Description of Testcases for OMK ================================ Each test resides in a separate directory. The directories can be nested. There is no difference between the tests in different levels of directory structure. Structure of a Testcase ----------------------- A directory contains the testcase if it contains at least one of these files: Makefile.test, runtest. * Testcase Definition: - Makefile.test: testcase commands are in the form of makefile. The test is run by "make -f Makefile.test". - runtest: executable file that runs the test(s). - rules: Specifies the rules this testcase applies to. The syntax of this files is describes in section Rules description. * Testcase Output: Each execution of testcase should produce the following outputs: - Exit status of make or runtest: 0 - the testcase was successfully passed 1 - testcase failed 2 - testcase cannot be executed (e.g. because the needed compiler is not available) - Error message: In the case of error, the file 'error' should contain more detailed description of the error. - stdout and stderr: TODO Rules Description ----------------- If the 'rules' file is contained in the testcase, this file defines a set of Makefile.rules this testcase can be applied to. If there is no rules file, this testcase is applied to all the rules. The rules file contains one line of one of the following forms: * - This selects only one rules file * all: - this selects all the rules files * snip: - this selects all the rules, which contain the given snippet. * python: - The python expression is evaluated. The global namespace contains the following variables: - rules: the name of tested rules - snippets: is of type list and contains the snippet names from which the tested rules are composed. If the expression evaluates as True, the testcase is executed with this rules, otherwise it is not. Example: python: "config_h" in snippets and rules != "rtems"