# Debug and warning codes ------------------------- Errors are managed by the macro MSG_ERR(nbr, string, value) Warnings and Informations are managed by the macro MSG_WAR(nbr, string, value) The format of nbr ++++++++++++++++++++ 16 bits, writen in hexadecimal: 0xtfxx t : 1 -> Error 2 -> Warning 3 -> Information f : 0 -> In file sync.c 1 -> lifegrd.c 2 -> objacces.c 3 -> timer.c 4 -> nmtSlave.c 5 -> nmtMaster.c 6 -> canOpenDriver.c, interrupt.c, variahw.c (errors nb 20 .. 30) 7 -> initObjdict.c 8 -> Maps_module_utilisé.cpp 9 -> pdo.c A -> sdo.c B -> objacces.c D -> user's application E -> user's application F -> user's application xx : a number The format of string ++++++++++++++++++++ A string, ended by a space, whithout a newline The format of value ++++++++++++++++++++ Unsigned 32 bits or less