[[!meta title="OCERA Real-Time CAN"]] What is this? ============= A collection of [CAN][wp] related tools developed at [Czech Technical University in Prague][rtime]. The development of these components started in frame of IST-2001 35102 [OCERA][ocera] European project. The access to CAN bus requires supported hardware interface. The project provides CAN device driver for Linux and other embedded environments to gain access to the network. The driver is named [[LinCAN|lincan]]. The common interface to access different CAN interfaces and library to build higher level layers in implemented in Virtual/Versatile CAN API library - [[libVCA|vca]]. [wp]:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controller_area_network [rtime]:http://rtime.felk.cvut.cz/ [ocera]:http://sourceforge.net/projects/ocera/ News ==== * 2010-09-06: New [[ikiwiki]]-based website.