{###############} {# Graphs etc. #} {###############} {% if name %}

Hello, {{ name }}!

{% if counts|length > 0 %}

You've had {% for c in counts %} {%- if counts|length > 1 -%} {%- if loop.last -%} {%- if counts|length > 2 -%} , {% endif %} and {%- elif not loop.first -%} , {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ c[1] }} {% if c[0] == "" %} other beverage {%- else -%} {{ c[0] }} {%- endif -%} {%- if c[1] != 1 -%}s{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} today.

{% endif %}

{% if flavors %}

{% for flavor in flavors %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% else %}

Use your card/token to log in...

{% endif %} {##########} {# Events #} {##########}
{%- macro event_box(title, events, warn_days=999, bad_days=9999) -%} {# Calculate maximum timestamp of all relevant events #} {%- set when = last_events.items() | selectattr(0, 'in', events) | map(attribute=1) | max -%} {%- set days = when | days | default(0) -%}

{{title | capitalize}}

{#- The first item in the list is used as button label, last item in the overview -#} {%- set verb = { "COFFEE_MACHINE_CLEANED": ["cleaned"], "COFFEE_PACK_OPENED": ["opened"], "LAST_COFFEE_PACK_OPENED": ["last opened"], "MILK_CONTAINER_CLEANED": ["cleaned (water)", "cleaned"], "MILK_CONTAINER_CLEANED_WITH_TABLET": ["cleaned (tablet)"], } -%} {% if name -%} {# User logged in - show action buttons #} {%- for event in events %}
({{ last_events[event] | humanize(max_interval="days") if event in last_events else "never" }})
{%- endfor -%} {%- else -%} {# Nobody logged in - show overview with summary times #} {%- if when -%} {{ verb[events[0]]|last }} {{ when | humanize(max_interval="days") }} {%- else -%} never {{ verb[events[0]]|last }} {%- endif -%} {%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}

{{ ("Record
event" if name else "Events") | safe }}:

{{ event_box('coffee machine', ['COFFEE_MACHINE_CLEANED'] ) }} {{ event_box('milk container', ['MILK_CONTAINER_CLEANED', 'MILK_CONTAINER_CLEANED_WITH_TABLET'], warn_days=4, bad_days=7) }}    {{ event_box('coffee pack', ['COFFEE_PACK_OPENED'] ) }}
{##################################} {# User name and chip idnetifiers #} {##################################} {% if name %}

{% for id in identifiers %} {% endfor %}
#{{ id[1] }}
{% endif %}