#!/bin/bash . lib.sh NO_GW_NEEDED=true main() { #Check that the test wasn't skipped. if [ "$(ls -A ../filter)" ]; then #Otherwise this would create *.txt file and plot.sh and break the automation ln -s ../filter/*.txt . else SKIPPED=1; return; fi; } ids="0 $(seq 255 256 2047)" ADDITIONAL_PLOTS=detail plot_cmds() { if [[ "$1" = detail ]]; then range=0:0.6 else range=0.01:100 echo "set logscale y" fi min=$(head -n 1 id-0-msgs.txt | awk '{ print $2 }') cat <<EOF set title "2048 GW rules (one per id, mask 0x7FF), no modifications" set grid xtics ytics mytics lw 1, lw 0.5 set xlabel "Experiment time [s]" set ylabel "GW latency [ms]" plot [:] [$range] \\ EOF lt=1 for i in $ids; do echo_plot "\"id-$i-msgs.txt\" using (\$2-$min):(1000*\$14-0.001*\$16) with points title \"Message id $i\"" lt=$((lt+1)) done } test_end