"; } ?> Other Algorithms

TORSCHE Scheduling
Toolbox for Matlab

TORSCHE – Other Algorithms

TORSCHE is extended with several algorithms and some interfaces to external tools to facilitate develop of scheduling algorithms.

1. List of Algorithms

List of the supplementary algorithms is summarized in the following table.

Scheduling Toolbox solvers settingsschoptionsset
Random Data Flow Graph (DFG) generatorranddfg
Universal interface for ILPilinprog
Universal interface for MIQPiquadprog

Table 10.1. List of algorithms

2. Scheduling Toolbox Options

Lot of scheduling algorithms require extra parameters, e.g. parameters of external solvers. To create Scheduling Toolbox structure containing option parameters use


The function specifies values (V1, V2, ...) of the specific parameters (C1, C2, ...). To change particular parameters use


Parameters of Scheduling Toolbox options are summarized in Table 10.2, “List of the toolbox options parameters”. Defauld values of single parameters are typed in italics.

maxIterMaximum number of iterations allowed.positive integer
verboseVerbosity level.0 = be silent, 1 = display only critical messages, 2 = display everything
strategyStrategy of scheduling algorithm.This parameter is specific for each scheduling algorithm. (e.g. listsch algorithm distinguishes 'EST', 'ECT', 'LPT', 'SPT' or a handler of user defined function)
logfileEnables logfile creation.0 = disable, 1 = enable
logfileNameSpecifies logfile name.character array
Integer Linear Programming (ILP)  
ilpSolverSpecifies internal ILP solver (GLPK [Makhorin04], LP_SOLVE [Berkelaar05], CPLEX [CPLEX04], external).'glpk', 'lp_solve', 'cplex', 'external'
extIlinprogSpecifies external ILP solver interface. Specified function must have the same parameters as function linprog.function handle
miqpSolverSpecifies internal MIQP solver (MIQP [Bemporad04], CPLEX [CPLEX04], external).'miqp', 'cplex', 'external'
extIquadprogSpecifies external MIQP solver interface. Specified function must have the same parameters as function linprog.function handle
solverVerbosityVerbosity level of ILP solver.0 = be silent, 1 = display only critical messages, 2 = display everything
solverTiLimSets the maximum time, in seconds, for a call to an optimizer. When solverTiLim<=0, the time limit is ignored. Default value is 0.double
Cyclic Scheduling  
cycSchMethodSpecifies method for Cyclic Scheduling algorithm.'integer', 'binary'
varElimEnables elimination of redundant binary decision variables in ILP model.0 = disable, 1 = enable
varElimILPSolverSpecifies another ILP solver for elimination of redundant binary decision variables.'glpk', 'lp_solve', 'cplex', 'external'
secondaryObjectiveEnables minimization of iteration overlap as secondary objective.0 = disable, 1 = enable
Scheduling with Positive and Negative Time-lags  
spntlMethodSpecifies an method for spntl algorithm.'BaB' - Branch and Bound, 'ILP' - Integer Linear Programming

Table 10.2. List of the toolbox options parameters

3. Random Data Flow Graph (DFG) generation

This supplementary function allows to generate random Data Flow Graph (DFG). It is appointed for benchmarking of scheduling algorithms.


The function generates Data Flow Graph g, where relation of node (task) to a dedicated processor is stored in g.N(i).UserParam. The first parameter n is the number of nodes in the DFG, m is the number of dedicated processors. Parameter degmax restricts upper bound of outdegree of vertices. Parameter ne is the number of edges.


The function with this parameters generates cyclic DFG (CDFG), where neh is number of edges with user parameter 0 < g.E(i).UserParam <= hmax. Other edges has user parameter g.E(i).UserParam=0.

4. Universal interface for ILP

Universal interface for Integer Linear Programming (ILP) allows to call different ILP solvers from Matlab.

[xmin,fmin,status,extra] = ...

Function ilinprog has the following parameters. Parameter schoptions is Scheduling Toolbox Options structure (see Scheduling Toolbox Options). The next parameter sense indicates whether the problem is a minimization=1 or a maximization=-1. ILP model is specified with column vector c containing the objective function coefficients, matrix A representing linear constraints and column vector b of right sides for the inequality constraints. Column vector ctype determines the sense of the inequalities as is shown in Table 10.3, “Type of constraints - ctype.”.


Table 10.3. Type of constraints - ctype.

Further, column vector lb (ub) contains lower (upper) bounds of variables in specified ILP model. The last parameter is column vector vartype containing the types of the variables (vartype(i) = 'C' indicates continuous variable and vartype(i) = 'I' indicates integer variable).

A nonempty output is returned if a solution is found. Afterwards xmin contains optimal values of variables. Scalar fmin is optimal value of the objective function. Value status indicates the status of the optimization (1-solution is optimal) and structure extra consisting of fields time and lambda. Field time contains time (in seconds) used for solving and field lambda contains solution of the dual problem.

5. Universal interface for MIQP

Universal interface for Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) allows to call different MIQP solvers from Matlab. This function is very similar to function 'ilinprog', described in section Section 4, “Universal interface for ILP”.

[xmin,fmin,status,extra] = ...

Function iquadprog has the following parameters. Parameter schoptions is Scheduling Toolbox Options structure (see Scheduling Toolbox Options). The next parameter sense indicates whether the problem is a minimization=1 or maximization=-1. ILP model is specified with column vector c and square matrix H containing the objective function coefficients, matrix A representing linear constraints and column vector b of right sides for the inequality constraints. Column vector ctype determines the sense of the inequalities as is shown in Table 10.4, “Type of constraints - ctype.”.


Table 10.4. Type of constraints - ctype.

Further, column vector lb (ub) contains lower (upper) bounds of variables in specified MIQP model. The last parameter is column vector vartype containing the types of the variables (vartype(i) = 'C' indicates continuous variable and vartype(i) = 'I' indicates integer variable).

A nonempty output is returned if a solution is found. Afterwards xmin contains optimal values of variables. Scalar fmin is optimal value of the objective function. Value status indicates the status of the optimization (1-solution is optimal) and structure extra consisting of fields time and lambda contains time (in seconds) used for solving and optimal values of dual variables respectively.


In some versions of Matlab, solver miqp [Bemporad04] (see Section Scheduling Toolbox Options) should not find optimal solution in spite of it exists or can find a solution with worst value of objective function. When you have a problem with the solver, please read the miqp solver documentation.


The algorithm requires Optimization Toolbox for Matlab (http://www.mathworks.com/).

6. Cyclic Scheduling Simulator

CSSIM (Cyclic Scheduling Simulator) is a tool allowing to simulate iterative loops in Matlab Simulink using TrueTime tool [Cervin06]. The loop described in a language compatible with Matlab can be transformed into the toolbox structures. In the toolbox the input iterative loop is scheduled using cyclic scheduling (see Cyclic scheduling (General)) and optimized iterative algorithm is transformed into TrueTime code for real-time simulation. The CSSIM operates in three steps: input file parsing (function cssimin), cyclic scheduling (see Cyclic scheduling (General)) and True-Time code generation (function cssimout).

[T,m]=cssimin('dsvf.m');                      %input file parsing

TS=cycsch(T, problem('CSCH'), m, schoptions); %cyclic scheduling

cssimout(TS,'simple_init.m','code.m');        %TrueTime code generation

Input parametr of function cssimin is a string specifying input file to be parsed. The function returns a taskset representing the input algorithm. Extra information about algorithm structure are available in CodeGenerationData structure contained in TSUserParam of the taskset T. Further, the function returns the number of processors, contained in vector m. Function cssimout generates two files, which are used for simulation in TrueTime. The first input parameter specifies a taskset generated using function cssimin, extended with cyclic schedule. The second parameter specifies name of output TrueTime initialization file. The third one specifies name of output TrueTime code of simulated loop.

The language structure of input files is described in the following subsection.

6.1. CSSIM Input File

The input file for CSSIM is compatible with Matlab language but it has a simpler and fixed structure. The file is divided into four parts with fixed order: Processors Declaration, Variables Initialization, Iterative Algorithm and Subfunctions.

  • Processors Declaration: Processors are declared as a structure with fields describing processor parameters. First one is operator assigning an operator in the iterative loop to specific processor. Second one is number representing number of processors. Following two fields (proctime and latency) represent timing parameters of the unit (see section Cyclic scheduling (General)).



    In addition, the simulation frequency for TrueTime can be defined as a structure:


  • Variables Initialization: The aim of this part is to initialize variables and define input and output variable.


    K = 10;
    s2{1} = zeros;
    y = num2cell([1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]);
  • Iterative Algorithm: The input iterative algorithm is described as a loop (for ... end) containing elementary operations (tasks). Each operation is constituted by one line of the loop and can contain only one operation (addition, multiplication, ...).


    for k=2:K-1
        ke(k) = e(k) * Kp;
        s2(k) = c1 + ke(k);
        s3(k) = ifmax(s2(k),umax);
        u(k) = ifmin(s3(k),umin);
  • Subfunctions: The last part contains subfunction called from the iterative algorithm. It usually corresponds to units declared in Arithmetic Units Declaration part. In current version of CSSIM it is used only for simulation of elementary operations. In further version the subfunctions will be also object of the optimization.


    function y=ifmin(a1,a2)

Work on this function is still in progress. The authors will be appreciative of any comment and bug report.

6.2. TrueTime

For time-exact simulation of schedules of iterative loops TrueTime is used. The scheduled algorithm is simulated using TrueTime Kernels. The CSSIM generates two M-files. First one is an initialization code (simple_init.m) which creates a task for the simulation and initialize variables used in the scheduled algorithm. The second one is a code function (code.m) where each code segment corresponds to a task from the schedule. Lets consider an example of digital state variable filter DSVF06, shown as CSSIM code below

function L=dsvf(I)

%Arithmetic Units Declaration


%Variables Declaration
f = 50;
fs = 40000;
Q = 2;
K = 1000;

F1 = 0.0079;   %2*pi*f/fs  ||| ??? 2*sin(pi*f/fs)
Q1 = 0.5;      %1/Q;

%I = num2cell(simout);
I = ones(1,K);

L = zeros(1,K);
B = zeros(1,K);
H = zeros(1,K);
N = zeros(1,K);
FB = zeros(1,K);
QB = zeros(1,K);
IL = zeros(1,K);
FH = zeros(1,K);

%Iterative Algorithm
for k=2:K
    FB(k) = F1 * B(k-1);
    L(k)  = L(k-1) + FB(k);     %L = L + F1 * B
    QB(k) = Q1 * B(k-1);
    IL(k) = I(k) - L(k);
    H(k)  = IL(k) - QB(k);      %H = I - L -Q1*B
    FH(k) = F1 * H(k);
    B(k)  = FH(k) + B(k-1);     %B = F1 * H +B
    N(k)  = H(k) + L(k);        %N = H + L


After processing in CSSIM, as shown above, generated files (simple_init.m and code.m shown bellow) are used in simulation scheme shown in Figure 10.1, “Simulation scheme with TrueTime Kernel block”. Parameter Name of init function is set to simple_init (initialization code).

function simple_init
% This file was automatically generated by CSSIM 

ttInitKernel(1,1,'prioFP');% nbrOfInputs, nbrOfOutputs, fixed priority

data.frequency=220000;    %simulation frequency 
data.reg1=0;    % initialization of variable B
data.reg2=0;    % initialization of variable H
data.reg3=0;    % initialization of variable N
data.reg4=0;    % initialization of variable FB
data.reg5=0;    % initialization of variable QB
data.reg6=0;    % initialization of variable IL
data.reg7=0;    % initialization of variable FH
data.reg8=0;    % initialization of variable L
data.const1=50;    % initialization of constant f
data.const2=40000;    % initialization of constant fs
data.const3=2;    % initialization of constant Q
data.const4=1000;    % initialization of constant K
data.const5=0.007900000000000001;    % initialization of constant F1
data.const6=0.5;    % initialization of constant Q1
period = w/data.frequency;
deadline = period;
offset = 0;
prio = 1;
ttCreatePeriodictask('task1', offset, period, prio, 'code', data);
function [exectime,data] = code(seg,data) 
% This file was automatically generated by CSSIM 

case 1
data.reg4 = data.const5*data.reg1;     % T1
exectime = 3/data.frequency;
case 2
data.reg8 = data.reg8+data.reg4;
ttAnalogOut(1,data.reg8);              % T2
exectime = 0/data.frequency;
case 3
data.reg5 = data.const6*data.reg1;     % T3
exectime = 1/data.frequency;
case 4
data.reg6 = ttAnalogIn(1)-data.reg8;   % T4
exectime = 2/data.frequency;
case 5
data.reg2 = data.reg6-data.reg5;       % T5
exectime = 1/data.frequency;
case 6
data.reg7 = data.const5*data.reg2;     % T6
exectime = 0/data.frequency;
case 7
data.reg3 = data.reg2+data.reg8;       % T8
exectime = 3/data.frequency;
case 8
data.reg1 = data.reg7+data.reg1;       % T7
exectime = 1/data.frequency;
case 9
exectime = -1;
Simulation scheme with TrueTime Kernel block

Figure 10.1. Simulation scheme with TrueTime Kernel block

Result of the simulation is shown in Figure 10.2, “Result of simulation”.

Result of simulation

Figure 10.2. Result of simulation

For more details see CSSIM TrueTime demo in the toolbox. For the simulation the TrueTime tool must be installed.

7. Export to XML

All main objects in TORSCHE can be exported to the XML file format. XML format includes all important information about one or more objects.

XMLSAVE command is used for export to XML for more details see to xmlsave.m.

Webmaster - Jan Dvořák (2004 - 2024)