#!/bin/bash . lib.sh numjobs=" 1 `seq 2 2 10`" main() { if [ "$kvers" = 3.0.4-rt14-00008-gb2052fd -a "$load" = eth -a $traffic != oneatatime ]; then echo "Skipping eth test"; SKIPPED=1; return; fi if [ "$kvers" = 3.4.33-rt47-00004-gc58c9ae ]; then echo "Skipping test"; SKIPPED=1; return; fi;#All frames of these tests are returned as invalid... for i in $numjobs; do cleanupgw lastif=can0 for j in `seq $((i-1))`; do sshgw "if ! ip l show dev vcan$j >/dev/null 2>&1; then ip link add dev vcan$j type vcan && ip link set vcan$j up; fi" sshgw cangw -A -s $lastif -d vcan$j -e -f $(printf %x:C00007FF $((j-1))) -m SET:I:$(printf %x $j).0.0000000000000000 lastif=vcan$j done sshgw cangw -A -s $lastif -d can1 -f $(printf %x:C00007FF $((i-1))) latester -d can0 -d can1 -d can2 -c $COUNT -i 0 $(traffic_and_length 2) -n hops$i done } ADDITIONAL_PLOTS=detail plot_cmds() { if [[ "$1" = detail ]]; then range=0:0.4 echo "set logscale y" echo "set mxtics 5" else range=0.01:1000 echo "set logscale xy" fi cat <<EOF set title "Chained GWs on multiple VCAN interfaces" set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics lw 1, lw 0.5 set xlabel "GW latency [ms]" set ylabel "Latency profile [frames]" plot [$range] [1:$COUNT] \\ EOF lt=1 for i in $numjobs; do echo_plot "\"hops$i-hist.txt\" with lp lt $lt title \"$i GW jobs, $((i-1)) vcans\"" lt=$((lt+1)) done } test_end