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TORSCHE Scheduling
Toolbox for Matlab

Reference guide

Table of Contents

@graph/criticalcircuitratio.m - finds the minimal circuit ratio of the input graph.
@graph/dijkstra.m - finds the shortest path between reference node and other nodes in graph.
@graph/edge2param.m - returns user parameters of edges in graph
@graph/floyd.m - finds a matrix of shortest paths for given digraph
@graph/graph.m - creates the graph object.
@graph/graphcoloring.m - algorithm for coloring graph by minimal number of colors.
@graph/hamiltoncircuit.m - finds Hamilton circuit in graph
@graph/mincostflow.m - finds the least cost flow in graph G.
@graph/node2param.m - returns user parameters of nodes in graph
@graph/param2edge.m - add to graph's user parameters datas from cell or matrix.
@graph/param2node.m - add to graph's user parameters datas from cell or matrix.
@graph/qap.m - solves the Quadratic Assignment Problem
@graph/spanningtree.m - finds spanning tree of the graph
@graph/tarjan.m - finds Strongly Connected Component
@problem/problem.m - creation of object problem.
@schedobj/get.m - access/query SCHEDOBJ property values.
@schedobj/get_graphic_param.m - gets graphics params for object drawing
@schedobj/set.m - sets properties to set of objects.
@schedobj/set_graphic_param.m - set graphics params for drawing
@task/add_scht.m - adds schedule (starts time and lenght of time) into a task
@task/get_scht.m - gets schedule (starts time and length of time) from a task
@task/plot.m - graphic display of task
@task/task.m - creates object task.
@taskset/add_schedule.m - adds schedule (starts time and lenght of time) for set of tasks
@taskset/alap.m - compute ALAP(As Late As Posible) for taskset
@taskset/asap.m - computes ASAP(As Soon As Posible) for taskset
@taskset/colour.m - returns taskset where tasks have set the color property
@taskset/count.m - returns number of tasks in the Set of Tasks
@taskset/get_schedule.m - gets schedule (starts time, lenght of time and processor) from a taskset
@taskset/plot.m - graphic display of set of tasks
@taskset/schparam.m - returns parameters about schedule inside the set of tasks
@taskset/setprio.m - sets priority (weight) of tasks acording to some rules.
@taskset/size.m - returns number of tasks in the Set of Tasks
@taskset/sort.m - return sorted set of tasks over selected parameter.
@taskset/taskset.m - creates a set of TASKs
alg1rjcmax.m - computes schedule with Earliest Release Date First algorithm
alg1sumuj.m - computes schedule with Hodgson's algorithm
algpcmax.m - computes schedule for 'P||Cmax'problem
algprjdeadlinepreccmax.m - computes schedule for P|rj,prec,~dj|Cmax problem
bratley.m - computes schedule by algorithm described by Bratley
brucker76.m - Brucker's scheduling algorithm
coffmangraham.m - is scheduling algorithm (Coffman and Graham) for P2|prec,pj=1|Cmax problem
cssimin.m - Cyclic Scheduling Simulator - input parser.
cssimout.m - Cyclic Scheduling Simulator - True-Time interface.
cycsch.m - solves general cyclic scheduling problem.
graphedit.m - launch user-friendly editor of graphs able to export and import graphs between GUI and Matlab workspace.
horn.m - computes schedule with Horn'74 algorithm
hu.m - is scheduling algorithm for P|in-tree,pj=1|Cmax problem (can be called on labeled taskset with problem P2|prec,pj=1|Cmax )
ilinprog.m - universal interface for integer linear programming.
iquadprog.m - Universal interface for mixed integer quadratic programming.
listsch.m - Computes schedule by algorithm described by Graham 1966
mcnaughtonrule.m - computes schedule with McNaughtons's algorithm
private/bezier.m - computes points on Bezier curve
randdfg.m - random Data Flow Graph (DFG) generator.
randtaskset.m - Generates set of tasks of random parameters selected from uniform distribution.
satsch.m - computes schedule by algorithm described in [TORSCHE06]
schoptionsset.m - Creates/alters SCHEDULING TOOLBOX OPTIONS structure.
spntl.m - computes schedule with Positive and Negative Time-Lags
xmlsave.m - saves variables to file in xml format.
Webmaster - Jan Dvořák (2004 - 2024)