[[!meta title="Rochelt Karel"]] **Project name and homepage:** [jEdit](http://jedit.org/) Assignment ====== My goal is to implement the ability to change order of Favorites list from GUI. In current version of jEdit the only way to change the order is by editing a configuration file. I'm going to add a simple drag and drop feature, so users can conveniently change the order of their Favorites. Links documenting the results of my work ====== * [My communication with developers in a public mailing list archive](http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CALy5K9oK30a6F7raL%3DNS6JEeAwjFQwT58gRiw8E-BeCM3FrxHg%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=jedit-devel) * Version control repository with the actual state of my work * My commit in the project repository * Additional supporting material Presentation ========== * [[Presentation of the aim of my work|A4M35OSP.pdf]] * [[Presentation of the results of my work|A4M35OSP2.pdf]] Ohloh ===== Here, I'll fill in the HTML code of the [Ohloh widget][w] showing my KudoRank. [w]:https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/rochekar/widgets