Documentation for iidtitlepage package

TODO: what is it

Package installation

Put files iidtitlepage.sty and iid-logo.pdf into the root directory of your article, i.e., where your main .tex file is located. The package has a few dependencies, you may either check them in .sty file (\RequirePackage commands) or just keep building your article until you will have no errors left ;).

TODO: installation to system LaTeX?

Package usage

File example.tex shows a complete example on how to use the package.

To import the package, use following


The package has one mandatory argument which is either elsevier or ieee, depending on the publisher of your article.

Then, you need to provide some mandatory information such as title name, authors, year and citation text

% Title.
\title{An example document using \texttt{iidtitlepage} package}

% Authors.
% Unfortunately, we cannot use \author command, since some journal templates require to use a specific macros that might be not compatible with the package.
\IidTitlePageAuthors{Istv\'{a}n M\'{o}dos, Va\v{s}ek Chv\'{a}tal}

% Year of publication.

% How to cite this article. Can be either full-text or, as in this case, a bibtex entry.

You may specify some optional information such as DOI and source code url


After all information is specified, call \IidTitlePage{} to create a title page
