# # Makefile for the Linux CAN-bus driver. # Written by Arnaud Westenberg email:arnaud@wanadoo.nl # This software is released under the GPL-License. # Version 0.7 6 Aug 2001 # # Changes made by Pavel Pisa pisa@cmp.felk.cvut.cz as preliminary # study for OCERA Real Time CAN/CANOpen project ORTCAN # ########## The following options can be changed ########## ifneq ($(wildcard ./Standalone.mk),) # Standalone make outside of OCERA framework SUBDIRS = src utils all: default .PHONY: dep default subdirs clean cleandepend dirs = src utils default dep clean install: $(foreach dir, $(dirs), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) $@ ; ) else # Build in structure of OCERA framework TOPDIR = $(LINUX_DIR) COMPONENT = CONFIG_OC_LINCAN COMPONENT_NAME = lincan COMPONENT_TARGETS = default ifneq ($(wildcard ../../../../ocera.mk),) include ../../../../ocera.mk dirs = src utils default dep clean install: $(foreach dir, $(dirs), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) $@ ; ) else all: @echo -e "\nTo build LinCAN driver for OCERA framework, ocera.mk file have" @echo -e "to be generated first. Go to ocera/ directory and do 'make', please." @echo -e "If standalone build is required, mark lincan/ by 'touch ./Standalone.mk'.\n" endif endif