#!/bin/bash . _lib.sh t() { for i in norm boost; do for budget in 300 1 1000; do if [ $budget -eq 300 -o $DRIVER == "socketcan" ]; then if [ $i != "boost" ] || boost_irq_prio 90; then echo $budget > /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_budget ssh root@${SSH_CONNECTION%% *} 'ping -fs 64000 ${SSH_CONNECTION%% *}' & PID_PING=$! echo 0 1 > $DRIVER-$i-$budget-1000.dat PID_S=`vca_canping -s 1 -b -R FF:$RTPRIO -d $CAN1` vca_canping -m 1 -R FF:$RTPRIO -v -g $DRIVER-$i-$budget -t 1 -d $CAN0 -w 0 -c $COUNT kill $PID_S kill $PID_PING sleep 1 # Wait for remote buffers to become empty fi fi done done } p() { cat <<EOF set title "Round-trip time with ethernet load - ping -fs 64000" set logscale y set grid set xlabel "Time [ms]" set ylabel "Latency profile [messages]" plot [0:] \ "socketcan-norm-300-1000.dat" with lp lt 1 title "Socketcan",\ "lincan-norm-300-1000.dat" with lp lt 2 title "Lincan",\ "socketcan-boost-300-1000.dat" with lp lt 1 title "Socketcan boosted IRQ prio",\ "lincan-boost-300-1000.dat" with lp lt 2 title "Lincan boosted IRQ prio",\ "socketcan-norm-1-1000.dat" with lp lt 1 title "Socketcan netdev\\\\_budget=1",\ "socketcan-boost-1-1000.dat" with lp lt 1 title "Socketcan boosted IRQ prio, netdev\\\\_budget=1",\ "socketcan-norm-1000-1000.dat" with lp lt 1 title "Socketcan, netdev\\\\_budget=1000",\ "socketcan-boost-1000-1000.dat" with lp lt 1 title "Socketcan boosted IRQ prio, netdev\\\\_budget=1000" EOF }