%% Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Czech Technical University in Prague %% %% Authors: %% - Carlos Jenkins %% - Michal Sojka %% - Michal Horn %% %% This document contains proprietary information belonging to Czech %% Technical University in Prague. Passing on and copying of this %% document, and communication of its contents is not permitted %% without prior written authorization. %% %% File : rpp_mrmain.tlc %% Abstract: %% Custom TLC file to generate an RPP "main" file. %% %% This file generates the "main" file for the RPP target on top of the RPP %% library and the FreeRTOS operating system. %% %% The mr prefix is standard to mark Multi Tasking main, which is the case. See %% rpp_file_process.m description above for more information about this. %% %% References: %% Example in /rtw/c/tlc/mw/bareboard_mrmain.tlc %selectfile NULL_FILE %function FcnMultiTaskingMain() void %if GenerateSampleERTMain %assign CompiledModel.GenerateSampleERTMain = TLC_FALSE %endif %assign cFile = LibCreateSourceFile("Source", "Custom", "ert_main") %if LibIsSingleTasking() %assign taskCount = 1 %assign firstTask = 0 %else %assign taskCount = numSampleTimes - tid01Eq %assign firstTask = tid01Eq %endif %%%%%%%% %openfile tmpBuf /* Model includes */ #include "%.h" /* RPP runtime includes */ #include "rpp_simulink_runtime.h" %if extMode == 1 /* External mode header file */ #include "ext_work.h" #include #include %endif %closefile tmpBuf % %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %openfile tmpBuf /* Definitions */ #define STEP_SIZE_MILLIS (%*1000.0) #define NUM_TASKS % #define CONTROL_PRIORITY (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1) %% Worker task priority assignment - rate transition block %% requires rate monotonic priority assignment %foreach i = taskCount #define WORKING%_PRIORITY (configMAX_PRIORITIES - %<2 + i>) %endforeach %if extMode == 1 #define EXTMODE_PRIORITY 1 %else #define IDLE_PRIORITY 0 #define EXTMODE_PRIORITY IDLE_PRIORITY /* Extmode not used */ %endif %foreach i = taskCount %assign j = i + firstTask #if (WORKING%_PRIORITY <= EXTMODE_PRIORITY) || (WORKING%_PRIORITY >= CONTROL_PRIORITY) #error Too many tasks. Increase configMAX_PRIORITIES. #endif %endforeach %closefile tmpBuf % %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %openfile tmpBuf typedef struct sub_rate_st { xTaskHandle thread; xSemaphoreHandle sem; } sub_rate_t; %if extMode == 1 static xSemaphoreHandle ext_mode_ready = NULL; %endif static uint32_t steps_control = 0; static uint32_t steps_working[NUM_TASKS]; boolean_t overrun_flag = FALSE; static sub_rate_t sub_rate[NUM_TASKS]; static boolean_t simulationFinished = 0; %closefile tmpBuf % %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %openfile tmpBuf /** * Model step control and overrun detection task. */ void control_task(void* p) { %if !LibIsSingleTasking() uint32_t i = 0; %% Variables used by LibCallSetEventForThisBaseStep (static => zero initialized) static uint32_t taskCounter[NUM_TASKS]; static boolean_t eventFlags[NUM_TASKS]; static boolean_t OverrunFlags[NUM_TASKS]; (void)OverrunFlags; /* Not used in multitasking mode, but required by TLC macro */ %endif steps_control = 0; %if extMode == 1 xSemaphoreTake(ext_mode_ready, portMAX_DELAY); %endif /* Initialize model */ %\ /* Start periodic execution */ static const portTickType freq_ticks = STEP_SIZE_MILLIS / portTICK_RATE_MS; portTickType last_wake_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); %% This condition has been added because of the warning: %% "ert_main.c", line 46: warning #238-D: controlling expression is constant %% caused by the expression (void*) 0 passed to the while statement. The rtmGetStopRequested %% macro is defined to this constant if and only if the GenerateSampleERTMain is not set. So %% The condition is not needed in this case as well. %% %% See /rtw/c/tlc/mw/rtmspecmacs.tlc at line 198. %if !GenerateSampleERTMain while (rtmGetErrorStatus(%_M) == NULL) { %else while (rtmGetErrorStatus(%_M) == NULL && !rtmGetStopRequested(%_M)) { %endif /* Wait until next step */ vTaskDelayUntil(&last_wake_time, freq_ticks); %if !LibIsSingleTasking() /* Mark rates that need to run this time step */ %\ %endif /* Trigger working threads */ %foreach j = taskCount %assign i = j + firstTask %assign s = CompiledModel.SampleTime[i].PeriodAndOffset[0] %assign o = CompiledModel.SampleTime[i].PeriodAndOffset[1] /* Sampling rate %, sample time = %, offset = % */ %endforeach %if LibIsSingleTasking() %assign i = "0" %else %assign i = "i" for (% = %; % < NUM_TASKS; %++) { if (% == 0 || eventFlags[%]) { eventFlags[%] = FALSE; %endif uint32_t step_sem_value = uxQueueMessagesWaiting(sub_rate[%].sem); if (step_sem_value) { %% Commented out so that overrun does stop the whole execution %% rtmSetErrorStatus(%_M, "Overrun"); overrun_flag = TRUE; continue; } xSemaphoreGive(sub_rate[%].sem); xSemaphoreGive(sub_rate[%].sem); %if !LibIsSingleTasking() } } %endif steps_control++; %if extMode == 1 rtExtModeCheckEndTrigger(); %endif } simulationFinished = 1; /* Final step */ %if !LibIsSingleTasking() for (% = %; % < NUM_TASKS; %++) { %endif xSemaphoreGive(sub_rate[%].sem); xSemaphoreGive(sub_rate[%].sem); %if !LibIsSingleTasking() } %endif /* In case of shutdown, delete this task */ vTaskDelete(NULL); } %foreach j = taskCount %assign i = j + firstTask /** * Model step logic execution task for sample time %. */ void working_task%(void *p) { steps_working[%] = 0; while(!simulationFinished) { xSemaphoreTake(sub_rate[%].sem, portMAX_DELAY); /* Sem_val = 1 */ %\ steps_working[%]++; xSemaphoreTake(sub_rate[%].sem, portMAX_DELAY); /* Sem_val = 0 */ } %% /* In case of shutdown, delete this task */ vTaskDelete(NULL); } %endforeach %if extMode == 1 void ext_mode_comm_task(void* p) { drv_sci_set_crlf_conv_en(FALSE); /* Disable CR->CRLF conversion */ % xSemaphoreGive(ext_mode_ready); while (rtmGetErrorStatus(%_M) == NULL && !rtmGetStopRequested(%_M)) { rtExtModeOneStep(rtmGetRTWExtModeInfo(%_M), %, (boolean_T *)&rtmGetStopRequested(%_M)); } rtExtModeShutdown(%); /* In case of shutdown, delete this task */ vTaskDelete(NULL); } %endif /** * Hardware initialization, task spawning and OS scheduler start. */ void main(void) { /* Initialize RPP board */ /* Initialize RPP board */ %if EXISTS(::rpp_ain_present) rpp_adc_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_aout_present) rpp_dac_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_din_present) rpp_din_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_hbr_present) rpp_hbr_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_irc_present) rpp_irc_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_lout_present) rpp_lout_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_mout_present) rpp_mout_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_sdr_present) rpp_sdr_init(); %endif %if EXISTS(::rpp_gio_in_present) || EXISTS(::rpp_gio_out_present) rpp_gio_init(RPP_GIO_PORT_ALL); %endif rpp_sci_init(); %if extMode == 1 rpp_eth_init(); %endif // Speed up the SCI rpp_sci_setup(115200); %if rppPrintMeta %assign model_info = SPRINTF("'%s' - %s (TLC %s)\\r\\n", LibGetMdlPubHdrBaseName(), TLC_TIME, TLC_VERSION) rpp_sci_printk("%"); %endif %if extMode == 1 vSemaphoreCreateBinary(ext_mode_ready); xSemaphoreTake(ext_mode_ready, 0); %endif %foreach j = taskCount %assign i = j + firstTask %assign s = CompiledModel.SampleTime[i].PeriodAndOffset[0] %assign o = CompiledModel.SampleTime[i].PeriodAndOffset[1] /* Initializing the step semaphore of the loop % */ sub_rate[%].sem = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(2, 0); if (sub_rate[%].sem == NULL) { rpp_sci_printk("ERROR: Can not create semaphore for task %.\r\n"); while (1) ; } /* Starting loop % thread for sample time = %s, offset = %s. */ if (xTaskCreate(working_task%, "working_task%", %, NULL, WORKING%_PRIORITY, &sub_rate[%].thread ) != pdPASS) { rpp_sci_printk("ERROR: Cannot spawn working task %.\r\n"); while (1); } %endforeach /* Create tasks to step model and model task */ if (xTaskCreate(control_task, "control_task", %, NULL, CONTROL_PRIORITY, NULL) != pdPASS) { rpp_sci_printk("ERROR: Cannot spawn control task.\r\n"); while (1); } %if extMode == 1 /* External mode */ rtParseArgsForExtMode(0, NULL); if (xTaskCreate(ext_mode_comm_task, "ext_mode_comm_task", 1024, NULL, EXTMODE_PRIORITY, NULL) != pdPASS) { rpp_sci_printk("ERROR: Cannot spawn model task.\r\n"); while (1); } %endif /* Start FreeRTOS Scheduler */ vTaskStartScheduler(); /* We should never get here */ %\ rpp_sci_printk("ERROR: Problem allocating memory for idle task.\r\n"); while (1); } #if configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK == 1 /** * FreeRTOS malloc() failed hook. */ void vApplicationMallocFailedHook(void) { rpp_sci_printk("ERROR: Memory allocation failed.\r\n"); while (1); } #endif #if configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 0 /** * FreeRTOS stack overflow hook. */ void vApplicationStackOverflowHook(xTaskHandle xTask, signed portCHAR *pcTaskName) { rpp_sci_printk("ERROR: Stack overflow : \"%s\".\r\n", pcTaskName); while (1); } #endif %closefile tmpBuf % %%%%%%%% %endfunction