# ========================================================================= # The OpenCV CMake configuration file # # ** File generated automatically, do not modify ** # # Usage from an external project: # In your CMakeLists.txt, add these lines: # # FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV REQUIRED ) # TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MY_TARGET_NAME ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # # This file will define the following variables: # - OpenCV_LIBS: The list of libraries to links against. # # ========================================================================= # ====================================================== # Include directories to add to the user project: # ====================================================== INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIRS_CONFIGCMAKE}) # ====================================================== # Link directories to add to the user project: # ====================================================== LINK_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_LIB_DIRS_CONFIGCMAKE}) # ====================================================== # Link libraries: # ====================================================== SET(OpenCV_LIBS cxcore cv ml highgui cvaux)