set terminal pdfcairo enhanced size 8cm,4cm lw 1 font "Times-Roman,4pt" set output 'plot.pdf' #set log y set style data histogram set style fill solid border -1 set boxwidth 0.9 set grid set key left reverse Left set xlabel "Different configurations of qdiscs and cangen" set ylabel "Time spent in can\\_send() function [{/Symbol m}s]" # set y2label "Time spent in can\\_send() function [{/Symbol m}s]" set style line 1 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "black" linewidth 1 pointtype 1 set style line 2 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "yellow" linewidth 1 pointtype 1 set style line 3 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "blue" linewidth 1 pointtype 1 set style line 4 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "red" linewidth 1 pointtype 1 set style line 5 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "green" linewidth 1 pointtype 1 set style line 6 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "cyan" linewidth 1 pointtype 1 set style line 7 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "violet" linewidth 1 pointtype 1 set style histogram errorbars gap 1 lw 2 set bars fullwidth set yrange [0:200] # set y2range [0:30] # set y2tics plot \ "test2_plot.dat" using 2:4:6 :xticlabels(1) ls 1 axes x1y1 title "P4; 0 ms", \ "test1_plot.dat" using 2:4:6:xticlabels(1) ls 2 axes x1y1 title "P4; 1 ms", \ "test3_plot.dat" using 2:4:6:xticlabels(1) ls 3 axes x1y1 title "MPC5200; 0 ms", \ "test4_plot.dat" using 2:4:6:xticlabels(1) ls 4 axes x1y1 title "MPC5200; 1 ms", \ "test5_plot.dat" using 2:4:6:xticlabels(1) ls 5 axes x1y1 title "MPC5200; 2 ms";