%% SYSTLC: RPP Target TMF: rpp.tmf MAKE: make_rtw EXTMODE: ext_serial_win32_comm %% Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Czech Technical University in Prague %% %% Authors: %% - Carlos Jenkins %% %% This document contains proprietary information belonging to Czech %% Technical University in Prague. Passing on and copying of this %% document, and communication of its contents is not permitted %% without prior written authorization. %% %% File : rpp_rm48_hdk.tlc %% Abstract: %% Embedded real-time system target file for RM48 HDK target. %% %% This file is the system target file (STF), or target manifest file. %% Functions of the STF include: %% %% - Making the target visible in the System Target File Browser. %% - Definition of code generation options for the target (inherited %% and target-specific). %% - Providing an entry point for the top-level control of the TLC code %% generation process. %% %% References: %% rtw_ug.pdf p. 1129 and _1144_ %selectfile NULL_FILE %assign CodeFormat = "Embedded-C" %assign Language = "C" %assign TargetType = "RT" %assign AutoBuildProcedure = !GenerateSampleERTMain %% TODO: Check applicability of this options %assign SuppressSetEventsForThisBaseRateFcn = 1 %assign InlineSetEventsForThisBaseRateFcn = TLC_TRUE %assign SuppressMultiTaskScheduler = TLC_TRUE %assign ::extMode = CompiledModel.ConfigSet.ExtMode %include "codegenentry.tlc" /% BEGIN_RTW_OPTIONS oIdx = 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'RPP Options'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Category'; rtwoptions(oIdx).enable = 'on'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = 4; % number of items under this category % excluding this one. rtwoptions(oIdx).popupstrings = ''; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = ''; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ''; rtwoptions(oIdx).callback = ''; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = ''; oIdx = oIdx + 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'C system stack size'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Edit'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = '4096'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = 'rppStackSize'; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = 'RPP_STACK_SIZE'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ['Size of the C system stack (in bytes, default 4096).']; oIdx = oIdx + 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'C system heap size'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Edit'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = '4096'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = 'rppHeapSize'; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = 'RPP_HEAP_SIZE'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ['Size of the C system heap (in bytes, default 4096).']; oIdx = oIdx + 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'Model step task stack size'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Edit'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = '2048'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = 'rppModelTaskStack'; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = 'RPP_MODEL_TASK_STACK'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ['Stack size for the model task (in bytes, default 2048).']; oIdx = oIdx + 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'Download compiled binary to RPP.'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Checkbox'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = 'off'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = 'rppDownload'; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = 'RPP_DOWNLOAD'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ['Download code to RPP board after build.']; rtwoptions(oIdx).callback = ''; oIdx = oIdx + 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'Download compiled binary to SDRAM.'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Checkbox'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = 'off'; %%if isunix %% rtwoptions(oIdx).enable = 'on'; %%else %% rtwoptions(oIdx).enable = 'off'; %%end rtwoptions(oIdx).enable = 'off'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = 'rppDownloadToSDRAM'; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = 'RPP_DOWNLOAD_TO_SDRAM'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ['Download the compiled binary to the SDRAM instead of the internal Flash memory.']; rtwoptions(oIdx).callback = ''; oIdx = oIdx + 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'Use OpenOCD to download the compiled binary'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Checkbox'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = 'off'; %%if isunix %% rtwoptions(oIdx).enable = 'on'; %%else %% rtwoptions(oIdx).enable = 'off'; %%end rtwoptions(oIdx).enable = 'off'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = 'rppUseOpenOCD'; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = 'RPP_USE_OPENOCD'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ['Use the OpenOCD to download the compiled binary instead of the Ti DSS Generic Loader.']; rtwoptions(oIdx).callback = ''; oIdx = oIdx + 1; rtwoptions(oIdx).prompt = 'Print model metadata to SCI at start.'; rtwoptions(oIdx).type = 'Checkbox'; rtwoptions(oIdx).default = 'on'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tlcvariable = 'rppPrintMeta'; rtwoptions(oIdx).makevariable = 'RPP_PRINT_META'; rtwoptions(oIdx).tooltip = ['Print model metadata (model name, compilation time and TLC version) at the start of the model.']; rtwoptions(oIdx).callback = ''; oIdx = oIdx + 1; % Configure code generation settings rtwgensettings.BuildDirSuffix = '_rpp'; rtwgensettings.Version = '1'; rtwgensettings.DerivedFrom = 'ert.tlc'; rtwgensettings.SelectCallback = 'rpp_select_callback_handler(hDlg, hSrc)'; END_RTW_OPTIONS %/