[[!meta title="Rozenberg David"]] **Project name and homepage:** [jEdit](http://www.jedit.org/) Assignment ====== JEdit is a programmer's text editor written in Java. I will try to fix bug [3520572](http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3520572&group_id=588&atid=100588). If you save a file using dialog save-as and pick up a name from form and delete some letters from text-box, the dialog have still focus on old name and asks if you want overwrite that file. For example : I have file test1. Now i use save-as, click on test1 and in text field i remove ending 1 and click save (I want to save file as test). Alert will show up with this sentence : Do you want overwrite test1? Presentation ========== * [[Presentation of the aim of my work and about project in PDF|OSP1.pdf]] * [[Presentation of the results of my work|OSPFinal.pdf]] Links documenting the results of my work ====== * [My communication with developers in a public mailing list archive - Im waiting for response still](https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3600295&group_id=588&atid=100588) * [My patch for bug 3520572](https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3610850&group_id=588&atid=300588) * [Public GIT repository](https://github.com/rozenbergda/jEditProject)