[[!meta title="Adámek Martin"]] Assignment ====== **Project name and homepage:** [Nette Framework](http://nette.org) Nette is open source framework for creating PHP web applications. It has its own templating system called Latte. One of Latte's features is support for macros. There are user defined macros and system macros. n:ifcontent is one of newly added in recently released version (Nette 2.1). This macro is used to conditionally render a HTML container (e.g. <div>) based on its content (it will render the container only if is not empty). There is a problem with current implementation: if the content of container consist only of non-printable characters (like EOL, tabs, spaces), it is also rendered. My goal is to fix this issue. Links documenting the results of my work ====== * [Issue link on Github (contains my communication with developers)](https://github.com/nette/nette/issues/1387) * [Git repo with my fork of Nette Framework](https://github.com/B4nan/nette) * [Pull request on Github](https://github.com/nette/nette/pull/1441) * [Latte documentation](http://doc.nette.org/cs/2.1/templating) * [Release note for Nette 2.1.2 (contains my fix)](http://forum.nette.org/en/1450-nette-framework-2-1-2-released) Presentation ========== * [[Presentation of the aim of my work in PDF|adamema4_osp_1.pdf]] * [[Presentation of the results of my work|adamema4_osp_2.pdf]] Ohloh ===== Ohloh profile for adamek [w]:https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/adamek/widgets