileni signalu GPIO CLK copyclk2: CLKINT port map ( a => gpio4, y => gpio_clk ); pll: pll50to200 port map ( powerdown => '1', clka => pll_clkin, gla => pll_clkout, lock => pll_lock); -- the failasfe signal from communication block if CRC is used next_failsafe <= '0'; reset_async <= not pll_lock or clkmon_fail; pll_clkin <= gpio_clk; qcount: qcounter port map ( clock => gpio_clk, reset => '0', a0 => irc_a, b0 => irc_b, qcount => position, a_rise => open, a_fall => open, b_rise => open, b_fall => open, ab_event => open, ab_error => open ); pwm_block: for i in pwm_n downto 1 generate pwm_map: mcpwm generic map ( pwm_width => pwm_width ) port map ( clock => gpio_clk, --50 Mhz clk from gpclk on raspberry sync => pwm_sync, --counter restarts data_valid => income_data_valid, failsafe => failsafe, -- -- pwm config bits & match word -- en_n => pwm_en_n(i), --enable positive pwm en_p => pwm_en_p(i), --enable "negative" ->activate shutdown match => pwm_match(i), count => pwm_count, -- outputs out_p => pwm_sig(i), --positive signal out_n => shdn(i) --reverse signal is in shutdown mode ); end generate; div12_map: divider port map( --reset => income_data_valid, clk_in => gpio_clk, div12 => clk_4M17 ); -- ADC needs 3.2 MHz clk when powered from +5V Vcc -- 2.0 MHz clk when +2.7V Vcc -- on the input is 4.17Mhz,but this frequency is divided inside adc_reader by 2 to 2.08 Mhz, -- while we use +3.3V Vcc adc_reader_map: adc_reader port map( clk => gpio_clk, divided_clk => clk_4M17, adc_reset => adc_reset, adc_miso => adc_miso, adc_channels => adc_channels, adc_sclk => adc_sclk, adc_scs => adc_scs, adc_mosi => adc_mosi, measur_count => adc_m_count ); dummy_unused <= gpio2 and gpio3 and gpio5 and gpio6 and gpio12 and gpio13 and gpio14 and gpio15 and gpio16 and gpio19 and gpio20 and gpio21 and gpio26 and stat(1) and stat(2) and stat(3) and hal_in(1) and hal_in(2) and hal_in(3) and irc_i and power_stat and adc_miso and rs485_rxd and can_rx and can_tx and dip_sw(1) and dip_sw(2) and dip_sw(3) and irc_a and irc_b and gpio17 and gpio18 and gpio27 and gpio22 and gpio23 and gpio24 and gpio25 and gpio8 and ext_scs1 and ext_scs2 and ext_miso and ext_mosi and ext_sclk and ext_scs0; rs485_txd <= '1'; rs485_dir <= '0'; spi_clk <= gpio11; spi_ce <= gpio7; spi_mosi <= gpio10; gpio9 <= spi_miso; pwm(1) <= pwm_sig(1) and dip_sw(1); pwm(2) <= pwm_sig(2) and dip_sw(2); pwm(3) <= pwm_sig(3) and dip_sw(3); process begin wait until (gpio_clk'event and gpio_clk='1'); if irc_i_prev = '0' and irc_i = '1' then index_position(11 downto 0)<=position(11 downto 0); end if; irc_i_prev<=irc_i; end process; process begin wait until (gpio_clk'event and gpio_clk='1'); IF(pwm_count = pwm_period) THEN --end of period reached pwm_count <= (others=>'0'); --reset counter pwm_sync <= '1'; -- inform PWM logic about new period start ELSE --end of period not reached pwm_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pwm_count)+1); --increment counter pwm_sync <= '0'; END IF; end process; process begin --position is obtained on rising edge -> we should write it on next cycle wait until (gpio_clk'event and gpio_clk='1'); --SCLK edge detection spiclk_old(0)<=spi_clk; spiclk_old(1)<=spiclk_old(0); --SS edge detection ce0_old(0)<=spi_ce; ce0_old(1)<=ce0_old(0); if (spiclk_old="01") then --rising edge, faze cteni if (spi_ce = '0') then -- SPI CS must be selected -- shift serial data into dat_reg on each rising edge -- of SCK, MSB first dat_reg(127 downto 0) <= dat_reg(126 downto 0) & spi_mosi; end if; elsif (spiclk_old="10" ) then --falling edge, faze zapisu if (spi_ce = '0') then spi_miso <= dat_reg(127); --zapisujeme nejdriv MSB end if; end if; --sestupna hrana SS, pripravime data pro prenos if (ce0_old = "10" ) then income_data_valid<='0'; dat_reg(127 downto 96) <= position(31 downto 0); --pozice dat_reg(95 downto 93) <= hal_in(1 to 3); --halovy sondy dat_reg(92 downto 81) <= index_position(11 downto 0); --position of irc_i dat_reg(80 downto 72) <=adc_m_count(8 downto 0); --count of measurments --data order schould be: ch2 downto ch0 downto ch1 dat_reg(71 downto 0) <= adc_channels(71 downto 0); --current mesurments spi_miso <= position(31); --prepare the first bit on SE activation adc_reset<='0'; --remove reset flag, and wait on its rising edge elsif (ce0_old = "01") then --rising edge of SS, we should read the data adc_reset<='1'; pwm_en_p(1 to 3)<=dat_reg(126 downto 124); pwm_en_n(1 to 3)<=dat_reg(123 downto 121); --11 bit pwm TODO: make it generic pwm_match(1)(pwm_width-1 downto 0)<=dat_reg(66 downto 56); pwm_match(2)(pwm_width-1 downto 0)<=dat_reg(55 downto 45); -- 12 + 11 Unused pwm_match(3)(pwm_width-1 downto 0)<=dat_reg(42 downto 32); income_data_valid<='1'; end if; end process; clock_monitor: process (pll_clkout, gpio_clk, clkmon_dly1, clkmon_wdg, clkmon_fail_next) begin if pll_clkout'event and pll_clkout = '1' then clkmon_dly1 <= gpio_clk; clkmon_dly2 <= clkmon_dly1; if clkmon_dly1 = '0' and clkmon_dly2 = '1' then clkmon_wdg <= 6; clkmon_fail_next <= '0'; elsif clkmon_wdg > 0 then clkmon_wdg <= clkmon_wdg - 1; clkmon_fail_next <= '0'; else clkmon_wdg <= 0; clkmon_fail_next <= '1'; end if; clkmon_fail <= clkmon_fail_next; end if; end process; async_rst: process (gpio_clk, reset_async, reset_sync) begin if reset_async = '1' then failsafe <= '1'; elsif gpio_clk'event and gpio_clk = '1' then failsafe <= next_failsafe or reset_sync; end if; end process; sync_rst: process (gpio_clk, reset_async) begin if gpio_clk'event and gpio_clk = '1' then reset_sync <= reset_async; end if; end process; end behavioral;