]> rtime.felk.cvut.cz Git - opencv.git/history - opencv/src/cxcore/cxarray.cpp
fixed other 2 bugs in documentation and cvReleaseMat()
[opencv.git] / opencv / src / cxcore / cxarray.cpp
2010-04-05 vp153fixed other 2 bugs in documentation and cvReleaseMat()
2010-03-15 vp153made cvReshapeMatND more flexible in terms of the outpu...
2010-03-15 vp153fixed cvReshapeMatND + the sample in documentation...
2010-01-19 vp153fixed SWIG-based wrappers build + eliminated some warnings
2010-01-15 vp153fixed cv::cvtColor, cvCalcPCA+cvProjectPCA+cvBackProjec...
2009-11-02 vp153several performance improvements (some SSE3 optimizatio...
2009-07-18 vp153fixed MSVC compile errors and warnings
2009-07-17 vp153fixed cvSetImageROI: signal an error when ROI does...
2009-06-22 vp153new version of KDTree added, KMeans initialization...
2009-06-11 vp153moved matrix-related operations from cxoperations.hpp...
2009-05-01 vp153added new-style histogram functions
2009-04-27 vp153fixed cvReshape & cvReshapeND (thanks to asmwarrior...
2009-04-25 vp153added cv::MatND & cv::SparseMat, cv::Mat step type...
2009-04-01 vp153fixed crash in cvGet*D functions in case of sparse...
2009-03-13 vp153fixed cvReleaseSparseMat
2009-03-03 vp153brand-new cxcore interface & implementation
2008-10-13 vp153fixed GCC 4.3 warnings (and couple of real yet minor...
2007-11-06 vp153fixed cvGetCols (in-place mode)
2006-11-27 vp153retain hdr_refcount value in cvReshape in order to...
2006-09-26 vp153changed "int* idx" to "const int* idx" in multi-dim...
2006-08-03 vp153Make cvSetData and cvRelease work with header-only...
2006-07-03 vp153typo fixed "cvGetMat"->"cvGetMatND"
2005-12-05 vp153cvFree() function is turned to macro. more fixes for...
2005-11-28 vp153numerous small changes to avoid (type&*) construct...
2005-09-23 vp153added initial support for multi(>4)-channel arrays
2005-06-22 vp153various fixes compiler errors and warnings, improved...
2005-06-03 vp153make the code compile and run on EM64T(~AMD64)
2005-05-27 vp153multiple small fixes to avoid some ICC 9.0 remarks
2005-04-25 vp153no message
2005-04-04 vp153small fix in reshape
2005-03-17 vp153no message
2004-10-12 vp153Several optimizations, support for more IPP functions...
2004-08-18 vp153no message