[[!meta title="QCANalyzer (Qt based CAN bus analyze and test tool)"]] QCANalyzer is a tool developed for monitoring of CAN protocol based systems. It supports monitoring and sending of test messages. The program has been realized by Milos Gajdos in a frame of his diploma thesis work. The thesis [document][qcanalyzer_dp] provides description of the analyzer implementation and basic user manual for the program. The program is written in C++ language environment, with use of Qt software development toolkit. The analyzer can connect to CAN bus over TCP/IP CPickle protocol with use of [[VCA|vca]] based CANblaster daemon or can directly open [[LinCAN|lincan]] driver on local system. Source code checkout and build git clone git://qcanalyzer.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/ortcan/qcanalyzer cd qcanalyzer/src qmake-qt4 make [qcanalyzer_dp]:http://support.dce.felk.cvut.cz/mediawiki/images/d/d2/Dp_2008_gajdos_milos.pdf