#!/bin/bash . lib.sh main() { #Check that the test wasn't skipped. if [ "$(ls -A ../nop-highprio)" ]; then #Otherwise this would create *.txt file and plot.sh and break the automation ln -s ../nop-highprio/*.txt . else SKIPPED=1; return; fi; } ADDITIONAL_PLOTS=detail plot_cmds() { if [[ "$1" = detail ]]; then range=0.0:0.3 else range=0.01:4 echo "set logscale y" fi min=$(head -n 1 len2-msgs.txt | awk '{ print $2 }') cat <<EOF set title "Single GW rule for all messages, no modifications, high (soft)irq task priority" set grid xtics ytics mytics lw 1, lw 0.5 set key left set xlabel "Experiment time [s]" set ylabel "GW latency [ms]" plot [:] [$range] \\ "len2-msgs.txt" using (\$2-$min):(1000*\$14-0.001*\$16) with points title "2 byte messages", \\ "len4-msgs.txt" using (\$2-$min):(1000*\$14-0.001*\$16) with points title "4 byte messages", \\ "len6-msgs.txt" using (\$2-$min):(1000*\$14-0.001*\$16) with points title "6 byte messages", \\ "len8-msgs.txt" using (\$2-$min):(1000*\$14-0.001*\$16) with points title "8 byte messages" EOF } test_end